Thursday, February 25, 2010

Hoe To Send New Born Message

... Who will win? My 10 widgets

The debate on free digital media from these same there were born. With the emergence of a new platform like the Internet that can reach anywhere in the world and, above all, offering candy to give information at zero cost, the thinkers do not take them long to start discussion: Is the digital journalism less worthy to be free? Can you provide authoritative information and quality without charging? Until the arrival of the crisis seems that the answer could be positive. Without going any further, a major English daily, El Pais, left the payment service on its website, to the small audience compared to its main competitors.

But the crisis has totally changed the picture. The lack of advertisers has led digital media begin to think what to charge for providing service. If not, many are forced to close its sites. The clearest example was the disappearance of Spain last year Soitu. Regarded as a means of reference on the net for quality, Soitu was forced, first, to cut jobs, for months later take the closure.

The news came as a surprise to the entire blogosphere, not slow to react. The director of the environment, Gumersindo Lafuente, said they could not withstand the crisis. José Gordillo blogger compiled all the messages of encouragement / protest the closure of Soitu, highlighting the quality of the environment and the penalty occurs in the blogosphere that sends more than the income statement that the journalism . The specialist digital marketing and online strategy, Jose Llinares, stated that the free information on the Internet was a "utopia."

On a more positive line lies, half a few months of life and I do believe in the free online. In his ideas include, in addition to its prediction that print will disappear in 2025, the importance of blogs and digital media and new tools to provide information. also hide behind the fact that Internet advertising is the only market that has grown over the past two years, while the rest have suffered rapid declines . Thus, it is possible to continue offering quality information on the web, without falling into the temptation of becoming a means of payment.

The debate also exists outside our borders. A few months ago, the prestigious New York Times did a survey of its subscribers to ask if they would be willing to pay each month between 2.5 and $ 5 for access to your website. More recently showed aggressive mogul Rupert Murdoch, who says he is ready to begin charging for the content of their publications . Murdoch to the movement, several publishing groups such as Time Warner or Walt Disney, have begun to evaluate this option as an alternative.

the end, the solution seems should not be neither. Digital journalism is one of its strengths in the free and that should not lose. The most logical thing would be to find a mixed business model, straddling paid daily newspapers and free . Thus, we could say that the information could be provided free of charge, while the opinion and analysis would be paid. But if the main business bosses begin to threaten to charge ... That caught us confessed Internet!


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