Sunday, February 7, 2010

Wants To Buy Lcd Projector

When young people get older lions

After the movement of the neoclassical Winston Marsalis did not think anything interesting came up American jazz. But good in the last decade there have been three musicians to my taste are the vanguard in the international jazz.

Joshua Redman (saxophone), Kurt Rosenwinkel (guitar), Brad Mehldau (piano). But when considering their personal histories as we realize the academic has taken the lead. No one can deny the quality of these musicians. Two of them are graduates of prestigious universities Berklee School of Music in the case of Kurt Rosenwinkel and Joshua Redman at the University of Harvard and Berkeley. But Joshua Redman was also part of the group of Ornette Coleman and Brad Mehldau was a direct student of Jimmy Cobb, following the tradition of
direct legacy in jazz. Analyzing this data gives us the opportunity to see how merging these three people, the juncture between the academic and innovation over tradition.

is no longer crude imitation of the past Marsalis. But Academicism can lead to gentrification of jazz? I think not. There are two main reasons, first rather the decline in the quality of the music more commercial, leading to young musicians in jazz exploration. As noted in the biography of internet portals by Kurt Rosenwinkel portray their love for the Hard Rock of the 80s, but his search took him to Pat Methany.

The second factor is that really the music and all artistic trends recently have heard of "movements", in recent years, rather they are individual efforts that converge on the talents of individuals
insignia. However, these great musicians who today are the vanguard fighting for space with those who were once the "young" musicians who created Miles Devis fusion.

movement in jazz history gets a little slower than we read in books, perhaps because it is easier to see the story into the distance. Only

I have a question.

What's next?. The big changes have always come from outside the university when integrated into society.


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