Thursday, April 22, 2010

Where To Buy Vintage Stereo Receivers

forever ... Rafa out of the tunnel

has died Juan Antonio Samaranch. Pope has left us of Sport. I read this name to Alfredo Relaño, editor of AS, a few days ago. And in that moment, I came to my mind the image of John Paul II. The two (Samaranch and Wojtyla) I conveyed the same picture: venerable and wise old men whom the world has much to be thankful and a kind of halo around the closer, at least for me, mythological figures.

was born
in 1985. My earliest sports memories are of 1992 Barcelona Olympics. But Samaranch, these Olympics would not have been possible . And who knows? Maybe today would be operating patients, doing audits, or mixing cement on site. Those games, like all my generation, I was struck by: Freddy Mercury and Montserrat Caballé in the opening ceremony, the Hello, who welcomed the world, tears of Samaranch and the King, the "Friends Forever" of Los Manolos, the glorious triumph of Fermin Cacho in the final 1,500 meters, with the entire arena cheering at full stretch, the goals of Kiko, gold Lopez Zubero claw Arantxa, judo, water polo, the Dream Team ...

Juan Antonio loved his city and country. In 1992, Spain was no longer a Third World country (athletically speaking) to sit on the elite Olympic panorama. The golden age that we live today (football, basketball, tennis, cycling and many other sports aces), born and raised under the influence of Barcelona 92. Moreover, politically we are open to the world, who could see that the dictatorship was over. But this was not the only merit of Samaranch. He fought for his country, but above all, fought for the Olympics, the sport.

The world came from two world wars that had divided the globe into two parts. Sports, the Olympics were more politicized than ever. Samaranch brought down that wall. Universalized the Games, leading even to Oceania. His latest conquest was the communist dictatorship cerradísima China: Beijing 2008 . Such is the impression it left in its wake the president of the IOC, that even the Chinese have felt his death.

Another task performed to perfection by Samaranch was the professionalization of the Games. Over time, the great athletes had lost interest in winning Olympic medals. During his tenure, Samaranch returned to the Games fame and honor in ancient Greece had . His first great triumph was to make the big stars of the NBA went to the appointment. His latest success in this section, attitudes like Rafa Nadal in Beijing, where he enjoyed the Olympic experience as an athlete more. If the cracks were erased before the appointment, now regret not being able to participate. I come to mind words of Iker Casillas, captain of the English football team, who said a few years ago I had the thorn stuck had not been enjoying the Olympics.

But it was not all joy during his years in office (both real and honorary). The Salt Lake City scandal cost him much trouble, but pulled through. A weak entity would have collapsed before these events, but the IOC, Samaranch was built to replace the bump knew. But his biggest disappointment gave it a few months ago.

Exerting prophet, Juan Antonio asked one last favor to his colleagues on the committee: the Games to Madrid in 2016. The request fell on deaf ears and gave the Games to Rio de Janeiro. However, Madrid will not surrender and the fact that the Games for the first time traveling to South America is another sign of globalization initiated by Samaranch in 1980. The sport will miss him. London, Rio de Janeiro and the following Olympic events will honor. The Olympic flame has diminished since his death, but thanks to people like him never be extinguished. Rest in Pau, Joan Antoni .


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