Saturday, October 16, 2010

Underactive Thyroidpains Inlegs

The Celestine Prophecy is a movie based on the novel by James Redfield, also entitled The Celestine Prophecy, and directed by Armand Mastroianni. Synopsis

The chance or fate directed John to the rainforests of Peru. There, researchers have discovered some ancient writings that announce the arrival of a new era for the man who changed the perception of everything that surrounds and will provide new insight into the future. These disclosures are supposedly a threat and a danger to those who know them as antagonists.

Summary Following is a summary of the nine steps described by Redfield in his book "The Celestine Prophecy."

1. A critical mass: Becoming aware of coincidences in our lives

Feeling restless? You're not alone: \u200b\u200bEveryone is starting to find more meaning in your life. Pay attention to these "coincidences" - that seem to be events to happen. They are actually synchronistic events, and following them, you will enter your path of spiritual truth.

2. A new way of seeing the world

our culture within its historical context. The first half of the last millennium was wasted under the thumb of the church, in the second half only care about material welfare. Now, at the end of the twentieth century, it no longer matters to us. We are ready to discover the main purpose of life.

3. A universe of dynamic energy
connect with the energy that surrounds things. With practice, you learn to see auras around living things and learn to project your own energy to deliver power.

4. The struggle for power: competition for energy

human unconscious energy competition is the basis of all conflict. Dominating or manipulating others, gives us extra energy we need. Sure, it feels good, but both sides are damaged in the conflict.

5. Connecting with divine energy within you

The key to overcoming the conflict in the world is the mystical experience, which is attainable for anyone. To nurture the mystical and build your energy, let yourself be filled with a feeling of love.

6. Clearing the Way: Discovering your path in life

childhood traumas block our ability to experience the mystical. Humans, because of their burdens, desmbocan one of four "control dramas": The Bully steal energy from other threats. The Interrogators steal it by judging and questioning. The reserved attract attention (and energy) flirting. And Victims make us feel guilty and responsible for them. Notice the family dynamics that created your control drama and concentrate on the main question is how to make your life a life of a higher level than it had been your parents.

7. Knowing your personal mission: Flow

Once you've cleared your trauma, you can build energy through contemplation and meditation, concentrating on the basic question of your life, and starting to pay attention to intuition, dreams, coincidences synchronous to take to the direction of your own evolution and transformation.

8. Ethics Interpersonal: Encouraging others

can not make these developments only, so start practicing the new "Interpersonal Ethic" by encouraging those who cross your path. Talk to people who spontaneously make eye contact with you. Avoid mutual dependencies. Pay attention to the dramas of other people's control. When in groups, speak when the spirit - instead of the ego - you motivated.

9. Evolve to higher states

The purpose is to evolve beyond this plane. Less people and more forests will help us to maintain our energy and accelerate our evolution. The technology will most work for us. As we value spirituality more and more, eventually replace the market economy and our need for gainful employment. We can connect with the energy of God in a way such that eventually we become beings of light, to walk straight to heaven. "

Source: / 2009/05/las-nueve-revelaciones-la-pelicula.html

Islam Web
To view full screen: http://www. /? idv = 290

Xerex-aubrey Miles Full Movie

Facundo Cabral: No you're down, you're Distracted

're not depressed, you're distracted, distracted from the life that populates. Distracted
of life around you: dolphins, forests, seas, mountains, rivers.
not fall as fell thy brother, who suffers from a human being when the world is 5.600 million.
addition is not so bad to live alone. I have a good time, deciding at each moment I want to do, and thanks to the solitude I know, something fundamental to life.
not fall as fell thy father, who feels it is 70 years old, forgetting that Moses led the exodus to the 80 and played like nobody Rubinstein Chopin 90. Solo to cite two known cases.

're not depressed, you're distracted, so you think you lost something, which is impossible, because everything was given thee. You did not even a hair of your head so you can not own anything. Also life does not remove things, frees you from things. Eases you to fly higher, to reach the fullness. From the cradle to the grave is a school, so what you call problems are lessons.

not missed anyone, who died just passed us, because we all go there. Besides the better of him, love is in your heart.
Who can say that Jesus is dead?
There is no death: there move. On the other side waiting for you wonderful people: Gandhi, Michelangelo, Whitman, San Augustine, Mother Teresa, your grandmother and my mother, who believed that poverty is closer to love, because money distracts us too much, and we away that makes us suspicious.
Do only what you love and be happy, and doing what he loves, is blessedly condemned to success, which will arrive when you need to go, because what should be will be, and will come naturally.

