Thursday, March 25, 2010

Funny Things Written On Birthday Cakes

may not care a whit but ... Why I am not a Buddhist? Snow White and the Dwarf

because I do not in principle feel comfortable talking about things that are not things, and realities that are not realities. And because I relate to exhaust systems and the most exalted pride

By relying on there Buddhas 'enlightened', "awake" create an air of superiority over the "not awake", "unenlightened", those in a lower cycle of reincarnation. Those who "have covered the receipt by a soft veil of ignorance." The "only that I know nothing" Socrates loses its great capacity to learn to become the highlight "is more, the more you think everything is ignorance."

Assigning an awakening to the truth, in essence, is a "truth" that no one can know more than the enlightened.

Relative and absolute time, which is why I think it is merely a "true utility" as the de Unamuno "Everything is relative but relative is relativity itself. Then everything is absolute but becomes relative to others. " In my belief system is scientific truth, like the Alfred Tarski where "the truth is the extent to which the proposals relate to the reality that concern."

And that's where it takes the concept of reality. That of the Buddhists is something like to "all that is, whether or not visible, accessible or understandable by science and philosophy or any other system of analysis."

The eternal tug of war between idea and matter. Historical experience has shown us that much more progress when the mind is focused on understanding the known even with mathematical logic in speculating about the unknown. I like to think as Philip Dick "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, does not go away."

By tracing the root of suffering and in need of, if any, to possess, to desire, to adhere . Renounce human nature, creating a fictitious "Spiritual nature" instead of affirming the daily struggle for existence, renounce her inactivity devoid of punctures. The phrase is something like holding little children "to order that neither wanted." Very different from "I want something," "believe in something and somebody." Very different to expect change orders established that are adverse "tangible reality."

The "correct understanding" (samyak dristi) implies that to be correct, the others can be "no right" (Syndrome escape from reality).

The concept of past lives I've always associated with escape as a form of "not dying" as a way to escape human frailty and see that we only have one opportunity to do things well and enjoy what we have.

Although they say it is a journey and not a religion. Moreover

Buddhism seems to me equally absurd and sublime than any other religion.

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Vive la Semana Santa in Alicante

We're almost at Easter and, as in the rest of the "skin of bull" that is our country, in the province of Alicante is living these festivals with great fervor and passion. Although in every town feels a very special way, we will highlight five cities of Alicante: Alicante, Elche, Orihuela, Crevillente and Aspe. In

capital, we live in a very intense Easter, but the fact of being a big city is bad for them because they do not reach the level of other major cities such as Seville, Malaga and Cadiz. The most spectacular procession of the Brotherhood is the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper (Holy Thursday), with nearly 400 costaleros . However, as almost anywhere in Spain, processions are as beautiful as spectacular.

In the second city of the province, Elche, the party lives with great fervor. On most spectacular is possibly the Procession of the Palms, declared of Interest International Tourist . On Palm Sunday, tens of thousands of Elche travel, accompanying the throne of Jesus Triumphant, the main streets of downtown, wearing white palms made by artisan families in the city and from the palm grove of Elche. The following Sunday, the Resurrection, there is perhaps another great procession of the week, leaving the Brotherhood of Our Lady of the Assumption, patroness of the city, known as the Procession Hallelujahs.

With more momentum
religious parties live in the city of Orihuela, provincial headquarters of the Diocese of Orihuela-Alicante. Week Santa Orihuela, declared of national touristic interest (and aspiring to international recognition), is considered one of the religio-cultural expressions nation's leading . There's even a museum devoted exclusively to the history of Easter in the city. In addition, two nocturnal processions: the Penitential Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of the Good Death (early hours of Thursday to Friday) and the Brotherhood of the Holy Resurrection and Gathering (Saturday to Easter Sunday) . Living live the faith of the Orihuela at that time of night visual and emotional impact.

Another city where there is public outcry during the week is Crevillente . It is worth going through this small town to enjoy the processions and, above all, its typical cuisine of this time (of which more later). To understand the passion with which crevillentinos live close enough to the holidays on Good Friday, at 6 am, the procession road to Calvary. Despite being so early, all the guilds of the city take to the street. Finally, in Aspen, where the festivities were declared recently Provincial Tourist Interest, highlights the Brotherhood of Ecce Homo, first in Spain that had a procession of bearers only (Step Palio de la Virgen).

Once we have spoken of the processions, we turn to another section almost as important: the food. The most typical dish in the province these days is the Easter Mona, whose ingredients are flour, sugar, eggs and salt. The mass involves a lot of work in its development and requires an hour of resting before cooking. The province is customary to take the holiday of Monday's cute to go to eat in the mountains or the beach, accompanied by family members or friends. Another typical sweet, due to the invasion of Madrid the coast at this time, are the classic French toast.

