Thursday, February 25, 2010

Hoe To Send New Born Message

... Who will win? My 10 widgets

The debate on free digital media from these same there were born. With the emergence of a new platform like the Internet that can reach anywhere in the world and, above all, offering candy to give information at zero cost, the thinkers do not take them long to start discussion: Is the digital journalism less worthy to be free? Can you provide authoritative information and quality without charging? Until the arrival of the crisis seems that the answer could be positive. Without going any further, a major English daily, El Pais, left the payment service on its website, to the small audience compared to its main competitors.

But the crisis has totally changed the picture. The lack of advertisers has led digital media begin to think what to charge for providing service. If not, many are forced to close its sites. The clearest example was the disappearance of Spain last year Soitu. Regarded as a means of reference on the net for quality, Soitu was forced, first, to cut jobs, for months later take the closure.

The news came as a surprise to the entire blogosphere, not slow to react. The director of the environment, Gumersindo Lafuente, said they could not withstand the crisis. José Gordillo blogger compiled all the messages of encouragement / protest the closure of Soitu, highlighting the quality of the environment and the penalty occurs in the blogosphere that sends more than the income statement that the journalism . The specialist digital marketing and online strategy, Jose Llinares, stated that the free information on the Internet was a "utopia."

On a more positive line lies, half a few months of life and I do believe in the free online. In his ideas include, in addition to its prediction that print will disappear in 2025, the importance of blogs and digital media and new tools to provide information. also hide behind the fact that Internet advertising is the only market that has grown over the past two years, while the rest have suffered rapid declines . Thus, it is possible to continue offering quality information on the web, without falling into the temptation of becoming a means of payment.

The debate also exists outside our borders. A few months ago, the prestigious New York Times did a survey of its subscribers to ask if they would be willing to pay each month between 2.5 and $ 5 for access to your website. More recently showed aggressive mogul Rupert Murdoch, who says he is ready to begin charging for the content of their publications . Murdoch to the movement, several publishing groups such as Time Warner or Walt Disney, have begun to evaluate this option as an alternative.

the end, the solution seems should not be neither. Digital journalism is one of its strengths in the free and that should not lose. The most logical thing would be to find a mixed business model, straddling paid daily newspapers and free . Thus, we could say that the information could be provided free of charge, while the opinion and analysis would be paid. But if the main business bosses begin to threaten to charge ... That caught us confessed Internet!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Paint Dried Dark Lines

essential ... How

The blog not only is the text you enter and, as we always say, should be as interesting, which captures the user to surf the net. In addition, our site should have a number of elements could be called decorative, to enhance our text and give a better appearance. Then I will discuss the ten that, for me, would be essential. There are those who are (impossible), but my top ten of widgets would be:

10) Recent Comments: good tool to have, at first glance, recent comments have left users (or yourself) on the blog. Above all is a service for your audience, and that the comments will also come to your inbox.

9) Calendar : put in The blog would serve two functions. First, obviously we know on what day. But the role would be the other (assuming we all know the day we live, and if not, we have the clock / calendar for the launch bar). Each day of a ticket to enter, will be marked on it. Thus, the user can navigate throughout the year and see the old entries.

8) Slideshare: This program might not work for everyone, but I loved it. We have done many Power Points throughout the race, we love to Slideshare give us the opportunity to upload them to our blog.

7) Youtube / Vimeo : what can I say Youtube again. We all know him. Vimeo is another site, less known, but it allows you to upload longer videos. Introducing the html code that is in the videos that we like, we can join our site.

6) Creative Commons: Creative Commons licenses allow us to restrict the use of our blog (especially images and video) at our discretion. There you can choose to share our content with no restrictions or put the number of "barriers" that we want. Important and then not take disappointment, as not all web content is free.

5) Blogroll : This tool allows us to take our blog links to other websites / blogs you want to highlight. As I said in the post positioning, link to other users with similar tastes to yours is a way to improve our web traffic.

4) Delicious : introducing a delicious ping our web site, each user can add to your delicious particular post that interests you. Delicious 2.0 is a tool that serves as storage sites. With it, you'll reach one-click information that you liked most.

3) Twitter : with this widget any updates that you upload to your Twitter will appear on your blog instantly. This marks another parameter to the good position: the use of social networks, which both have become fashionable in recent times.

2) Flickr: The main image hosting site. From there you can get good pictures for your posts, while sharing with the rest of the network your personal photos. You can also upload and share videos, but is best known for the former.

1) Hit Counter: more important than many believe. My recommendation particular is Sitemeter. In addition to keeping track of visitors, meet many interesting sights as the place of origin of the same, the duration, the site from which they come ...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Wordings For Inviting Friends

let you know on the Internet?

Let's be honest. On the Internet, if you're not a public personality, I read your blog and your friends are few people. Sometimes, even that. What can we do to attract readers to our blog, we who are anonymous characters? First, writing about interesting, accurate and verified information (more than anything I say because I am a journalist, because then people, what more he reads, is gossip). In short: get the most benefit to our blog, updating it as many times as possible. But, in addition to this, it should be part of a community of blogs.

communities blogs are web sites where you can find blogs, categorized thematically or interest profiles. Thus, the user can easily access a blog on a topic that interests you. In turn, the blogger may include your blog in the theme you want, so anyone who wants to read about the subject he writes may access your site, although not known.

Every blog community has a different function, but in the background are quite similar. We will take as example three Hispanic communities of blogs (Weblogs , blogosphere and Blogalia ). Journals

: takes into account the links received by post, as the votes cast by users. Their methodology can be summed up in the sum total of points in a post is determined by links from blogs (the system detects when a blog or a web link to another registered and the votes of users ( each user, when entering a registered blog, can assess, from 1 to 5 points, the quality of the site.)

blogosphere: pretend blogs with few visits, very interesting and well done may appear in the first place if it curran. Operation is as follows: to insert an entry in your blog and click on their logo updater will automatically update the blogosphere and your site will appear in first position. In this way, visitors better visualize your latest posts and be much easier for you to visit. In addition, they feed that information to automatically launch the most important search engines of the Internet: Google, Technorati, Weblogs ...

