Thursday, March 25, 2010

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Vive la Semana Santa in Alicante

We're almost at Easter and, as in the rest of the "skin of bull" that is our country, in the province of Alicante is living these festivals with great fervor and passion. Although in every town feels a very special way, we will highlight five cities of Alicante: Alicante, Elche, Orihuela, Crevillente and Aspe. In

capital, we live in a very intense Easter, but the fact of being a big city is bad for them because they do not reach the level of other major cities such as Seville, Malaga and Cadiz. The most spectacular procession of the Brotherhood is the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper (Holy Thursday), with nearly 400 costaleros . However, as almost anywhere in Spain, processions are as beautiful as spectacular.

In the second city of the province, Elche, the party lives with great fervor. On most spectacular is possibly the Procession of the Palms, declared of Interest International Tourist . On Palm Sunday, tens of thousands of Elche travel, accompanying the throne of Jesus Triumphant, the main streets of downtown, wearing white palms made by artisan families in the city and from the palm grove of Elche. The following Sunday, the Resurrection, there is perhaps another great procession of the week, leaving the Brotherhood of Our Lady of the Assumption, patroness of the city, known as the Procession Hallelujahs.

With more momentum
religious parties live in the city of Orihuela, provincial headquarters of the Diocese of Orihuela-Alicante. Week Santa Orihuela, declared of national touristic interest (and aspiring to international recognition), is considered one of the religio-cultural expressions nation's leading . There's even a museum devoted exclusively to the history of Easter in the city. In addition, two nocturnal processions: the Penitential Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of the Good Death (early hours of Thursday to Friday) and the Brotherhood of the Holy Resurrection and Gathering (Saturday to Easter Sunday) . Living live the faith of the Orihuela at that time of night visual and emotional impact.

Another city where there is public outcry during the week is Crevillente . It is worth going through this small town to enjoy the processions and, above all, its typical cuisine of this time (of which more later). To understand the passion with which crevillentinos live close enough to the holidays on Good Friday, at 6 am, the procession road to Calvary. Despite being so early, all the guilds of the city take to the street. Finally, in Aspen, where the festivities were declared recently Provincial Tourist Interest, highlights the Brotherhood of Ecce Homo, first in Spain that had a procession of bearers only (Step Palio de la Virgen).

Once we have spoken of the processions, we turn to another section almost as important: the food. The most typical dish in the province these days is the Easter Mona, whose ingredients are flour, sugar, eggs and salt. The mass involves a lot of work in its development and requires an hour of resting before cooking. The province is customary to take the holiday of Monday's cute to go to eat in the mountains or the beach, accompanied by family members or friends. Another typical sweet, due to the invasion of Madrid the coast at this time, are the classic French toast.

As I said before, if you approach Crevillente, do not leave without trying the "pa torrat" Good Friday, which is toasted bread baked in plenty of oil, garlic and accompanied by traditional anchovy coca. The other is the typical food and nationwide: porridge with cod fritters, soup or garlic sausage, and that fine dining should not understand boundaries. And so far, with the mouth watering, it's review of Holy Week in Alicante. I hope you have served you something and take a peek in the province to enjoy the holidays ...


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