As I said before, if you approach Crevillente, do not leave without trying the "pa torrat" Good Friday, which is toasted bread baked in plenty of oil, garlic and accompanied by traditional anchovy coca. The other is the typical food and nationwide: porridge with cod fritters, soup or garlic sausage, and that fine dining should not understand boundaries. And so far, with the mouth watering, it's review of Holy Week in Alicante. I hope you have served you something and take a peek in the province to enjoy the holidays ...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

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Yes, He Can

United States is experiencing historic days. The reform of health policy, a strong point of Barack Obama's election, is ongoing and after the approval in the Senate, has also been accepted by the House of Representatives (219 votes to 212 against) and promulgated by President . Now if only the ratification of a second project, which introduces some reforms must go first and if it is approved by Congress, the Senate again.

Obama reform aims to assist citizens who have no medical coverage from their employers and not eligible to sign up for state health programs (an estimated 32 million Americans). The project also aims to lower the high costs of health insurance are in the U.S.. Of course, the reform does not take into account the 10 million illegal immigrants.

The law will require all Americans to have health insurance in 2014 or pay a fine if they do . To help lower income people, the state will subsidize all families with annual incomes below $ 88,200 or individuals with incomes up to $ 29,300 annually. In turn, the law will improve the conditions of the policies they already had with private insurers and companies may not refuse a client for pre-existing medical conditions or be expelled to getting a long-term illness . This allows, for example, securing thousands of AIDS patients or women with previous cesareans. In addition, reform force all businesses to offer insurance to their workers , although there will be aid for small firms unable to meet this expense danger of bankruptcy.

Obama's original idea was to include the reform of public insurance option, but that was rejected during the debate in Congress. A secure public only European style is difficult to implement in a country the size of the United States . With this reform, the government assumes the role of intermediary between the public and private companies and is responsible for that coverage is adequate and universal as possible.

currently United States is the only developed country that does not have a system of universal coverage of health care . It is estimated that more than 45 million people (about 15% of the total population), has no health coverage, which indicates the severity of the problem. The public system existing health cover for pensioners over 65 (Medicare), people without resources (Medicaid program) and children from families with limited resources (not covered by Medicaid). These programs are managed by the payment of services to private institutions.

addition there is no system of universal coverage, the employer is not legally obliged to provide health coverage to their workers . In practice, however, most large companies offer this type of protection on the terms negotiated in collective bargaining. It is estimated that over 60% of people with health care get it in this way. And is that the lack of a tax to finance health care companies, as happens in countries with public systems, had long regarded as a competitive advantage for U.S. companies , who would face at a cost to the would charge many of their international competitors.

The lack of coverage is concentrated in low-wage workers who provide services in small and medium enterprises, individual entrepreneurs and independent professionals, but also important groups of young and in good health who prefer to delay hiring insurance
reaching advanced ages. But the problem extends even to the employed and which are covered by health insurance because job loss is synonymous with the loss of health coverage own family and . Under the new law, the unemployed will be helped to buy insurance on a stock that will be created for that purpose. Other problems of the current health situation of the United States are: the drug prices (much higher than in Europe or Canada) or by the aging population .

To understand the health problem of the first world power like the United States, just take a look at some data from the World Health Organization (WHO). The North American country is ranked among physicians 44 per person, 50 hospital beds per person, 34 in infant mortality rate, the 29 in maternal mortality in childbirth and 30 in life expectancy of women (28 men). In this situation, reform involves more than necessary, for the sake of their own country. And when

begin to apply the new law? Some measures will take effect immediately. But the most important start to apply in 2014 . The explanation is simple: it is impossible for the system suddenly take 32 million new users.

Friday, March 19, 2010

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LOVE: the 4 stages of infatuation

THE BIOCHEMISTRY OF LOVE: the 4 stages of infatuation LUIS ARBAIZA

in the newspaper La Primera, Science and Technology supplement. Tuesday March 30, 2010
biologist with a major in genetics
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

If you do not know if this love with that person or if you want to know if that person loves you or not, this article will help you find out.
couple's love, which deal with here is biochemically and physiologically different from other types of affection and sex (maternal love, friendship, desire, etc..).
First, love is a physiological state. The brain of the person in love is different from the no love. This state physiological called love has 4 stages, one loves in a way each of them also seem to love each sex differently.

Each stage has a characteristic physiology and biochemistry so that we know objectively whether or not you love someone and that stage of love is. Each stage is a prerequisite for the former and the process can stop at any stage.