Blogalia : it is the oldest and "crude" of the three communities that we take as an example. Born in 2002 as the first English-language blogging community network. Its design is far from the other two. Your directory is organized by theme, so finding a blog about a particular topic is quite expensive. Possibly for this reason, they have no new blog since November.

In conclusion, we understand that our own, we are nobody on the internet, so that blog communities are a perfect tool to help us in making us known. Through them, readers can not only visit seeking information on topics that we write, but we will also contact other bloggers with similar interests to ours.

Finally, the big question we all ask is: With this you can make money? Difficult. It depends, as I said at the beginning of the post, the quality you have your blog. If you can make an original blog that appeals to people (with a high number of visits), it is possible that any platform can buy your domain and you earn some money. The other option, which is also necessary to have a well-crafted blog is that you pay directly for blogging. In most places they do for tickets issued and incentives. But this can only currártelo. If not, people prefer to read and Indhira Kikos.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Why Does My Semen Smell Fishy


But religion is not the only superstition or unique expression of irrationality, things against which there are the rational wing atheists say, so these are not necessarily homophobic. NEVER consider homosexuality UNNATURAL OR IMMORAL, ONLY immature. DO YOU DOUBT ME? LOOK AROUND AT THE SPEED OF GAY PRIDE. MATURE MEN ARE THESE EXCEL FOR YOU? Hand in Hand, HOW CHILDREN LOST? "KISSING GIRLS AS pubescent?
Luis Arbaugh: Most humans are immature, cheesy and stupid, homosexuals are not safe to be human. If you do not believe it, plus look at the gay pride parade, watch the procession of the lord of the miracles, the feast of tomato, bullfights, soccer finals, and many more.
Not all homosexuals are effeminate, so do not be looking homosexuality and effeminacy.
I also believe that effeminacy is stupid, but this caused not homosexuality but the humanity of their owners.

The cause of effeminacy is the alignment, is the momentum of the weak souls to fit into a socially acceptable role. So much swollen, so much nationalistic pride of his class, his name, his skin color so much gay and straight people that worth a little like themselves, trying to move in with a group improved to create better than another.
effeminate gays try to fit into the female role, and be less rare and play be a little more straight, they can not fully accept that a man should be with another man. So that homosexuals are gay homophobes. Not all homosexuals are effeminate. Without fear we ventured deeper into an alien world to heterosexuality, an all-male world. Where fully dispensed with the feminine.
But you must understand the effeminate (not homosexuality) as an immaturity caused by discrimination.
discrimination output passes through three stages, first the discrimination is not considered normal human or (and women were considered before the Jews blacks, poor etc) on the second floor fight for a second-place in society It is normal given their battered self-esteem. At this stage, it is human but a human of lesser value, low self-esteem has also alienated the model of inferiority complex (the women agree to be emotional just ignorant housewives etc, black dancer or player accepts being gay etc and agree to be crazy, hairdressers, funny, quirky, little demand for them can provide. the inferiority complex makes them interested in fashion clothing. I called fashion and other nonsense. Things will never fill the emptiness of their self-esteem damaged.
In a third and final stage, the discriminated group manages to be like everyone else . Without a defined role may be what you want to be.
This according to the maturity of society. But each individual according to their degree of development and self-esteem can be in one of these stages.

Since when natural is moral? The moral is even artificial event. Morality is an impediment to natural impulses as not all are good. Nature is amoral.
Contrary to what you say, gay passes teenage bisexuality or heterosexuality or homosexuality mature early in its maturity. As it grows it will leaving heterosexuality.

never understood why a weak man could not marry STRONG WOMAN AND START A HAPPY MARRIAGE.
Luis Arbaugh: not all gays are weak, and there are plenty of heterosexual weak. I weigh 100 kilos and I'm pretty strong, not just physically. Also among gay men is a culture that nurtures and values \u200b\u200bthe manly strength. The best example is the culture bear or bears that development is an expression of homosexuality to the third stage of complete emancipation. The "bears" are part of the competence regardless of hetero model, only in highly developed societies appears. Fortunately, in Lima years ago and organized there is a large bear culture.

Luis Arbaugh: Homosexuals are not synonymous with pedophile, because the vast majority of acts committed by heterosexual pedophiles. If that argument were sound should be prohibited from adopting heterosexual.

Luis Arbaugh: They do not. Although they have the same duties. Homosexuals do not claim other rights, but the same.

CHILDREN RAISED IN A homoerotic become shy, furtive and ashamed, when away from home. BY NO TALK OF DEFEAT OF MAIN RECEIVING classmates. SOCIAL ISOLATION OF CHILD GET IN A NORMAL DEVELOPMENT, MATURITY healthy, happy and leads to frustration, DRUG ABUSE AND CRIME.
Luis Arbaugh: Investigations of children raised by couples of men and women have shed are as healthy as others. And much healthier than non-adopted.
Refrain from children for fear of discrimination as discrimination for fear of discrimination. In that case they could have children and rich straight white men. Not affect the machismo of racism, homophobia and social discrimination

Luis Arbaugh: Homophobia is a mental retardation.

Luis Arbaugh, Is there not straight both in the asylums or in nature?

Luis Arbaugh: The Medical College of Psychiatrists, Psychologists, after thorough studies do not consider homosexuality to disease, while millions remain prejudiced and ignorant even believe it.