Do not do anything for obligation or commitment, but for love.
Then there will be full, and in the fullness anything is possible. And because it moves effortlessly natural force of life, which I raised when the plane went down with my wife and my daughter that kept me alive when doctors diagnosed me 3 or 4 months of life.
God gave you a human being in charge, and you yourself. To you make you free and happy, then you can share real life with others. Remember

Jesus: "Love your neighbor as yourself." Reconciled with you, stand in front of the mirror and think you're seeing this creature is God's work, and decide now to be happy because happiness is an acquisition.
addition happiness is not a right but a duty, because if you're not happy, these bitter the whole neighborhood.

One man who had no talent and courage to live, sent to kill six million Jewish brothers.
There are so many things to enjoy and our time on earth is so short that suffering is a waste of time. We have to enjoy the winter snow and spring flowers, chocolate of Perugia, the French baguette, Mexican tacos, Chilean wine, seas and rivers, brazilian soccer, One Thousand and One Nights, Divine Comedy, Don Quixote, Pedro Páramo, boleros of Manzanero and Whitman's poetry, Mahler, Mozart, Chopin, Beethoven, Caravaggio, Rembrandt, Velasquez, Picasso and Tamayo among so many wonders.

And if you have cancer or AIDS, two things can happen and both are good; if you win, you free the body that is so annoying: I have hunger, I have cold, I have dreams, I have wanted, I have reason, I have doubts ... and if you win, you will be more humble, more grateful, therefore easily happy. Free of the tremendous burden of guilt, responsibility, and vanity, ready to live each moment deeply as it should.

're not depressed, you're unemployed. Help the child who needs you, that child will be a member of your child. Help the aged, and young people will help you when you are. In addition the service is a certain happiness, and enjoy the nature and care for those to come. Given without measure and give you no action.

Love to become the beloved, especially to become the very love.
And do not mistake you for a few homicidal and suicidal, the majority, but it is not noticeable because it is quiet, a pump makes more noise than a touch, but for every bomb that will destroy millions of caresses, life feed .

How you know that there is time?
That one has to seek and give. Nobody lays down rules, but life.
That life without certain rules lost forms. That is not lost to open up.
That's not to love indiscriminately open up. Is not forbidden love.
That also is to be hated. That hatred and love are affected.
that aggression for its own sake, it hurts a lot. The wounds are closed.
That should not close doors. That door is the most affection.
That affects, define us. Be defined not swim against the current. Not
the stronger is the stroke, the drawing.

That does not mean a balance to be lukewarm. To deny words, is to open distances.
That encounter is very beautiful. That sex is part of the beauty of life.
That part of sex life. That's why children, is why.
we want to know someone, not just curiosity.
we want to know everything everyone is curious sound bad. Never is
others welcome. That determination is not doing it alone.
Nobody wants to be alone. That is not to be alone to give.
What to give, we receive before. That to give us also need to know to ask.
That know how to ask is not given away. That is ultimately given away not wanting. That
so we must show what we want. That for someone to be there to help him.
That help is to encourage and support. That is not flattering support.
That flattery is as pernicious as turning your face.
That things are honest face to face. No one is honest because no robe.
That when there is no pleasure in things you are not living. That
to feel life forget that there death.
What can be the living dead. Sit with the body and mind. That
with ears hear. It takes to be sensitive and avoid injury. That hurt
not bleed. In order not to be injured create walls.
That would be better to build bridges. On them are going to the other side and no one returns. That does not mean
back again. That may also be moving back.
Not much progress was closer to the sun dawns.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Bottomless Female Movies

Think America 2010 - Saturday 16 in October ALL AMERICA!

If you want peace, harmony, less stress for you and the world, well join the next Saturday 16 October at 17:00 hrs. in your local time and perform an evening of meditation, because WE ARE ALL ONE! Namaste!


• In over 100 cities across the continent.

• Thousands of people.

• At the same time.

• Meditating for peace.

• On October 16, 2010.

Latin America

Meditate Meditate meditation will be more competition in the history of the Americas. On 16 October, more than 100 cities across the continent, thousands of people meditate for world peace simultaneously.

