Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Best Motherboard For E8400 Processor

Other means of payment on the Internet ...

As previously mentioned, with the birth of Orbyt opens a potential new era in English digital journalism. After the attempt of the country to charge for content on the web (we speak of the beginnings of electronic journalism in our country), who finished thud; the birth of this new platform represents the first serious bid by a digital means of payment in Spain.

Other countries do not lag behind us, quite the opposite. And several projects Pay newspaper online. Who is getting more interest in this new form of business is Rupert Murdoch, especially in The Wall Street Journal , where the results begin to be positive even , as the initiative has been an excellent host. The tycoon is defended from attacks by the advocates of "all free", arguing that their media offer quality information . And the quality must be paid. Obviously, otherwise it would be impossible to succeed in this business.

In England, the media to offer a new innovative model will The Economist. After close your site for a time to explore new alternatives, it seems that these are taking shape. The new digital environment would be based on micro-payments, much like the iTunes music platform . Thus, each user would pay only for the news you're interested. In this case that would win the "pay only for what you want."

Finally, and as I said in last post, in France also have joined the bandwagon of collecting various digital media. Of these, we noticed Libération, for his strong defense in the past of "all for free." For several months, has been a part of the electronic edition of payment by two types of fertilizers . The basic or Essentiel provides access to the content of the daily paper in PDF format, the files of the last fifteen years and other services. Your price: 6 euros per month. The Première (12 euros per month) provides access to editing as they are closing the pages in the newspaper.

'll see if, especially in our country, another big media company ("Grupo Prisa?) Takes the same decision and commitment Editorial Unit means of payment. Out of here, and Murdoch is the best example, already doing. The key to success or failure? The service offered. The only hope that media payments to the free pass is surpassed in quality . The question we must ask now is this: Is there such a quality English journalism ? ...


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