Luis Arbaugh: Most people in monasteries and Seminars are unwelcome homosexual tormented by his homosexuality to take them to hell, try to punish others. In general, the homophobes are struggling more with his own homosexuality and paranoid culpable than the others.

If we allow homosexuals to be teachers and parents, youth will PRINTING OF HOMOSEXUAL Exhibitionism JUST ANOTHER FORM OF DIVERSION PHYSICALLY AND OVERWEIGHT or cigars.
Luis Arbaugh: You do not have a teacher for their children to Socrates, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Whitgestein, Prust, Humboldt, and a long list of gay geniuses from being a bad example?

Luis Arbaugh: That was said before the Jews. And surely today atheists

Luis Arbaiza

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Digital journalism: The future is here

digital journalism, according to Ramon Salaverria, is " the specialty of journalism that uses cyberspace to research, produce and, above all, spread news content." In short, Internet journalism. With the rise in recent years the network of networks, the newspapers (and journalists) have had to find ways to adapt to a new social reality that has made them rethink their own principles. As occurred in the past, with improvements in transportation or the appearance of the printing press, telephone, cinema, radio or television media media have had to evolve with the emergence of a new medium. And this, is it good or bad? Then we will try to find out whether the Internet is beneficial or detrimental to the evolution of journalism.

The primary advantage of digital journalism is constantly updated. On the network you have, at the time, the information you want without waiting for the paper edition of the newspaper the next day. This, and free content are the main pitfalls is the traditional newspaper to fight against digital. A gratuity is presented as a benefit for the consumer, but it has been a headache for major newspapers in our country. One of the leading paper, El Pais , bet at the time by the paid content on the net, taking a serious wallop. Despite having abandoned that position for some time, even today are paying the toll, many users prefer other means because they keep believing that The Country . Com charges.

Another advantage is the digital journalism multimedia. Internet is mixed in letter, sound and image. You can read a deep article or report, enjoy beautiful photographs and videos or listen to voice cuts you want. This directly affects the journalist, who has moved from a pen to have to deal with cameras in video Photoshop software or programs such as Avid assembly.

And what is the role of journalists in this new environment? The journalist of today must know how to handle, as I said before, all kinds of tools that a journalist of the twentieth century would leave him speechless. If not, is doomed to failure or to sell hamburgers at the Burger Donalds on duty. However, here we find a problem with the evolution of online journalism: the intrusion.

With blogs and other possibilities offered by Web 2.0, anyone can get into the role of a journalist. Moreover, we are tired of seeing the most visited blogs in this country, they sign (Not write it) or characters like Indhira Kiko Hernández. However, this was the case in recent years with television, so do not think it was a problem that was brought into journalism. In this sense, I'll take the positive side, ie the fact that a tourist spot to record an unforeseen event (eg, the impact of an airplane into the World Trade Center) and at the moment is uploaded to the network via Youtube. This is an image that otherwise could not have.

and journalists themselves, how have you changed to this new scenario? First, adding a section to them: the Internet. Templates of traditional and online media are usually different, which does not mean that the latter took some of the first firms to gain in prestige. And above all, change has been promoting the digital medium. After the onset, in the online newspaper was received with great fear, the leading newspaper in this country have realized that they can not fight evolution and the future is no longer in the press of paper, which left few years, but in digital media.

In conclusion, we should be that digital or electronic journalism is another stage in the history of journalism, such as the rise of new technologies in society. The future is here, but will not stop. What today we are living like a pipe dream ten or twenty years. Similarly, in fifty or a hundred years, who knows how journalism will have evolved ...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Dd Green Green Episode 13 (ova)

The importance of good positioning

The SEO (Search Engine Optimizer , in English "Search Engine Optimizer") provides very useful for those who want to run your website on the net, changing both the page layout as content. A good value for the web can take to reach very high positions within search engines (Google, Yahoo, etc..), And therefore receive Most visits.

As I said before, a SEO must make certain changes to the website if you want to reach top positions in search engines. These changes have to be a level of contents, captions, tags, html codes and design, among others, to get search engines to easily navigate our site. However, we must not fall into the trap of thinking that the more complex our website can achieve a better position. Quite the contrary: the simpler, easier to navigate, and will therefore increase the accessibility to both search engines and for the visitor.

Once explained (sort of) what is the SEO, we give some advices to improve our website position in major search engine operators:

1) Get link to other websites of similar theme to yours . To do this we must perform a search for those terms that we believe will bring traffic to the web. If, for instance, a local news site, we should be linked to other local news sites (other than our city).

2) to internal pages on our site so clear and orderly. A good sitemap step will allow us to search through the different sections of our website in an orderly fashion, thereby improving visibility.

3) Update page quality original content.

4) Create content with texts containing phrases that web users seek the services of our site . The key words are essential for search engines. If our web sell shirts of football teams, the words "T", "football" and each team whose shirt sold will be key to position the web engine search. So when someone wants to buy a shirt of a particular computer, our site appears in a privileged position.

5) Creating titles and descriptions relevant content of each page. The Title Description and are the starting points for the identification of relevant terms over the web by search engines. Therefore, we must be clear and concise in these paragraphs to get a good position relative to our competitors.

6) Making the web accessible as possible . Limit flash content , frames or javascript that do not allow the tracing / tracking information from the search engine.

7) The content and title are the most important . If we have a good content, but do nothing for SEO, the website would be at the Top Ten , but not in the first place. To reach the top we use originality, common sense and, above all, the ability to adapt to user requests. Relevance when the user will find what you need on our website.

8) Register in directories such as Dmoz or Yahoo . Although they have lost interest in the directories to search engines, are still a good starting point for links.

9) Register and participate in forums with topics related to the activity on your web . Regular participation in these forums we will have a presence in the discussions relating to activities of interest to our visitors. If the rest of foreros us as a qualified user, the number of visits to the web will increase and, therefore, the search engine rankings better.

