Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Which Indian Acctress Have Bigest Boobs



On Saturday April 3 was censured and asked to be silent at a meeting of Aperat (Peruvian Association atheists). Conduct more typical of dogmatic than rational people.
I was questioning the reasons or lack of reasons for a member to his atheism.
When I went to add a critique of the free or emotional way of being an atheist I was interrupted by Aperat president, Manuel Paz y Miño, which prevented me from continuing, I said that these discrepancies or criticism of other members thought the idea was not at that meeting. And I suggested that I shut up. Other attendees, among whom was Rafael Ocaña, were quite pleased with this censorship, an intolerant bone and anti criticism.
Once I saw that he could hear but not speak I retired and all continued their polite meeting of atheists.
To me censorship is nothing new and certainly there will be more incidents like this, if I keep doing things right in a society where the rule is to things wrong.

"Some years ago I was censored and banned from lecturing in the faculty of biology at San Marcos that had a public debate with the chaplain of San Marcos on the human embryo. Edma Professor Maita, then I blame high authority at the end of the debate and I cancel my next presentation. Has stopped talking again formally at my alma mater.
- A few months ago Mr. Julio Rivera, a leader of the Cenacle JachayWiñay philosophical and creator of a new national anthem, I invite you to attend meetings again philosophical home. He said I could not that week but if the other and told me that that's not that expose Quelopana Flores, Bone said I could go to the Upper Room every day that was not exposing Quelopana. Obviously this kind of invitation to take it as an insult.

-At a conference of British philosophy in the Miraflores was literally kicked out by the public for disagreeing with the speaker to let go a number of false and inconsistent reasoning.

Common to these events is to prevent a rational analysis ruin their beliefs. Cover the opening
someone, do not listen. In order to keep believing their lies. What makes
Paz y Miño ie the Aperat wish atheists disbelieve. We do not believe and any reason or revision of this belief is heresy. That is to say that atheism is a dogma of faith, belief and more.

are not really atheists.

price if I be an atheist, and not afraid to examine or doubt my atheism as often as necessary. My atheism is not a decision but a finding. I am pleased to have met some new friends I hope to continue keeping Aperat now that this new Aperat break away from me. Sincerely

Luis Arbaiza


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