This physiology appears to be universal love as romantic love can be found 89% of human societies and is not caused by cultural learning to occur in a primitive part of brain that is not elastic and culturally insensitive to be affected.



2 .- 3 .- 4 .-

This template is a list of qualities required for a person to fall in love with her (is an unconscious list ), presumably originating in the neocortex (more evolved part of the brain).
This mold or template is formed in childhood.
stage is more influenced by culture, for example, in a racist society is racist template. The formation of this template is also strongly influenced by family experiences, the father is typically the model of man and woman's mother, and the type of relationships that.
Pero esta modulación cultural no puede cambiar algunos moldes innatos, por ejemplo las mujeres de amplias caderas, cintura estrecha y jóvenes son las más atractivas universalmente. Así mismo los hombres altos.

Ocurre desde la adolescencia en adelante. Al conocer a alguien parecido a nuestra plantilla, aparecen sentimientos de anhelo.
Cuatro hormonas se alteran en esta etapa: Testosterona, Feniletilamina, Adrenalina y Noradrenalina

Testosterona, al ver a la persona que calza en nuestra plantilla aumenta la testosterona, esto aumenta nuestra libido o deseo sexual.

Feniletilamina, esta sustancia se dispara por un simple intercambio de miradas o un apretón hands with the person we're falling in love. This neurotransmitter (a substance that serves to transmission of nerve impulses in the brain) is similar to amphetamine, and as it gives confidence and a sensation of joy. When the scientists injected them into mice Phenylethylamine charming show, jumping, frolicking, scream, as lovers fascinated by the first approach.
But the effects of this substance only last a short period of time.
This substance is also found in chocolate, perhaps because it is said that chocolate can cure a broken heart and perhaps why they give chocolate lovers (the other would feel an artificial feeling of love.) Adrenaline and noradrenaline

: to see the person we like the hypothalamus stimulates the adrenal glands, they produce adrenaline and noradrenaline. That is why we heart beats faster (130 beats per minute), systolic blood pressure increases our (what we call maximum). Fats and sugars are released to increase muscle capacity. More red blood cells are generated to enhance the transport of oxygen through the bloodstream. So the flush. 3 .- COURTSHIP

That person we liked, we are excited, and now we do not stop thinking about her. He began the third stage of love. 3 At this stage
altered substances: serotonin, oxytocin and dopamine.
Also in this third stage of love our brains are activated in certain specific areas, such as the Insula average (acting on gut feelings), also the anterior cingulate cortex (involved in the euphoria induced by drugs such as cocaine), Striatum (cortex active when we remember, hence the attachment to the template) and the prefrontal cortex (an area very active in depressed subjects). So we can say at this stage in love feels and acts like an addict, like an animal and as a depressant. We

low serotonin serotonin, as in obsessive compulsive disorder, hence the love thinking and talking obsessively compulsively your loved ones. Alcohol also lowers serotonin, so the alcohol creates an artificial way some aspect of love, it is not surprising that alcohol is related to courtship behavior as holidays or appointments. But unfortunately this effect disappears after the binge.

oxytocin and dopamine. These two substances increases. With just seeing the beloved, oxitosina released without physical contact. So many people can love the Internet, this hormone releasing dopamine (related to addiction)
Dopamine produces inconsistency, elation, euphoria and lack of sleep and appetite, energy, heightened attention, win and excitement.
Cocaine also increases dopamine why lovers become addicted to each other if they are returned. And if not, the lover suffers from a kind of withdrawal.

has been found at this stage the brain regions rich in dopamine, active in love are different in men and women. Bone women and men do not fall in love alike.
Women: areas associated with reward, emotion and attention
visual processing areas is not surprising that women fall in love more often of the mind and body men. 4 .-

If all goes well and liked the person who accepts us and courting, begin The fourth and final stage of love. At this stage the changes are more subtle yet more strong.
The two substances that change are: testosterone and endorphins.
testosterone. It was noted that this drop in man and woman rises, leading to a loss of interest in the man and his rise in women. Endorphins
. These substances are similar to morphine and opiates, and as addictive as they are.

Based on this information the scientists of tomorrow will love laboratory diagnosis. You could create artificial love as somehow you create chocolates and beers. BIBLIOGRAPHY

Crenshaw, Theresa L. (1996). The Alchemy of Love and Lust - Discovering our Sex Hormones and How they Determine who we Love, when we Love, and how often we Love, (pg. xx). New York: G. P. Putman's Sons.
Esch T, Stefano GB. The Neurobiology of Love.Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2005 Jun;26(3):175-92.
Goldstein, A. &. Lowery, P.J. "Effect of the opiate antagonist naloxone on body temperature in rats." Life Science. 1975 Sep 15;17(6):927-31.(b) Role of endorphins discovered (history) -

Jankowiak W.R, Fischer E.F. A cross-cultural perspective on romantic love. Ethnology. 1992;31:149.
Liebowitz, Michael R. (1983). The Chemistry of Love, (pgs. 5, 107-09). Boston: Little, Brown and Co.
Pert, Candace B. (1997). Molecules of Emotion - the Science of Mind-Body Medicine, (p. 102-04). New York: Simon & Schuster.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

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Other means of payment on the Internet ...