10) Using social networks. Facebook, or Twitter Tuenti are hot. If we can manage with success in these communities, our "friends" visit our website and, again, the position we occupy in the search engines will be higher.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Financial Accounting Sixithedition Answers

light through the window is opaque. I really do not know if light or glass, the fact is that things lose clarity. They say that all people, the light emanating from objects, how much I save on my bills if I could see that light and not only weary faces grimacing in?. These days the humidity, darkness and wind calan. That if calan!, the toes are numb. What does it matter? . Sometimes I hate that much whining is inside everyone. I would go to the kitchen and not see those dirty dishes and the food of many days. No that's not the attitude. What happens is that the kitchen you want to save your memories. And I came and I make a brainwashed yet, and chlorine. When I leave she smiles. Me grumpy think you have a smile typical idiot. Well .... Well ... smile. I would like to talk to someone, some days I feel like I had my tongue stuck to the palate. I sing a song I heard on a radio commercial. No ... .. tongue is not attached. It's a relief, and saddens me at the same time is another reason why have not spoken. But what say?, "Complaints?. Just as well, the song of the commercial.
say that schizophrenics can see things that do not exist, they are made, how does one become a schizophrenic?. No fair!, I'm just depressed, but on second thought maybe if I "effort" I become schizophrenic. I'm going to sit in the room. And I'm going to imagine that at the end of the other is a goblin chair complete with green dress. I'm sorry, I close my eyes Ohh. He opened his eyes there is someone sitting there. An old silent, her eyes lost. Well ... .. I think my father was sitting there when I started the effort. It says nothing. What if I bought a green hat and you get into a sack to give me the gold at the end of the rainbow?. No, your old What do you feel guilt is boring? . In addition to scouring the rainbow, if the day has been raining. "Again the plaintive?. No, not that the sky does not believe the rainbow is now printed in monochrome, the crisis. There is no one to talk to. I ask my father like this, I says, well, then silence again. I stop the chair. And I see the rain through the window. Even the rain looks dull. I go to the computer. I want to find where to buy a green hat.

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Of Juanita Rainy Day ... Naima .. Alice Baroness Pannonica

Jazz my favorite pieces is "Naima" by John Coltrane, but that is or was Naima. Well ..
some research I dedicate this piece to Juanita Grubbs Coltrane woman he met in 1954 and married her on 3 October 1955.Juanita Grubbs was very important in the life of Coltrane. And who helped him focus on music and out of depression, drug delas excessive alcohol consumption. Actually there were several aspects that helped him out of that circle. Vocational rehabilitation, in-depth study of Eastern religions. In the study of religions Juanita Grubbs became Muslim. At that time the movements for African-American created an assembly with the Muslim religion which many people changed their names along with their new faith (remember Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali) in the same way as Juanita Grubbs changed its name to Naima. A name that would take more than one sense. However, the literal translation is "happiness" or "that you get that enough." However, in the piece is very melancholic Coltrane. A simple theme that is repeated at different heights, where simplicity (which reminds me of Satie pieces) contrasts with the harmonization. Perhaps the topic reflected the feeling of something that Coltrane knew it would end and that was because in 1963 Coltrane Naima abandons his wife and joins with pianist Alice McLeod (later known as Alice Coltrane.Que indeed seen in the photo, since there are no pictures online of Coltrane's first wife more than the score) However, the piece was one of the emblematic pieces with Giant Steps.

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Baroness Pannonica "Nica" de Koenigswarter (the December 10, 1913 - 30 November 1988) was a bebop jazz enthusiast and a British member of the dynasty prominent Rothschild international financial . Kathleen Annie Pannonica Rothschild, was the daughter of Charles Rothschild and Rothschild Edle Rozsika. The name "Pannonica" identifies several floors of the flat support polillas.Nica butterflies and worked for Charles de Gaulle during World War II Where he met the world famous Baron Jules de Koenigswarter-flyer, French Resistance hero and ambassador to Mexico after the war. The marriage did not result from what was installed in the early fifties in New York.
Baroness built its headquarters in an apartment in the luxurious Hotel Stanhope. Was devoted to sponsoring and listen to the best jazz musicians of the moment, why provoked scandal and suspicious look of the hotel receptionists, who did not support the extravagant parade of men of color and endless jam sessions outside all time and composure. We know that: there, in that department this luxurious hotel and caring woman by one company, Charlie Parker died (As the movie tells it Cint Bird Estwood). After Parker's death, the management asked him to leave, and moved to the Hotel Bolivar. However

the most important relationship with the jazz baroness was by Thelonius Monk. It all started when the pianist Mary Lou Williams introduced him to Thelonius Monk in Paris while working at the "Salon du Jazz" since then was his friend and sponsor in the U.S., wrote the notes in 1962 albums and helped her with the charges when the police, Monk caught with marijuana. When Monk terminanó their public appearances and after several hospitalizations retired to Nica's house in Weehawken, New Jersey and died there in 1982. It is said that Monk became his protégé, friend, confidant and lover may

Baroness Nica de Koenigswarter died in 1988 at the age of 74, leaving five children, two grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
However, many parts of the jazz tradition are named after her.

"Pannonica" by Thelonious Monk
"Nica's Tempo" by Gigi Gryce
"Nica" Sonny Clark
"Nica's Dream" by Horace Silver
"Tonica" by Kenny Dorham
"Blues for Nica" of Kenny Drew
"Nica Steps Out" by Freddie Redd
"Inca" of Barry Harris
"Thelon" Tommy Flanagan

Finally describe the picture that is displayed on the top of the article. It is a picture of the sixties, in midwinter through Central Park, where are the Baroness Nica de Koenigswarter and Thelonius Monk's hand.


