Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Dd Green Green Episode 13 (ova)

The importance of good positioning

The SEO (Search Engine Optimizer , in English "Search Engine Optimizer") provides very useful for those who want to run your website on the net, changing both the page layout as content. A good value for the web can take to reach very high positions within search engines (Google, Yahoo, etc..), And therefore receive Most visits.

As I said before, a SEO must make certain changes to the website if you want to reach top positions in search engines. These changes have to be a level of contents, captions, tags, html codes and design, among others, to get search engines to easily navigate our site. However, we must not fall into the trap of thinking that the more complex our website can achieve a better position. Quite the contrary: the simpler, easier to navigate, and will therefore increase the accessibility to both search engines and for the visitor.

Once explained (sort of) what is the SEO, we give some advices to improve our website position in major search engine operators:

1) Get link to other websites of similar theme to yours . To do this we must perform a search for those terms that we believe will bring traffic to the web. If, for instance, a local news site, we should be linked to other local news sites (other than our city).

2) to internal pages on our site so clear and orderly. A good sitemap step will allow us to search through the different sections of our website in an orderly fashion, thereby improving visibility.

3) Update page quality original content.

4) Create content with texts containing phrases that web users seek the services of our site . The key words are essential for search engines. If our web sell shirts of football teams, the words "T", "football" and each team whose shirt sold will be key to position the web engine search. So when someone wants to buy a shirt of a particular computer, our site appears in a privileged position.

5) Creating titles and descriptions relevant content of each page. The Title Description and are the starting points for the identification of relevant terms over the web by search engines. Therefore, we must be clear and concise in these paragraphs to get a good position relative to our competitors.

6) Making the web accessible as possible . Limit flash content , frames or javascript that do not allow the tracing / tracking information from the search engine.

7) The content and title are the most important . If we have a good content, but do nothing for SEO, the website would be at the Top Ten , but not in the first place. To reach the top we use originality, common sense and, above all, the ability to adapt to user requests. Relevance when the user will find what you need on our website.

8) Register in directories such as Dmoz or Yahoo . Although they have lost interest in the directories to search engines, are still a good starting point for links.

9) Register and participate in forums with topics related to the activity on your web . Regular participation in these forums we will have a presence in the discussions relating to activities of interest to our visitors. If the rest of foreros us as a qualified user, the number of visits to the web will increase and, therefore, the search engine rankings better.

10) Using social networks. Facebook, or Twitter Tuenti are hot. If we can manage with success in these communities, our "friends" visit our website and, again, the position we occupy in the search engines will be higher.


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