Friday, March 19, 2010

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LOVE: the 4 stages of infatuation

THE BIOCHEMISTRY OF LOVE: the 4 stages of infatuation LUIS ARBAIZA

in the newspaper La Primera, Science and Technology supplement. Tuesday March 30, 2010
biologist with a major in genetics
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

If you do not know if this love with that person or if you want to know if that person loves you or not, this article will help you find out.
couple's love, which deal with here is biochemically and physiologically different from other types of affection and sex (maternal love, friendship, desire, etc..).
First, love is a physiological state. The brain of the person in love is different from the no love. This state physiological called love has 4 stages, one loves in a way each of them also seem to love each sex differently.

Each stage has a characteristic physiology and biochemistry so that we know objectively whether or not you love someone and that stage of love is. Each stage is a prerequisite for the former and the process can stop at any stage.

This physiology appears to be universal love as romantic love can be found 89% of human societies and is not caused by cultural learning to occur in a primitive part of brain that is not elastic and culturally insensitive to be affected.



2 .- 3 .- 4 .-

This template is a list of qualities required for a person to fall in love with her (is an unconscious list ), presumably originating in the neocortex (more evolved part of the brain).
This mold or template is formed in childhood.
stage is more influenced by culture, for example, in a racist society is racist template. The formation of this template is also strongly influenced by family experiences, the father is typically the model of man and woman's mother, and the type of relationships that.
Pero esta modulación cultural no puede cambiar algunos moldes innatos, por ejemplo las mujeres de amplias caderas, cintura estrecha y jóvenes son las más atractivas universalmente. Así mismo los hombres altos.

Ocurre desde la adolescencia en adelante. Al conocer a alguien parecido a nuestra plantilla, aparecen sentimientos de anhelo.
Cuatro hormonas se alteran en esta etapa: Testosterona, Feniletilamina, Adrenalina y Noradrenalina

Testosterona, al ver a la persona que calza en nuestra plantilla aumenta la testosterona, esto aumenta nuestra libido o deseo sexual.

Feniletilamina, esta sustancia se dispara por un simple intercambio de miradas o un apretón hands with the person we're falling in love. This neurotransmitter (a substance that serves to transmission of nerve impulses in the brain) is similar to amphetamine, and as it gives confidence and a sensation of joy. When the scientists injected them into mice Phenylethylamine charming show, jumping, frolicking, scream, as lovers fascinated by the first approach.
But the effects of this substance only last a short period of time.
This substance is also found in chocolate, perhaps because it is said that chocolate can cure a broken heart and perhaps why they give chocolate lovers (the other would feel an artificial feeling of love.) Adrenaline and noradrenaline

: to see the person we like the hypothalamus stimulates the adrenal glands, they produce adrenaline and noradrenaline. That is why we heart beats faster (130 beats per minute), systolic blood pressure increases our (what we call maximum). Fats and sugars are released to increase muscle capacity. More red blood cells are generated to enhance the transport of oxygen through the bloodstream. So the flush. 3 .- COURTSHIP

That person we liked, we are excited, and now we do not stop thinking about her. He began the third stage of love. 3 At this stage
altered substances: serotonin, oxytocin and dopamine.
Also in this third stage of love our brains are activated in certain specific areas, such as the Insula average (acting on gut feelings), also the anterior cingulate cortex (involved in the euphoria induced by drugs such as cocaine), Striatum (cortex active when we remember, hence the attachment to the template) and the prefrontal cortex (an area very active in depressed subjects). So we can say at this stage in love feels and acts like an addict, like an animal and as a depressant. We

low serotonin serotonin, as in obsessive compulsive disorder, hence the love thinking and talking obsessively compulsively your loved ones. Alcohol also lowers serotonin, so the alcohol creates an artificial way some aspect of love, it is not surprising that alcohol is related to courtship behavior as holidays or appointments. But unfortunately this effect disappears after the binge.

oxytocin and dopamine. These two substances increases. With just seeing the beloved, oxitosina released without physical contact. So many people can love the Internet, this hormone releasing dopamine (related to addiction)
Dopamine produces inconsistency, elation, euphoria and lack of sleep and appetite, energy, heightened attention, win and excitement.
Cocaine also increases dopamine why lovers become addicted to each other if they are returned. And if not, the lover suffers from a kind of withdrawal.

has been found at this stage the brain regions rich in dopamine, active in love are different in men and women. Bone women and men do not fall in love alike.
Women: areas associated with reward, emotion and attention
visual processing areas is not surprising that women fall in love more often of the mind and body men. 4 .-

If all goes well and liked the person who accepts us and courting, begin The fourth and final stage of love. At this stage the changes are more subtle yet more strong.
The two substances that change are: testosterone and endorphins.
testosterone. It was noted that this drop in man and woman rises, leading to a loss of interest in the man and his rise in women. Endorphins
. These substances are similar to morphine and opiates, and as addictive as they are.

Based on this information the scientists of tomorrow will love laboratory diagnosis. You could create artificial love as somehow you create chocolates and beers. BIBLIOGRAPHY

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