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Aymes reply to Bud Powell Schizophrenia

Born in Harlem in 1924, Bud was a child prodigy. At seven years, neighbors musicians took him with them so that others could admire his playing. Ten years after he contacted the pianist Thelonious Monk. He made his first recordings at nineteen.

In 1945, at 21, the police beat him after helping his friend and mentor Monk who had been molested. He was taken to Bellevue Hospital to recognize him, and wrote in the book of entries in the box Profession: Pianist and composer of more than 1,000 songs. " To which, the doctor who examined him wrote: "Delusions of grandeur", and put a straitjacket. In fact, at that time, he was working with Cootie Williams, a well-known gang leader. He spent most of the year recovering in the hospital, suffered unbearable headaches, seizures, and erratic behavior.

A month later started the first of his many stays in a mental facility. The treatments received at these facilities come to consume almost a quarter of his life, and over the years, gradually diminished his genius and talent.
In 1947, shortly after having made "Celia", a tribute to his daughter, was admitted for 11 months and gave him electric shocks first.

was arrested again in 1951 charged with possession of narcotics, was admitted to Pilgrim State Hospital for another 11 months and suffered more electric shocks. During this time, only allowed to play the piano once a week, supervised by an assistant. Again, the result was a serious loss of memory. When Monk visited him, he could hardly have been with Monk recalled the night of his arrest. When he gave the details, said: "These electro-shock treatments have made me forget all that."

He was subsequently transferred to Creedmore mental hospital where he remained until 1953. The deterioration of his ability gradually affected his music. Touching the old standard themes, it was clear that his joint was suffering: failed in many places.

Powell was also having frequent health problems. By continuing deterioration of their health, over formándosele tuberculosis in both lungs. However, still struggling to create music act, moved to France in 1959 where he received a glorious reception. Here his friend Francis Paudras found that co-Powell gave each day a little pink pill surreptitiously.

turns out that these pills were the strong tranquilizer Largactil, commonly known as Thorazine and as a "chemical lobotomy" or "chemical straitjacket." When mixed with alcohol, causes "dangerous oversedation." It can also cause agitation, drowsiness, and Tardive Dyskinesia, a condition characterized by involuntary movements of the tongue, face, mouth and jaw movements.

still playing, despite all this, in 1965 Powell was swollen, staring, and shuffled, revealing his intoxicated. His health continued to deteriorate rapidly. He died on August 16, 1966 as a result of a combination of liver failure, tuberculosis and malnutrition. Five thousand people lined the streets of Harlem to bid farewell funeral procession


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said that Miles Davis was given an ultimatum to Coltrane was that or stop drinking and using drugs
or she left the band forever. Coltrane did not heed the boss. Miles knew first-hand the devastating effects of drug Agrabad the rumor that he was suffering paranoia and hallucinations. He hooked his return from Paris Jazz Festival. The trumpeter was bored and joined with colleagues who were hanged. This occurred late 40.Miles had great prestige. But he also had given to heroin. Rarely worked. Detroit finally went into exile in an attempt to regenerate. Drug addiction had become unbearable. For two weeks locked in a room with an enormous force of will managed to break the habit.

barely 23 years old and had already made music history with Parker. Was becoming the great black hope for jazz musicians, but when he arrived in New York started the problems for him. Without work and without money, was associated with more Bajun mob the streets. His addiction was a surprise to everyone, it seemed cleaner musician of his generation. Elegant and disciplined young man suffered a rapid transformation. He became a pimp, when he took the money needed to put paid to the whores. He was arrested. According to Miles himself told Ebony magazine, was determined to disengage from the drug.

was sick of it. He lay down and stared at the ceiling for twelve days and cursed those who did not like. For the trumpet was the closest thing to a bad flu. Swimming in a cold sweat. Le runny nose and eyes fill with tears. I vomited everything I ate. She says, the pores were opened and smelled of chicken soup. Until one day is over. So, in 1954, freed of his addiction, was careful with food and became obsessed with exercise, locking accompanied him throughout his life. @ REPORTAJE_2.html

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Sinatra and Luigi Lucciano

of Sicilian family emigrated to New Jersey, according to one of the smugglers in their neighborhood, "always wanted to be a gangster."

Acted in a sort of strike rompeghuelgas recordings from August 1, 1942 until November 1944 conducted the musicians organized around the American Federation of Musicians (AFM).

After leaving the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra in breach of his contract, send the bully Willie Moretti to say four things to Dorsey. "Willie put his finger on the trigger of the gun and said he was delighted to learn that Frank was going to leave to break the contract. I understood the message," Dorsey recalled, according to an excerpt from the book published in the latest issue of Vanity Fair.

However, the relationship with the godfather Luigi Luciano Luciano interesante.Lucky as he reached the highest levels of power personally mafia after killing twenty people and settle in the operations center Mob in Havana and later, in Las Vegas. Sinatra, according to Summers and Swan, helped both directly and indirectly. A year after Luciano came to Havana in 1946, Sinatra, 31 years old, brought him $ 3.5 million in bills of 50-according to various sources cited by the authors, including Jerry Lewis, used to build the rule of Luciano in Cuba.

Sinatra was intercepted in a routine check at the office and was forced to open the briefcase to conceal dirty money.

But the crowd that began to surround it and push it as was recognized, saved and made the customs officer let him go knowing money whose amount and source, according to Lewis, could have seriously compromised.

Sinatra sang with the mob gathered at the Hotel Nacional in Havana in 1947, convened by Luciano.

At that meeting it was agreed the murder of Bugsy Siegel, the Mafia boss of the West, strong man in Las Vegas, whose new Tropicana hotel was undergoing a financial crisis.