The event organized by the International Foundation for Art of Living, is free and open to the public.

Some of the participating cities for 2010 are: Asunción, Bogotá, Caracas, Georgetown (Guyana), La Paz, Lima, Mexico City, Montevideo, Montreal, New York, Panama, Paramaribo (Surinam), Quito, Rio de Janeiro , San Jose, Costa Rica, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Santo Domingo, San Pablo, Santiago de Chile. Think America

Edition 2009

The October 12, 2009, thousands of people gathered in over 35 cities in America to simultaneously meditate for peace. It was the first event of its kind carried place in the Americas.

contribute to the welfare of society, eliminating the violence and stress Through breathing practices and meditation.

The Art of Living, with its millions of volunteers around the world, organized the largest mass meditation of history: 2.5 million people meditated together in Bangalore, India in 2006.

Think America is the second edition of the event of meditation in the continent's largest peace. And for 2011 posed a new challenge, a worldwide mass meditation.

Meditation and its benefits

When the mind is quieted, all voltages and the accumulated stress disappear. In this state we can focus more easily at the moment.

True happiness is found in the present, in those moments when we stop lamenting the past and worrying about the future.
The practice of meditation provides instant serenity

• the body and mind

• a clearer mind and alert

• development of intuition

• control negative emotions

• greater dynamism and energy during daily activity

• solution to health problems and illnesses

Meditating for Peace

All the world's problems, from the military to the domestic conflicts are caused by violence. Through meditation you can eliminate the cause of violence.

Any action that takes place without peace of mind only leads to repentance. Peace does not mean passivity. You must use all methods to stop the violence. Meditation transforms

aggression and violence in feelings of compassion, love and solidarity. In times of war and disease in the world, is vital to meditate. When we meditate, they cancel the negative vibrations, creating a harmonious environment around us.

The individual contribution is not negligible when the world is in trouble. Everyone has a role to play. Anyone who is breathing, talking, walking and thinking, influences on this planet. We all have the ability to radiate peace, good thoughts, good wishes and thus have an impact on the planet. The state of peace achieved in meditation definitely helps. "

Excerpt from a talk by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

Founder of Art of Living Foundation.

"Think America is a proposal for the Art of Living to reduce violence and build a stress-free society, where peace is spreading"


Santiago / Cerro San Cristobal, Place the palms / Garden Mapulemu
Paul and Raul / raul.sanchez.s @

The serene / School Surf the Serena / Avenida del Mar 1001
Luiz Felipe /

Cobquecura / Plaza de Armas
Jaqueline Donoso / jaque.donoso.leyton @

Calama / Avenida La Paz N º 678-B / ** 16 OCTOBER AT 16:30
Paula Quinchel /

Other countries:


Several experiments have been conducted regarding the effects of meditation here are some of the best known:

The first statistical analysis of the effect of meditation on communities was published in 1987, several groups of people made meditation programs in 3 different cities: Washington DC (USA), Manila (Philippines) and Delhi (India) and, on average, violent crime fell by 11%.

In 1993 another experiment was conducted in Washington DC, where for 2 months a group of about 4,000 participants conducted programs Meditation (Transcendental and TM-Sidhi). A review committee of 27 people consisting of sociologists, criminologists, police and government officials, obtained weekly data to monitor the process and what was discovered was wonderfully surprising: As the number of meditators was increasing, was reduced rate of homicides, rapes and assaults. The maximum reduction of crime was 23.3% in the last week when there were more participants.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Boots From Flavor Of Love's Curly Hair



Luis Arbaiza
Biólogo con mención en genética

"EAT transgenic?
80% of corn and soy is genetically modified poultry imported for example San Fernando, 100% oil consumed in Peru comes from transgenic soybean according to former Agriculture Minister Ismael Benavides

FIRST transgenic
was the Flavr Savr tomato (CGN- 89564-2)
A tomato that could.
produced the following effects in rats: Potential development
precancerous cells in the digestive tract.
Inhibition of brain development, liver and testes.
partial liver atrophy

elongated Pancreas (Stanley WB Ewen, 1999)

80% 7% 5%

was founded in 1901. It is one of the most controversial companies in the world. Known for its practice of aggressive legal and political influence. Monsanto was the one that was put to the coca cola caffeine to make it addictive, which markets the carcinogen DDT and Agent Orange, has extensive litigation worldwide pollution and corruption.

