Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Enameling Jewellery Concept

Digital journalism: The future is here

digital journalism, according to Ramon Salaverria, is " the specialty of journalism that uses cyberspace to research, produce and, above all, spread news content." In short, Internet journalism. With the rise in recent years the network of networks, the newspapers (and journalists) have had to find ways to adapt to a new social reality that has made them rethink their own principles. As occurred in the past, with improvements in transportation or the appearance of the printing press, telephone, cinema, radio or television media media have had to evolve with the emergence of a new medium. And this, is it good or bad? Then we will try to find out whether the Internet is beneficial or detrimental to the evolution of journalism.

The primary advantage of digital journalism is constantly updated. On the network you have, at the time, the information you want without waiting for the paper edition of the newspaper the next day. This, and free content are the main pitfalls is the traditional newspaper to fight against digital. A gratuity is presented as a benefit for the consumer, but it has been a headache for major newspapers in our country. One of the leading paper, El Pais , bet at the time by the paid content on the net, taking a serious wallop. Despite having abandoned that position for some time, even today are paying the toll, many users prefer other means because they keep believing that The Country . Com charges.

Another advantage is the digital journalism multimedia. Internet is mixed in letter, sound and image. You can read a deep article or report, enjoy beautiful photographs and videos or listen to voice cuts you want. This directly affects the journalist, who has moved from a pen to have to deal with cameras in video Photoshop software or programs such as Avid assembly.

And what is the role of journalists in this new environment? The journalist of today must know how to handle, as I said before, all kinds of tools that a journalist of the twentieth century would leave him speechless. If not, is doomed to failure or to sell hamburgers at the Burger Donalds on duty. However, here we find a problem with the evolution of online journalism: the intrusion.

With blogs and other possibilities offered by Web 2.0, anyone can get into the role of a journalist. Moreover, we are tired of seeing the most visited blogs in this country, they sign (Not write it) or characters like Indhira Kiko Hernández. However, this was the case in recent years with television, so do not think it was a problem that was brought into journalism. In this sense, I'll take the positive side, ie the fact that a tourist spot to record an unforeseen event (eg, the impact of an airplane into the World Trade Center) and at the moment is uploaded to the network via Youtube. This is an image that otherwise could not have.

and journalists themselves, how have you changed to this new scenario? First, adding a section to them: the Internet. Templates of traditional and online media are usually different, which does not mean that the latter took some of the first firms to gain in prestige. And above all, change has been promoting the digital medium. After the onset, in the online newspaper was received with great fear, the leading newspaper in this country have realized that they can not fight evolution and the future is no longer in the press of paper, which left few years, but in digital media.

In conclusion, we should be that digital or electronic journalism is another stage in the history of journalism, such as the rise of new technologies in society. The future is here, but will not stop. What today we are living like a pipe dream ten or twenty years. Similarly, in fifty or a hundred years, who knows how journalism will have evolved ...


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