Consortium Luciano took over the Flamingo hotel and managed the conversion of Las Vegas in the gambling mecca and entertainment. Frank was the main attraction. Sinatra became the greatest asset of the next big investment operation in Las Vegas, the Sands Hotel, where Sinatra played every year until the late sixties.

to have Sinatra's voice in their casinos and to further popularize the American mafia has done everything necessary so that the singer had his chance to shine as an actor in film. As in the story of the casting of "From Here to Eternity," Sinatra film that launched to stardom in Hollywood. In 1952, Sinatra, on the verge of bankruptcy emotionally and financially, after a destructive relationship with Ava Gardner, tried to get the role of the soldier Angelo Maggio vacated by Eli Wallach in the famous film about American soldiers stationed in Honolulu before the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

The director, Fred Zinnemann, Sinatra was interested in, but producer Harry Cohn refused and crossed to Sinatra's mediocre. Just hours later, Cohn received a call from the killer Jimmy "Blue Eyes" Alo, Luciano collaborator.

Sinatra later won an Oscar for his portrayal of the young Maggio.

is also rumored Sinatra indirect involvement in the murder of Marilyn Monroe


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Gangsters in Jazz .. The Cotton Club

Owney "the murderer" Madden. He was the leading Irish gangster in Manhattan during Prohibition. He owned the famous Cotton Club and promoter of boxing in the 30's. He lived in Liverpool, England, emigrated with his family to the United States in 1903. Madden is soon enlisted in the Gopher gang where he was nicknamed "little Banty rooster from hell." Madden quickly became a fierce fighter. By 1910, at age eighteen, was suspected in the deaths of five members of the gang rivals. His reputation soon won the guidance of one of the three factions of the Gopher. He earned as much as $ 200 per day for the Gopher criminal activities, such as the protection of the crew that the local businessmen. In the fight between gangs for control of the liquor market was a struggle against Diamond "legs" of Jack, Waxey Gordon, and Vincent "Mad Dog" Coll. Which came victoriso. Later opened the Cotton Club on January 1923 in full black neighborhood of Harlem (before the club was Jack Johnson). Night after night for more than three years, Duke Ellington played at the club in the time it opened the Cotton Club Ellington played on radio station WHN, broadcast the show from the "Kentucky Club" (formerly Hollywood club) the band began to be known and then Owney "the murderer" Madden's proposal Ellington. Owney "the murderer" Madden employs to secure Ellington musicians and arrangers in the club (which was the most important thing to her time of great importance in the same way for musicians to play there)

In January 1932 the orchestra Cab Calloway, is hired to perform at the Cotton Club in Harlem in place of Duke Ellington. The club lasted only four years since the original club closed in 1936.

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Norman Granz (producing history)

Norman Granz (Los Angeles, USA, August 6, 1918 - Geneva, Switzerland, November 22, 2001), was one of the major employers and producers of jazz.

emerged the crowd with a memorable concert in the auditorium of the Los Angeles Philharmonic under the title "Jazz at the Philharmonic" (JATP), The group that was made for this concert was without a doubt

Ray Brown, Coleman Hawkins, Charlie Parker, Sonny Criss, Nat King Cole (pianist), Hank Jones, Shelley Mann, Fats Navarro, Flip Phillips, Tommy Turk, organized as two annual tours from 1946 to 1949. So aside Tours lasted until 1957 and briefly revived in 1967. Norman Granz

think several record labels independent, to record jazz, Clef Records, Norgren Records, Down Home Records, the largest to date Verve Records (Acquired later by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer) and the last label that I was Pablo Records in Switzerland.

paraded their record in many of the greatest jazz performers

Cannonball Adderley, Louis Armstrong, Count Basie, Louie Bellson, Benny Carter, Buck Clayton, Buddy DeFranco, Tal Farlow, Stan Getz, Dizzy Gillespie, Lionel Hampton, Roy Eldridge, Billie Holiday, Illinois Jacquet, Barney Kessel, Gene Krupa, Howard McGhee, Thelonious Monk, Gerry Mulligan, Charlie Parker, Joe Pass, Oscar Peterson, Flip Phillips, Bud Powell,
Sonny Stitt, Ben Webster and Lester Young.

Norman Granz was a stand against racist for its artists, in a time of great conflict on this issue. In 1955, in Houston, Texas, personally took label "white" and "black" that separated the audience in the auditorium where concerts would be held by Ella Fitzgerald and Dizzy Gillespie. Before the second concert were found in the clubhouse playing cards and arrested by local police. After some negotiations secured the release for the second concert.

counted as Oscar Peterson, Norman Granz was even threatened by police with a gun placed in his stomach, due to giving equal treatment to blacks and whites in their tours. He paid equal pay for black and white and equal treatment of even minor details such as type of walk-in closets.

He Died of cancer in 2001 driving his Pablo label which you can still find some recordings.

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THE JAZZ IN THE USSR and Nazi Germany (comment by Roberto Aymes)

QUESTIONS (Juan Meneses)

Mr Aymes some personal questions.

In Mexico there is little information on the subject ..... and let me know if you know about the following topics, or have recordings that have been made on his program ever:

Jazz in Communist Russia: the only document I know, is the film "We of Jazz" I have tried to investigate Oleg Lundstren, which they say is "the pioneer of jazz in Russia. Some documents speak of sentences that were said in the Stalinist bureau, as "cultural imperialism" but ....¿ jazz could develop freely in Russia during that period? Reached what level? the only information I found online is this: This page lists some musicians, but are in Russian lincks (literally). Do you have some sound files?? or know something about it??