victims of Agent Orange

in 2004 had to admit to having bribed a senior official of Indonesia with 1.5 million dollars to avoid studying environmental impact for GM cotton. was fined for violations of the Corrupt Practices Act Foreign, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA, for its acronym in English)

In 2007 France was fined for giving false information, saying that the herbicide was biodegradable when it was not.
Monsanto admits that employs children in India who have to manage the toxic endosulfan, all for the equivalent of 1 sun and 40 cents for the hire of a full day of work.
Monsanto MON863 Corn development, which was shown after his liver and kidney toxicity. For analysis (after forcing her to give details because the company refused to do so voluntarily) use the same data is provided by the company that previously had manipulated to look like corn MON863 was harmless. CHRONIC

In 2005 Congresswoman Doris Sanchez prepare and submit the Act on the Promotion of Modern Biotechnology. Makes possible the presence of GMOs in Peru. Bill No. 12033, Law on Promotion of Modern Biotechnology in Peru
In 2007 Monsanto's Transnational examined and studied in Peru's northern lands and valleys. (Article published on November 15 in the newspaper La República)
On November 17, 2007 Dr. Antonieta Gutiérrez National Agrarian University alleged discovery of transgenic crops in Barranca using molecular biology techniques (PCR), discovered the NK603 maize from Monsanto and Syngenta's Bt11
On October 11, 2007 Alan Garcia met with Government Affairs Manager Monsanto AL, Rafael Aramendi to inform the company plans to develop a seed project in Peru.
The meeting can be found here:

August 2008 Agriculture Minister supports the law of biotechnology .

August 2008 the president of the biologists Ernesto Bustamante defends GMOs:
can be seen here:,

also are against transgenic foods that carry a mark or label identifying them as such.
Here are some excerpts from their statements:

The following are species that have received a gene with a beneficial activity for the farmer to the consumer, to society.
FACT: 90%
after gene are resistant to herbicides.
The main beneficiaries are the sellers of herbicides
What are these sellers GM ERNESTO BUSTAMANTE

The (trasns) gene already in the pesticides used organically
The ants and ladybugs are organic pesticides
The Monsanto GMOs are pesticides such as glyphosate, is an organic pesticide. ECONOMY

One consequence of the transgenic is the dependence of farmers of the seed sold by the MNC (often monopoly), which may ask for it the price you want.
In India farmers took a degree of indebtedness and dependence that rises alarmingly Suicide rates among farmers of GM crops.
1300 cotton farmers suicides GM.
One every 8 hours.
In 1998, India opened the doors to Cargill, Monsanto and Syngenta.
In 2002 Monsanto introduced Bt cotton, the farmers lost Rs 1 billion in crop failure.
In Bihar, lost 4 billion
In Vidharbha region of Maharashtra, there were 4000 suicides per year.
Bt cotton required 13 times more pesticides

According to the president of FAO is already enough food in quantity and quality for the entire human population. If hunger is due to problems of distribution and not production.
has not yet shown the benefits of Monsanto's seeds and some studies suggest a lower production in spite of the aggressive propaganda.
The dangers of allergies and cancer have not been scientifically proven, the harmful effects of GMOs are more economic and social than biological or medical.

An important Peruvian geneticist declared a yahoo forum for biologists transgenic artificial genes came to be added to the existing gene pool of rich biodiversity.
But this introduction is analogous to the introduction of a new species in a diverse ecosystem. Transgenic gene flow genomes is considered to wild genetic pollution.
The genetic pollution is an undesirable gene flow. The genes of GMOs have advantages for survival. pollen containing genes. do not even need to have an advantage, with single value can remain neutral by different mechanisms in the population. One cause of breaking the equilibrium of Hardy Wiber, is the gene flow from outside.
A gene in the genome collection is like an alien or invasive species.
the beginning added to the existing species, increasing diversity can then desaparécelas competing with them and reducing diversity.
Enter a trans gene in the gene pool as well as introducing some rainbow trout in a lake virgin. Or drop Caulerpa taxifolia in a coral reef.
Unlike other types of pollution, pollution and genetic pollution is inevitable. Once incorporated the new genes and remove them there. So this is, in this aspect, the biological equivalent of radioactive substances.

