Sunday, February 7, 2010

Diagram Of Engine Ofpower Boat

As I won the Saxophone Ravi Coltrane

to truth is that if I had not come to Mexico just know by Ravi Coltrane. If anything I'm proud of is my collection records and recordings of jazz albums but I have no where Ravi Coltrane play or as a partner or solo. However, the emizora Horizonte with concert promoter who has brought several musicians to Mexico gave away a saxophone answering a lukewarm about Ravi Coltrane.

I always wanted a saxophone and due to the costs of "metals" could never buy one. So why not participate so I saw the questions and look online.

If it turns out that Ravi is the son of Alice Coltrane and John Coltrane "a Junior", is his first album was sponsored by former friends of his father. (So I found the first question.) The boy has been dedicated not only to exploit el nombre de su padre, tocando el mismo instrumento que el, sino que ha participado en recopilaciones de discos de grabaciones de su padre. (Encontre la segunda respuesta). La tercera pregunta era sobre porque Ravi Coltrane se quiso retirar de la música a cierta edad. Bueno encuentro la lamentable muerte de su hermano que tambien se llamaba John Coltrane y que también era saxofonista. Tal vez parezca insensible pero parece muy conveniente que en una familia de uno de los mejores saxofonistas de la historia todos los hijos sigan el mismo camino y que la esposa ocupe toda su vida el nombre de casada pese a que ya es viuda.

Bueno gané el saxofón al recogerlo en la estación de Radio. El locutor me pregunta -¿Quien es tu saxofonista Favorite? - I answer that depends on the historical period that is pre Coleman Hawkins bop, bop that is
Parker in the Post Bop John Coltrane and today is Joshua Redman. By Ravi commitment just said but the truth emerges nothing to do with the height of musicians, Joshua if I win the contest by Thelonius Monk merits and changed the rhythmic concept of the melody in improvisation.

Well they gave me the Ravi Coltrane saxophone is actually a curved soprano (saxophone I ever wanted is a tenor). The sax is autographed I can not deny it's nice. However I can not say that Ravi Coltrane is good, why? Because I have not heard ..... ja. The truth now I have wanted to hear but only because I have his saxophone. I think there is one who has made history Coltrane.

What did I do when I get home?. Playing guitar and hear an album by Joshua Redman.


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