The second issue that I confused her a little, is to the Jazz in the second world war. As I recall, the Nazi propaganda minister Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels said that jazz was heavily Jewish and black music, and therefore decadent. (EXAMPLE However, the next page speaks of prisoners of war and Germans playing swing. And other documents and films put the generals of the SS, listening or dancing Swing.Por other hand, were created "ambassadors of goodwill" and even that Dizzy was one of them ... but as I recall it was after . Sorry for the questions but: What

important jazz musicians have fought in the front?, Why the great masters of Be-Bop did not go to war? Or were they? Does jazz was banned in Nazi Germany? If you know some of those issues could I answer?.

ANSWER (Roberto Aymes)

are very interesting questions which I am now about to leave for a tour of Europe and will take to find something more about it. In Mexico there is little information about anything .. course about jazz! There was a lot jaz

under the communist regime, not only in the former Soviet Union, but in all countries covering the regime, Oleg Lundstren is a good source. but not Russian .. at least by birth. The freedom to run and teaching, at least Stalin was not easy, but if developed and we see today in almost 30 years I've been at the forefront of the Jazz Panorama I have conveyed, especially in its historical moment, both artists and the historical part of the jazz behind the Iron Curtain. "

The German National Socialists (Nazis), was also a question of rifarse .. literally, life for playing jazz, in my series I have also stated this, even very recent Jewish Jazz spent that time (1935-1945), with actors who in some cases lost life which is music to them. Goebbels .. the so-called architect of the party, even made a "Decalogue" against the jazz specifically, whether with handwriting did not realize it, it was made clear in the early Aryans of the same party. There were many cases of German soldiers, that being in contact, in concentration camps or in ghettos with jazz entusistas showed their artistic side and performed the music, hidden from their Partizaner .. some of this can be seen, but in relation to classical music in Polanski's film "The Pianist" three years ago.

Although there has not been much promotion for musicians Jazz in the war front, always have been. In the first war, in the second world, in Korea, Viet Nam and so far in recent times as the Gulf and Iraq, the same son of Abraham Laboriel, who is currently playing with Paul McCartney in the Gulf Etuve fortunately not active. In a name I remember this, are the Heat brothers, Percy of the Modern Jazz Quartet bassist belonged to air force squadron in Japan duarante World War II, who was famous for intercept and shoot down more enemies than all the armies' white '.. well, until there is a movie about his brother Jimmy was also still living in Infants Navy and received the Purple Heart for being wounded in combat (both musicians in the movement of be-bop). There were many cases of deaths in combat, but as jazz has been important for the United States, nor that blacks die in wars .. I can tell, most memorable stories are in talks and opportunities to play with these great musicians and I've been fortunate to do in my career as a jazz musician. Le

back to comment that many times I have spent these facts in my radio program, illustrated with musical examples and not just aimed at jazz gringo but to Europe and also in his time at Japanese, Russian, Hungarian, Polish etc. etc. .. good at 'Gypsy', although they belong by birth to several countries, they are called Gypsies first.

I give an interesting fact, the English magazine "Cuadernos de Jazz" in its first issues were many articles on the history of jazz, performed by serious researchers, I wish to access your site to look, now the magazine is more focused on things very, very superfluous in this specialty. Affectionate greetings

Roberto Aymes

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As I won the Saxophone Ravi Coltrane

to truth is that if I had not come to Mexico just know by Ravi Coltrane. If anything I'm proud of is my collection records and recordings of jazz albums but I have no where Ravi Coltrane play or as a partner or solo. However, the emizora Horizonte with concert promoter who has brought several musicians to Mexico gave away a saxophone answering a lukewarm about Ravi Coltrane.

I always wanted a saxophone and due to the costs of "metals" could never buy one. So why not participate so I saw the questions and look online.

If it turns out that Ravi is the son of Alice Coltrane and John Coltrane "a Junior", is his first album was sponsored by former friends of his father. (So I found the first question.) The boy has been dedicated not only to exploit el nombre de su padre, tocando el mismo instrumento que el, sino que ha participado en recopilaciones de discos de grabaciones de su padre. (Encontre la segunda respuesta). La tercera pregunta era sobre porque Ravi Coltrane se quiso retirar de la música a cierta edad. Bueno encuentro la lamentable muerte de su hermano que tambien se llamaba John Coltrane y que también era saxofonista. Tal vez parezca insensible pero parece muy conveniente que en una familia de uno de los mejores saxofonistas de la historia todos los hijos sigan el mismo camino y que la esposa ocupe toda su vida el nombre de casada pese a que ya es viuda.

Bueno gané el saxofón al recogerlo en la estación de Radio. El locutor me pregunta -¿Quien es tu saxofonista Favorite? - I answer that depends on the historical period that is pre Coleman Hawkins bop, bop that is
Parker in the Post Bop John Coltrane and today is Joshua Redman. By Ravi commitment just said but the truth emerges nothing to do with the height of musicians, Joshua if I win the contest by Thelonius Monk merits and changed the rhythmic concept of the melody in improvisation.

Well they gave me the Ravi Coltrane saxophone is actually a curved soprano (saxophone I ever wanted is a tenor). The sax is autographed I can not deny it's nice. However I can not say that Ravi Coltrane is good, why? Because I have not heard ..... ja. The truth now I have wanted to hear but only because I have his saxophone. I think there is one who has made history Coltrane.

What did I do when I get home?. Playing guitar and hear an album by Joshua Redman.

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When young people get older lions

After the movement of the neoclassical Winston Marsalis did not think anything interesting came up American jazz. But good in the last decade there have been three musicians to my taste are the vanguard in the international jazz.