GMOs as print, television or the Internet are not essentially bad, only if they are misused.
But Monsato the misused.

MONSANTO President earns about $ 8,563
BILLION dollars a year.

A Peruvian farmer earns about $ 800 a year

Who believes you to win this race? DR A. FUJITA

Hi Luis (the 2),

I think the 3 are ex-students of Biological Sciences UNMSM
(Genetic Counseling) of which I am proud of the teachers
and solid bases reasoning. I do not know if the level is
better or worse, but it is obviously different.

Luis (Arbaugh), I will not discuss all the points to be noted (without much evidence
by the way), but Luis (Destéfano) and was responsible for
give arguments. You just copy my statement and everything you conclude
nor it is worth a thorough analysis of it.
only ask you to please review and discuss the ideas
exogenous gene in an organism is analogous to a new species in a diverse ecosystem
??. Do you have proof that a transgene (only for their quality
transgene) has destroyed biodiversity? "The transgenic (or to scare
: genetic pollution)
biological equivalent of the radioactive substances?. Gerardo Lamas, Estela Castillo and Jaime
Descailleaux friend you had been pulled. Hopefully

not be like the friends of some ministries, NGOs and universities
up, you feel more cook, the shaman or
the colleague who never (or little) peer-reviewed articles published, which in
Science. Great fright, but no logic, I imagine that many of those that live

Regards, Ricardo

REPLY TO DR LUIS DeStefano Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia.

Dr. Destefano does not authorize the release of their arguments, but I should be shown for the following reasons:
not discuss private life of anyone
was forwarded by him to dozens of people without permission.
This dabbling in politics and is now man public and we must know what you think.

I ask permission to post their response on my blog with my text to know the other point of view. Not answer their qualifications or value judgments, I will limit myself to pointing out arguments or facts. DR

r. Arbaugh:
you should be ashamed for writing and sending such defamatory. I very much regret having to call colleague because like you I am also Biologist-Geneticist of San Marcos. It seems that you did not learn much of our teachers. I suggest you rectify apologies to Drs Ernesto Bustamante and Ricardo Fujita who copy this message. LUIS

ARBAIZA Defamation is when you invent statements. In this case I copied verbatim what has publicly expressed by Dr Bustamante, here the video link:
Dr. Fujita's opinion has been expressed in the forum for biologists Peru Peruvian biologists and have read all senders in this yahoo group. DR

DIESTEFANO 1. You lie in relation to the effects of FlavSavr in mice. And if you going to cite the book by Jeffrey Smith, Seeds of Deception, as a source, we are very wrong. This book contains lies from the first to the last page. Can be expected of a Master in Finance (with due apologies to my friends who have that degree) when it enters on issues that are not their specialty. Introducing Jeffrey Smith in a scientific discussion on GMOs is equivalent to using the Bible in a kind of evolution. LUIS
The source is that, not criticized, Stanley WB Ewen, 1999. DR

DIESTEFANO lies when he says that this law gave the market to Monsanto. I suggest you read it again. LUIS
ARBAIZA: the law allows trade in transgenics in Peru. DR

DIESTEFANO equiovoca the quotation is the work that indicates the presence of corn transgencio in Barranca. The INIA has just published a report which analyzed hundreds of samples and whose final version was rated by 4 reviewers which shows no evidence to prove what was said by the previous study. The study it can lift the Perubiotec website. LUIS
ARBAIZA My appointment was this:
On November 17, 2007 Dr. Antonieta Gutiérrez de la Universidad Nacional Agraria alleged discovery of transgenic crops in Barranca using molecular biology techniques (PCR), discovered Monsanto's NK603 corn and Syngenta's Bt11
is no lie that she claims. DR

DIESTEFANO lies when he says that GMOs cause suicides and dependence. Farmers are free to buy or stop buying the seeds. Also, you hide or ignore the fact that hybrid maize seeds are planted hard in Peru are sold. They're not free. Something similar happens with the seeds of vegetables that plant in Peru, are not free, no one gives. LUIS
ARBAIZA is a lie no suicides in India. Are widely recorded. Never affirm that GMOs themselves causes, but marketing practices such in India by Monsanto.
In 1998, India opened the doors to Cargill, Monsanto and Syngenta.
In 2002 Monsanto introduced Bt cotton, the farmers lost Rs 1 billion in crop failure.
In Bihar, lost 4 billion
In Vidharbha region of Maharashtra, there were 4000 suicides per year.
Bt cotton required 13 times more pesticides
never stated that the transgenic seeds were free, they sell good stuff and things bad. We must discern before deciding. DR