As previously mentioned, with the birth of Orbyt opens a potential new era in English digital journalism. After the attempt of the country to charge for content on the web (we speak of the beginnings of electronic journalism in our country), who finished thud; the birth of this new platform represents the first serious bid by a digital means of payment in Spain.

Other countries do not lag behind us, quite the opposite. And several projects Pay newspaper online. Who is getting more interest in this new form of business is Rupert Murdoch, especially in The Wall Street Journal , where the results begin to be positive even , as the initiative has been an excellent host. The tycoon is defended from attacks by the advocates of "all free", arguing that their media offer quality information . And the quality must be paid. Obviously, otherwise it would be impossible to succeed in this business.

In England, the media to offer a new innovative model will The Economist. After close your site for a time to explore new alternatives, it seems that these are taking shape. The new digital environment would be based on micro-payments, much like the iTunes music platform . Thus, each user would pay only for the news you're interested. In this case that would win the "pay only for what you want."

Finally, and as I said in last post, in France also have joined the bandwagon of collecting various digital media. Of these, we noticed Libération, for his strong defense in the past of "all for free." For several months, has been a part of the electronic edition of payment by two types of fertilizers . The basic or Essentiel provides access to the content of the daily paper in PDF format, the files of the last fifteen years and other services. Your price: 6 euros per month. The Première (12 euros per month) provides access to editing as they are closing the pages in the newspaper.

'll see if, especially in our country, another big media company ("Grupo Prisa?) Takes the same decision and commitment Editorial Unit means of payment. Out of here, and Murdoch is the best example, already doing. The key to success or failure? The service offered. The only hope that media payments to the free pass is surpassed in quality . The question we must ask now is this: Is there such a quality English journalism ? ...

Friday, March 12, 2010

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World + € = Orbyt

March 2010 could be remembered in future as the beginning of the triumph of the press online payment. With the backing of a media group as Editorial Unit, has seen the light Orbyt first serious attempt by the English press on paid content over the network . Orbyt born under the protection of the world, although the newspaper continues to maintain both its print edition, such as digital.

The new medium, according to preliminary analysis, it has been half way between the traditional and digital. The format is similar to a newspaper in PDF, with the support of the new pictures or videos that explain the news , resulting in the feeling of reading a print on the computer. We note that the contents are not updated instantly, like a blog, but every day, the user receives a new "package" (as if it were a newspaper). Another goal of Unity Publishing to launch the expansion Orbyt outside our country, especially in English speaking countries, where it is more difficult (not impossible or unthinkable) to send the print medium. 14'90 This new service will cost per month, or 0.60 per day . Subscribers to the print edition of The World Orbyt can enjoy without having to pay anything more.

The new medium is divided into four sections: Kiosk (where a summary of news of the day and at the end, a preview of the most important thing the next day), Your World (The most interactive, trying to engage the reader in the newspaper), Documenta (a kind of periodicals where they want to include all issues published by El Mundo) and Duty Free (the most publicity, which includes a series of discounts, special offers or contests).

Criticisms have been slow in coming, and it seems that is suspiciously similar to the online version of World . There are also problems with accessibility and slow service. Although the main complaint is that it adds nothing new, since everything offered is available on the network so free. Only the ability to access the archive of The World can meet at least the curiosity to check daily for years. With all this, pay fifteen euros per month seems a luxury.

So why there is this birth? seems that it has become fashionable in large media companies bet on the online payment means . Rupert Murdoch has announced that their newspapers (The Wall Street Journal , The Times or The Sun , among others) have no be free from this year, featuring, yes, higher quality information. In which more emphasis is doing is in the Journal , where the results begin to be positive even as the initiative has been an excellent host.

to the very The New York Times also announced it will charge for content from 2011 . In this case, we are still studying the formula to carry out the change, although the actual brand recognition (we're talking about perhaps the most prestigious newspaper in the world) should be a value in itself to succeed. In England, The Economist has announced it will close its website to study a new model based on micro-payments, much like the iTunes music platform. Each user will pay only the news you're interested. In France, Le Monde, Le Parisien Les Echos and are a part of its premium Web content. to half as Liberation, staunch advocate of "all free" has been a part of its online edition payment.

