Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Torn Skin After Brazilian Waxing

Yes, He Can

United States is experiencing historic days. The reform of health policy, a strong point of Barack Obama's election, is ongoing and after the approval in the Senate, has also been accepted by the House of Representatives (219 votes to 212 against) and promulgated by President . Now if only the ratification of a second project, which introduces some reforms must go first and if it is approved by Congress, the Senate again.

Obama reform aims to assist citizens who have no medical coverage from their employers and not eligible to sign up for state health programs (an estimated 32 million Americans). The project also aims to lower the high costs of health insurance are in the U.S.. Of course, the reform does not take into account the 10 million illegal immigrants.

The law will require all Americans to have health insurance in 2014 or pay a fine if they do . To help lower income people, the state will subsidize all families with annual incomes below $ 88,200 or individuals with incomes up to $ 29,300 annually. In turn, the law will improve the conditions of the policies they already had with private insurers and companies may not refuse a client for pre-existing medical conditions or be expelled to getting a long-term illness . This allows, for example, securing thousands of AIDS patients or women with previous cesareans. In addition, reform force all businesses to offer insurance to their workers , although there will be aid for small firms unable to meet this expense danger of bankruptcy.

Obama's original idea was to include the reform of public insurance option, but that was rejected during the debate in Congress. A secure public only European style is difficult to implement in a country the size of the United States . With this reform, the government assumes the role of intermediary between the public and private companies and is responsible for that coverage is adequate and universal as possible.

currently United States is the only developed country that does not have a system of universal coverage of health care . It is estimated that more than 45 million people (about 15% of the total population), has no health coverage, which indicates the severity of the problem. The public system existing health cover for pensioners over 65 (Medicare), people without resources (Medicaid program) and children from families with limited resources (not covered by Medicaid). These programs are managed by the payment of services to private institutions.

addition there is no system of universal coverage, the employer is not legally obliged to provide health coverage to their workers . In practice, however, most large companies offer this type of protection on the terms negotiated in collective bargaining. It is estimated that over 60% of people with health care get it in this way. And is that the lack of a tax to finance health care companies, as happens in countries with public systems, had long regarded as a competitive advantage for U.S. companies , who would face at a cost to the would charge many of their international competitors.

The lack of coverage is concentrated in low-wage workers who provide services in small and medium enterprises, individual entrepreneurs and independent professionals, but also important groups of young and in good health who prefer to delay hiring insurance
reaching advanced ages. But the problem extends even to the employed and which are covered by health insurance because job loss is synonymous with the loss of health coverage own family and . Under the new law, the unemployed will be helped to buy insurance on a stock that will be created for that purpose. Other problems of the current health situation of the United States are: the drug prices (much higher than in Europe or Canada) or by the aging population .

To understand the health problem of the first world power like the United States, just take a look at some data from the World Health Organization (WHO). The North American country is ranked among physicians 44 per person, 50 hospital beds per person, 34 in infant mortality rate, the 29 in maternal mortality in childbirth and 30 in life expectancy of women (28 men). In this situation, reform involves more than necessary, for the sake of their own country. And when

begin to apply the new law? Some measures will take effect immediately. But the most important start to apply in 2014 . The explanation is simple: it is impossible for the system suddenly take 32 million new users.


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