DIESTEFANO A study concluding that 65% of subsistence farmers hungry due to poor returns on their land, a problem is the lack of money to fight diseases and pests. LUIS
ARBAIZA: agree. DR

DIESTEFANO you are wrong to speak of genetic pollution. Perhaps the Italians, Chinese, Japanese, etc. have polluted the gene pool of Peruvians?. DNA is DNA, Mr. Arbaugh. Do not confuse the flow of pollen to gene flow. You as a geneticist knows that a gene will be fixed in a population only if it confers a survival advantage, otherwise it will be eliminated via genetic drift. No evolution spends anything without some kind of benefit. LUIS
ARBAIZA mestizaje is not synonymous with genetic pollution. Genetic pollution is an undesirable gene flow.
Italians, Chinese, Japanese etc. are not genetically modified organisms or have undesirable genes. DR

DIESTEFANO A transgene is NOT the same as an invasive species. LUIS
ARBAIZA: Genes of GMOs have advantages for survival. pollen containing genes. do not even need to have an advantage, with single value can remain neutral by different mechanisms in the population. One cause of breaking the equilibrium of Hardy Wiber, is the gene flow from outside. DR

DIESTEFANO 8. A transgene is NOT the same an invasive species. LUIS
ARBAIZA never say so: it said a gene in the genome collection is as alien or invasive species. DR

DIESTEFANO Finally, it is cowardly to speak of Drs Fujita Bustamante and his message and not copies
LUIS ARBAIZA If I have copied and blind carbon copy. I've also sent this text several times in the forum and Peru Peruvian biologists biologists and has not been accepted. Disagreeing takes courage and can not do with cobardía.Pues

DR DIESTEFANO and in bad taste to place in the most Manichean pictures Monsanto CEO and a farmer. He hopes to win with that? Our sympathy? equivocaLUIS ARBAIZA is: reality is sometimes very black and white. I do not seek sympathy. DR

DIESTEFANO 1. . Ask how much they earn the Presidents of the environmental NGOs working in Peru and sorpenderia. This is not science is political and worse. Not to mention the NGOs that are certified organic farmers, will go into bowl.
But to put it in context, here we copy the data from the salary of the CEO of Greenpeace compared as a percentage of total revenue of their organizations
LUIS ARBAIZA. The sins of some saints do the others. It is not wrong to sell good stuff. If Veder bad bad things. For my part, I have not won anything, rather I lost a few soles in Internet and electricity costs. LUIS

ARBAIZA For epistemology, science is the study of nature. The applications of this knowledge for commercial purposes or whatever, is merely technology. Is that the GMOs are heading to the philosophy of science. This is a discussion about technology. My text is a reflection worried about something that affects people's lives. In one advantage and another desventajosame

RESPONSE OF DR BUSTAMANTE Please solve their things from San Marcos to see that they have much in common, especially many bad teachers, a bad system for assessment of their students and a graduation mechanism irresponsible and very unwise. Go have a drink together or sticking to the recalling Venezuela Av times of violent Shining Path of San Marcos ... but please do not write their stuff San Marcos. I just ask that I no longer copied to me, I'm not San Marcos and do not want to hear from Mr. Arbaugh who would ask that you please remove my name from your list. I have not given my email and he is not my friend, my relative, my client and do not even know, so your mail is not welcome in my inbox: It's today are spam. Therefore, we thank Mr. Arbaugh not write me again. However, it is not necessary that Mr. Arbaugh me apologize, as suggested by Luis Destéfano, because I do not need because I do not give offended by anything he say or can say, since I consider it an unimpeachable San Marcos, that Mr. Arbaugh exercise their right to free expression of ideas, whether they are confused and delusional, or clear and accurate --- just ask that you please do not copy his or direct to my email address. Thank you very much.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Wall Stickers From Malysea

Film: A Game Smart on the TV Trash

Here I leave a film as the title says Smart, is very good to wake up especially as related to the media. Not far from the reality that we live in today about the messages we are subjected and through the TV box. This German film is excellent, sometimes it is the translation, but if given the chance to see it, they recommend. This is how the television networks to carry stun people and even worse is that we allow and "buy" whatever they tell us through it, like real sheep in a herd.



