Sunday, February 7, 2010

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THE JAZZ IN THE USSR and Nazi Germany (comment by Roberto Aymes)

QUESTIONS (Juan Meneses)

Mr Aymes some personal questions.

In Mexico there is little information on the subject ..... and let me know if you know about the following topics, or have recordings that have been made on his program ever:

Jazz in Communist Russia: the only document I know, is the film "We of Jazz" I have tried to investigate Oleg Lundstren, which they say is "the pioneer of jazz in Russia. Some documents speak of sentences that were said in the Stalinist bureau, as "cultural imperialism" but ....¿ jazz could develop freely in Russia during that period? Reached what level? the only information I found online is this: This page lists some musicians, but are in Russian lincks (literally). Do you have some sound files?? or know something about it??

The second issue that I confused her a little, is to the Jazz in the second world war. As I recall, the Nazi propaganda minister Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels said that jazz was heavily Jewish and black music, and therefore decadent. (EXAMPLE However, the next page speaks of prisoners of war and Germans playing swing. And other documents and films put the generals of the SS, listening or dancing Swing.Por other hand, were created "ambassadors of goodwill" and even that Dizzy was one of them ... but as I recall it was after . Sorry for the questions but: What

important jazz musicians have fought in the front?, Why the great masters of Be-Bop did not go to war? Or were they? Does jazz was banned in Nazi Germany? If you know some of those issues could I answer?.

ANSWER (Roberto Aymes)

are very interesting questions which I am now about to leave for a tour of Europe and will take to find something more about it. In Mexico there is little information about anything .. course about jazz! There was a lot jaz

under the communist regime, not only in the former Soviet Union, but in all countries covering the regime, Oleg Lundstren is a good source. but not Russian .. at least by birth. The freedom to run and teaching, at least Stalin was not easy, but if developed and we see today in almost 30 years I've been at the forefront of the Jazz Panorama I have conveyed, especially in its historical moment, both artists and the historical part of the jazz behind the Iron Curtain. "

The German National Socialists (Nazis), was also a question of rifarse .. literally, life for playing jazz, in my series I have also stated this, even very recent Jewish Jazz spent that time (1935-1945), with actors who in some cases lost life which is music to them. Goebbels .. the so-called architect of the party, even made a "Decalogue" against the jazz specifically, whether with handwriting did not realize it, it was made clear in the early Aryans of the same party. There were many cases of German soldiers, that being in contact, in concentration camps or in ghettos with jazz entusistas showed their artistic side and performed the music, hidden from their Partizaner .. some of this can be seen, but in relation to classical music in Polanski's film "The Pianist" three years ago.

Although there has not been much promotion for musicians Jazz in the war front, always have been. In the first war, in the second world, in Korea, Viet Nam and so far in recent times as the Gulf and Iraq, the same son of Abraham Laboriel, who is currently playing with Paul McCartney in the Gulf Etuve fortunately not active. In a name I remember this, are the Heat brothers, Percy of the Modern Jazz Quartet bassist belonged to air force squadron in Japan duarante World War II, who was famous for intercept and shoot down more enemies than all the armies' white '.. well, until there is a movie about his brother Jimmy was also still living in Infants Navy and received the Purple Heart for being wounded in combat (both musicians in the movement of be-bop). There were many cases of deaths in combat, but as jazz has been important for the United States, nor that blacks die in wars .. I can tell, most memorable stories are in talks and opportunities to play with these great musicians and I've been fortunate to do in my career as a jazz musician. Le

back to comment that many times I have spent these facts in my radio program, illustrated with musical examples and not just aimed at jazz gringo but to Europe and also in his time at Japanese, Russian, Hungarian, Polish etc. etc. .. good at 'Gypsy', although they belong by birth to several countries, they are called Gypsies first.

I give an interesting fact, the English magazine "Cuadernos de Jazz" in its first issues were many articles on the history of jazz, performed by serious researchers, I wish to access your site to look, now the magazine is more focused on things very, very superfluous in this specialty. Affectionate greetings

Roberto Aymes


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