If even the most idealistic just giving ... Is it possible that the media succeed online payment? Only time will provide the answer. And the same time will tell if the month of March 2010 will be remembered as the birth of the payment media in our country, or if you will by the thud of Orbyt .

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

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What is DTT? Gratuity or payment

all have in recent years the DTT receiver gizmo, but few would know precisely define which is the TDT. I myself would be unable to explain without liarme over and over again, giving endless laps at the end to end lost. Digital Terrestrial Television is the transmission of moving images and sound recorded by a digital signal through a network of repeaters land.

are many advantages over analog TV, but most are usually two: improving the quality of both sound and image and signal compression .

As I said, the main advantage (we've all noticed) provided by the digital encoding is to improve the quality of picture and sound at the time of receipt. This is because both are digitally encoded. So when any signal distortion, thus affecting the quality of reception, this can be corrected by the receiver, which identifies the error and remedied. As a curiosity, contrary to what many think, we know that the digital signal is more resistant to interference. Both digital and analog signals are susceptible to electromagnetic and distorted by electric or magnetic fields or weather conditions. The difference, as we have said, lies in the way of encoding information. The digital encoding is logical algorithms to identify and correct errors.

The other advantage perhaps more conducive to communication companies. If you noticed (me at least I do) with television Analog only had a dozen channel zapping. Now the figure has risen significantly. This is due to the possibility of compressing the signal, which means that it requires less bandwidth for transmission. Therefore, more channels can be issued in the space formerly used by a . In addition, the extra space can be devoted to other uses (for example, television signals broadcast in high definition.

While we increase the supply of television channels through digital terrestrial television, let's take a quick look enterprises audiovisuals that have licenses granted by the Government to issue in digital.

currently are licensed to broadcast 6 media companies, as well as the public broadcaster. RTVE offer five channels of TV ( La 1, La 2, 24 hours, Clan and Teledeporte ). As regards private companies, Antena 3 de Televisión, Sogecable Telecinco Gestevisión already had permission to broadcast open analogue and digital grant also received. Antena 3 issues, in addition to the namesake channel, and Nova Neox. Gestevisión, plus Telecinco has The Seven channels, Fiction Factory, Cincoshop, Cuatro, CNN +, 40 Latino and Canal Club . The last four channels are incorporated in the "portfolio" of Gestevisión after the merger between this company and Sogecable.

The new companies entering the TV market have been Audiovisual Investment Manager The Sixth, with one channel open ( The Sixth ) and a payment ( Gol T ) Editorial Unit ( I 7, Sony TV and I see Store) and Management Company Net TV Television (TV Intereconomía and Disney Channel).

addition, each Autonomous Community regional channels are issued, whose licenses granted by the regional government of the day. In Valencia we have four channels ( Canal 9, Punt 2, 24 / 9, Popular TV and Las Provincias). Finally, there are also regional and local channels. In Elche have another four ( Tele 7 Elche, Learn English TV, Libertad Digital TV and Tele Elx ).

And how could it be otherwise, the licensing has not ceased to be accompanied by political controversy, as media firms have complained over recent years that governments are opposed to their ideology have prevented access to the shift to issue licenses its open signal. How could it be otherwise, we have up in the DTT policy ...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

жених Denise Milani

"Snow White was so beautiful, even dead, the dwarfs did not have the heart to bury her and put her in a glass coffin where ever watched ...."

I loved her, and Although my brothers and I were warriors Dwarves always saw as asexual men in their eyes as children.

been many years since I could see her radiant smile, when her hair open sunlight and clouds dimmed white skin.

say his name White as ideo his mother when he saw blood on the snow to prick a finger, I did not mind his name.

But she saw us seven as if we were one without difference, only had thoughts for a "prince" who never met.

Now she is here, immutable, incorruptible in this glass coffin with his name engraved in gold letters. But static dead without being dead, living without being alive.
The cabin in the woods, is single, dismal. The time she entered, there was light, but now the wild beasts devour the deer.

were seven warriors, now leave me alone. Five have realized that this is crazy, we must continue our lives. One died at my hands when I surprised him trying to perform an act of necrophilia with the sleeping princess. This love nonsense has brought out the best and worst of me. I can not get away from the glass coffin.

"" The Prince "has sought?. But because I have to give it up?. Even dead illuminates this clearing. I do not know if it is the same prince, that that I saw, in the evening sniffing.

No matter, anyone who approaches the altar of glass, do not take my princess. So you should leave an enchanted kingdom without rulers.

And so "lived" happily "forever.