Sunday, February 7, 2010

Subliminal Messages In Icarly Shows

Aymes reply to Bud Powell Schizophrenia

Born in Harlem in 1924, Bud was a child prodigy. At seven years, neighbors musicians took him with them so that others could admire his playing. Ten years after he contacted the pianist Thelonious Monk. He made his first recordings at nineteen.

In 1945, at 21, the police beat him after helping his friend and mentor Monk who had been molested. He was taken to Bellevue Hospital to recognize him, and wrote in the book of entries in the box Profession: Pianist and composer of more than 1,000 songs. " To which, the doctor who examined him wrote: "Delusions of grandeur", and put a straitjacket. In fact, at that time, he was working with Cootie Williams, a well-known gang leader. He spent most of the year recovering in the hospital, suffered unbearable headaches, seizures, and erratic behavior.

A month later started the first of his many stays in a mental facility. The treatments received at these facilities come to consume almost a quarter of his life, and over the years, gradually diminished his genius and talent.
In 1947, shortly after having made "Celia", a tribute to his daughter, was admitted for 11 months and gave him electric shocks first.

was arrested again in 1951 charged with possession of narcotics, was admitted to Pilgrim State Hospital for another 11 months and suffered more electric shocks. During this time, only allowed to play the piano once a week, supervised by an assistant. Again, the result was a serious loss of memory. When Monk visited him, he could hardly have been with Monk recalled the night of his arrest. When he gave the details, said: "These electro-shock treatments have made me forget all that."

He was subsequently transferred to Creedmore mental hospital where he remained until 1953. The deterioration of his ability gradually affected his music. Touching the old standard themes, it was clear that his joint was suffering: failed in many places.

Powell was also having frequent health problems. By continuing deterioration of their health, over formándosele tuberculosis in both lungs. However, still struggling to create music act, moved to France in 1959 where he received a glorious reception. Here his friend Francis Paudras found that co-Powell gave each day a little pink pill surreptitiously.

turns out that these pills were the strong tranquilizer Largactil, commonly known as Thorazine and as a "chemical lobotomy" or "chemical straitjacket." When mixed with alcohol, causes "dangerous oversedation." It can also cause agitation, drowsiness, and Tardive Dyskinesia, a condition characterized by involuntary movements of the tongue, face, mouth and jaw movements.

still playing, despite all this, in 1965 Powell was swollen, staring, and shuffled, revealing his intoxicated. His health continued to deteriorate rapidly. He died on August 16, 1966 as a result of a combination of liver failure, tuberculosis and malnutrition. Five thousand people lined the streets of Harlem to bid farewell funeral procession



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