Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Paint Dried Dark Lines

essential ... How

The blog not only is the text you enter and, as we always say, should be as interesting, which captures the user to surf the net. In addition, our site should have a number of elements could be called decorative, to enhance our text and give a better appearance. Then I will discuss the ten that, for me, would be essential. There are those who are (impossible), but my top ten of widgets would be:

10) Recent Comments: good tool to have, at first glance, recent comments have left users (or yourself) on the blog. Above all is a service for your audience, and that the comments will also come to your inbox.

9) Calendar : put in The blog would serve two functions. First, obviously we know on what day. But the role would be the other (assuming we all know the day we live, and if not, we have the clock / calendar for the launch bar). Each day of a ticket to enter, will be marked on it. Thus, the user can navigate throughout the year and see the old entries.

8) Slideshare: This program might not work for everyone, but I loved it. We have done many Power Points throughout the race, we love to Slideshare give us the opportunity to upload them to our blog.

7) Youtube / Vimeo : what can I say Youtube again. We all know him. Vimeo is another site, less known, but it allows you to upload longer videos. Introducing the html code that is in the videos that we like, we can join our site.

6) Creative Commons: Creative Commons licenses allow us to restrict the use of our blog (especially images and video) at our discretion. There you can choose to share our content with no restrictions or put the number of "barriers" that we want. Important and then not take disappointment, as not all web content is free.

5) Blogroll : This tool allows us to take our blog links to other websites / blogs you want to highlight. As I said in the post positioning, link to other users with similar tastes to yours is a way to improve our web traffic.

4) Delicious : introducing a delicious ping our web site, each user can add to your delicious particular post that interests you. Delicious 2.0 is a tool that serves as storage sites. With it, you'll reach one-click information that you liked most.

3) Twitter : with this widget any updates that you upload to your Twitter will appear on your blog instantly. This marks another parameter to the good position: the use of social networks, which both have become fashionable in recent times.

2) Flickr: The main image hosting site. From there you can get good pictures for your posts, while sharing with the rest of the network your personal photos. You can also upload and share videos, but is best known for the former.

1) Hit Counter: more important than many believe. My recommendation particular is Sitemeter. In addition to keeping track of visitors, meet many interesting sights as the place of origin of the same, the duration, the site from which they come ...


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