Joshua Redman (saxophone), Kurt Rosenwinkel (guitar), Brad Mehldau (piano). But when considering their personal histories as we realize the academic has taken the lead. No one can deny the quality of these musicians. Two of them are graduates of prestigious universities Berklee School of Music in the case of Kurt Rosenwinkel and Joshua Redman at the University of Harvard and Berkeley. But Joshua Redman was also part of the group of Ornette Coleman and Brad Mehldau was a direct student of Jimmy Cobb, following the tradition of
direct legacy in jazz. Analyzing this data gives us the opportunity to see how merging these three people, the juncture between the academic and innovation over tradition.

is no longer crude imitation of the past Marsalis. But Academicism can lead to gentrification of jazz? I think not. There are two main reasons, first rather the decline in the quality of the music more commercial, leading to young musicians in jazz exploration. As noted in the biography of internet portals by Kurt Rosenwinkel portray their love for the Hard Rock of the 80s, but his search took him to Pat Methany.

The second factor is that really the music and all artistic trends recently have heard of "movements", in recent years, rather they are individual efforts that converge on the talents of individuals
insignia. However, these great musicians who today are the vanguard fighting for space with those who were once the "young" musicians who created Miles Devis fusion.

movement in jazz history gets a little slower than we read in books, perhaps because it is easier to see the story into the distance. Only

I have a question.

What's next?. The big changes have always come from outside the university when integrated into society.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

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Enjoy Elche at any price

That Elche is a charming city needless to say, two World Heritage sites, beautiful weather, wonderful people ... Here I offer myself to serve as a guide to spend a pleasant evening in the city of palm trees.

After visiting the palm, the Basilica of Santa Maria or other locations in the city, we are all appetite. As everyone has their own budget to spend in restaurants, I give you two options to follow, a more expensive and a more affordable, but none of them lacking in quality.

If your pocket is not debilities long with the crisis and are ready to enjoy gourmet menus prices without looking too, I recommend two restaurants, perhaps the most prestigious in the city. First, " La Finca", located in the Game of Perlet, 5 minutes from the urban core. From here you can not leave without tasting the dish Elche: rice crust. For meat lovers I recommend the hands on wheat grilled pike, a delight. Those who prefer fish, are available to the best fish in the fish market in Santa Pola.

If you prefer not to leave the urban core, choose the " Granaíno Inn, located in the heart of Elche. Here I recommend that you begin by some sandwiches from home as a starter. Can not leave without trying the "Delicias de Elche", consisting of dates stuffed with ham or bacon. Another delight. Nor leave without checking out some of the restaurant's homemade desserts, ice cream dates, figs or milhoja of cheesecake and berries (my personal recommendation).

If you do not want to spend so much money I suggest you bear a stroll through the downtown, where you have plenty of bars and restaurants to eat at a good price. Two personal recommendations: for lovers of Italian cuisine, "Il Girasole Toscano", with delicious pasta and a "refreshing" bleeding, and for lovers of traditional bar, " The palm and the Lady " classic bar Elche considered the king of the fried food.

Once eaten (and well fed), it is time to enjoy the night Elche. To do so, in the center you have many deals in outdoor cafés, where a drink outdoors. Here comes in. The weather factor, as in the city's cold "Four days a year." After a drink, disco lovers have several offers, without having to travel a lot. In the center, can finish the night at "The Comedy ," "Shine " or "Divine ."

In this regard, my personal recommendation would be to start the night with one of the mutliple combined pub Mozart "(along the Grand Theatre), then take the first drink outdoors in the cafeteria Paris, right in front of the Basilica of Santa Maria and close the night, giving everything at the club "Divine ", where you will enjoy the best music of today.

Since I know that" madurito "also read these recommendations, you too have your corner in the pub" The Biscuter , "which devotes space to the eighties music and desplazandoos Altabix the area, have your own club, "30-something " whose name makes it quite clear what kind of people you are going to find.

That is all. I hope this little guide will serve to enjoy Elche. If you want more information, please visit the web Leisure city.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

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Angel or devil?

Saturday, January 30, 2010. 22:41 hours. A Coruña. Riazor Stadium. The Real Madrid is playing one of his best games, but he almost tied Depor in one of the first arrivals to the area of \u200b\u200bCasillas. Iker quickly removed to arm the backlash, Benzema gives it to Kaka, who attends Guti. The 14 is just ahead of Aranzubia. A touch on one side of the goalkeeper and will be score. 0-2 and the match resolved. This final is that they have carried out 99 out of 100 players. But one does not. Guti decided to do something else. A genius. A marvel. A work of art. When all hope the auction, Guti Benzema gives heel, marking the astonished gaze of the public Riazor of their peers, rivals, millions of viewers around the world.

At that time, we all know that the week's debate will be Guti. This time, he plays the genius Guti. That player who has an inspiration that makes him unique in the world. When Jose Maria raises her head, we all know that something will happen. For better or for worse. Guti leaves no one indifferent. He is hated and loved equally. It has no middle ground. To me, at that time, left me speechless. It took me two or three seconds to react, with a shriek. I thought, "Only by such a move worth watching a football match."

acknowledge that belong to the side of the gutistas in recent years. More specifically from the league season Capello. This year, Real Madrid won La Liga thanks to a blonde with 14 on his back that had magic in his boots. With Guti, Casillas displays, goals from Van Nistelrooy and the rest of the team working at Madrid was enough to be champion with a boat that, theoretically, was the best team in the world. I remember his display at the Bernabeu against Sevilla, capped by a pass-heeled looking to lay himself left alone to Zinedine Zidane. One of the greatest soccer player was seen as another magic for your own benefit.

True, then there's the other Guti. The one off and is dedicated to autoexpulsarse protest or a party. A no cut in statements to the press. In order to pick poppies who do not believe or worst sites to your coach. To go out and speak openly. But geniuses have always been a misunderstood. And Guti is a genius. He says he has matured, it has done very late, but that it is centered. And I believe him. The feeling that gives me a genius Guti, I'm not one hundred races produces Lass. Angel or demon being provided Guti. famous