Friday, March 12, 2010

Light Headed Slight Chest Pain

World + € = Orbyt

March 2010 could be remembered in future as the beginning of the triumph of the press online payment. With the backing of a media group as Editorial Unit, has seen the light Orbyt first serious attempt by the English press on paid content over the network . Orbyt born under the protection of the world, although the newspaper continues to maintain both its print edition, such as digital.

The new medium, according to preliminary analysis, it has been half way between the traditional and digital. The format is similar to a newspaper in PDF, with the support of the new pictures or videos that explain the news , resulting in the feeling of reading a print on the computer. We note that the contents are not updated instantly, like a blog, but every day, the user receives a new "package" (as if it were a newspaper). Another goal of Unity Publishing to launch the expansion Orbyt outside our country, especially in English speaking countries, where it is more difficult (not impossible or unthinkable) to send the print medium. 14'90 This new service will cost per month, or 0.60 per day . Subscribers to the print edition of The World Orbyt can enjoy without having to pay anything more.

The new medium is divided into four sections: Kiosk (where a summary of news of the day and at the end, a preview of the most important thing the next day), Your World (The most interactive, trying to engage the reader in the newspaper), Documenta (a kind of periodicals where they want to include all issues published by El Mundo) and Duty Free (the most publicity, which includes a series of discounts, special offers or contests).

Criticisms have been slow in coming, and it seems that is suspiciously similar to the online version of World . There are also problems with accessibility and slow service. Although the main complaint is that it adds nothing new, since everything offered is available on the network so free. Only the ability to access the archive of The World can meet at least the curiosity to check daily for years. With all this, pay fifteen euros per month seems a luxury.

So why there is this birth? seems that it has become fashionable in large media companies bet on the online payment means . Rupert Murdoch has announced that their newspapers (The Wall Street Journal , The Times or The Sun , among others) have no be free from this year, featuring, yes, higher quality information. In which more emphasis is doing is in the Journal , where the results begin to be positive even as the initiative has been an excellent host.

to the very The New York Times also announced it will charge for content from 2011 . In this case, we are still studying the formula to carry out the change, although the actual brand recognition (we're talking about perhaps the most prestigious newspaper in the world) should be a value in itself to succeed. In England, The Economist has announced it will close its website to study a new model based on micro-payments, much like the iTunes music platform. Each user will pay only the news you're interested. In France, Le Monde, Le Parisien Les Echos and are a part of its premium Web content. to half as Liberation, staunch advocate of "all free" has been a part of its online edition payment.

If even the most idealistic just giving ... Is it possible that the media succeed online payment? Only time will provide the answer. And the same time will tell if the month of March 2010 will be remembered as the birth of the payment media in our country, or if you will by the thud of Orbyt .


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