Monday, April 19, 2010


the whore of Babylon

"whore, the simoniacal, the Inquisitor, torture, counterfeiting, murder, ugly, the mad, bad, and the Holy Office and the Index of Forbidden Books, the Crusader and the night of St. Bartholomew, which sacked Constantinople and Jerusalem bloodshed, which exterminated the Albigenses and the twenty thousand inhabitants of Beziers, which devastated the indigenous cultures of America, which burned Segarelli in Parma, John Hus in Constance and in Rome Giordano Bruno, the opponent of the science, the enemy of truth, the adulterous woman in history, the persecutor of the Jews, the prick of bonfires, the burner of heretics and witches, the swindler of widows, the huntress of inheritance, selling of indulgences, which invented Cristoloco Pedropiedra the rabid and the stupid, the dull promises the kingdom of heaven and threatens eternal fire of hell, the word gagging and shackle the freedom of the soul, while repressing other religions where orders and demands freedom of worship which does not command, he has never loved animals and had compassion on them, the obscurantist, the deceiver, the trickster, the slanderous, the libelous, the repressed, the repressor, La Mirona, the spook, the stubborn, the relapse, the corrupt, hypocritical, the parasite, the drone of anti-Semitism, slavery, the homophobic, the misogynist, the carnivorous, the butcher, the beggar, the truffle, the liar, the insidious, the traitor , the dispossessed, the thief, the manipulative, the predatory, the oppressor, the treacherous, the fallacious, the raptor, the felony, the aberrant, the inconsequential, the incoherent, absurd, and the idiotic, the fools, the fool, the stupid, the transvestite, the scarecrow, the queer, the Autocratic, the despotic, tyrannical, the Catholic, Apostolic, Roman, the Jesuit, Dominica, the Opus Dei, the concubine Constantine, Justinian, Charlemagne, the overlapping of Mussolini and Hitler, the whore of harlots, the whore of the harlots, the whore of Babylon, the unpunished bimilenaria have outstanding accounts with me since my childhood and here I shall receivable. "Fernando Vallejo. The Whore of Babylon (Seix Barral, 2009),


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