Thursday, September 23, 2010

Simi Garewal Movies Mera Nam Joker Since

consciousness evolves HOW?

Dear friends @ s:
This Saturday 25 at 7.30 pm, we invite you to participate in:
Place: Centro Cultural
Red Owl Jr. Callao 181 - Pueblo Libre, Lima 21
(Alt. Av Crossing . Sucre Av La Mar)

consciousness evolves HOW? LUIS

biologist with a major in genetics
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.

I garnished with paragraphs in my novel to illustrate this arid theme, or perhaps for the lack of beauty of these immature ideas.
I meet with you because I want to correct the imperfections of my ideas through more efficient their views. So I braked
my scruples and objections to address these issues tired arduous and which are the limits of modern philosophy.
Now let us enter, we're like those explorers of my fiction:

... So continued at breakneck speed and rushed without hesitation into the abyss filled with uncertainty and epistemic void, falling into it. Had only guesses and logic, bravely explored these regions without shape or references that is the unknown, the impossible to understand. Determined to get even a little further and steal some understanding of the huge and ambiguous shadow that begins beyond the known ... (Thecnetos p. 40)

I hope the development of these clumsy scribbles his intellectual honesty, which is a form to show respect for the subject and our ignorance.
discuss is unwise to look smart, or to win debates. It is used as a means to excellent to an end, poor fool, a child should not be so impertinent insecurity right wing. The top should be on the lower and not vice versa. Let us today, the way this character:

right It happened for the same reason, not for the pleasure of thinking. His was a pure intelligence, and it was not serving anything other than itself. The other reason used as a means and not an end. But for him,
reason could not be subordinated to anything that is lower. (Idem PP21)

This exploration takes the dualism (two substances in the world: tangible and intangible) that these two, the immaterial substance (qualia and consciousness) is the first we can see who is and who is, and then indirectly and also found out that material.
A headache is not only the gestures of disgust or electrochemical events in neurons. MEANING

Since these words have different meanings, they need those addressed in this essay:

Recipient of the qualia. The self. Consciousness is always consciousness of something as Hursell said. But it is distinguished from the phenomena perceived, it changes the phenomenon and continued awareness. QUALIA

subjective and personal experience of the phenomenon, rojes red, the taste of coffee, feeling salty. Personal and subjective mode of perception. Lasts.

material (philosophical sense): particles, fields, the 4 forces and processes. INTANGIBLE

ENTITIES (consciousness, qualia). Are immaterial because they have properties that no material object possesses and lack of any property of matter

EVOLUTION: the exchange of genetic information Through the generations. It is caused by random mutation of genes. Which in turn modify the machinery of the organisms. Natural selection then goes on to retain the advantageous and disadvantageous to abolish.


The workings of the mind originated in the biological evolution of nervous systems. Qualia and consciousness does not mean natural exceptions to this logic. However, it is hard to imagine the events that led to his appearance. PROBLEMS

QUALIA immaterial how the material comes from? How mental entities arise from the combination or assembly of the physical?
The qualia or consciousness have no weight or volume or location. There are therefore subject or process.

How these phenomena have arisen to the immateriality of atoms and chemical reactions?
matter and natural processes are unconscious bodies, oblivious to each other, what Sartre called being in itself.

I thoroughly extinguished by becoming nothing was no longer living consciousness and insensitive thing I became a being in himself, unaware and unable to experience anything. Nothing would be possible or impossible, just me back something that was, without knowing what it was: a being without any connection with another being. I became a thing, and thus remain insensitive and apart for all eternity.
(Thecnetos p. 222)

evolution means the construction of biochemical machines made of matter and processes. How the unconscious parts of a machine can give rise to consciousness at all?
2 .-
All details of a living being have a purpose: reproduction. Often this value is indirect.
awareness of the phenomena of the world is biologically useless.
A zombie might well survive and pass their genes to the next generation. For we can imagine and perhaps soon create, creativity and intelligence in machines unconscious. What is the use
awareness taste of food? Alone would be programmed to eat.
One can argue that evolution has linked the pleasant with the useful and therein lies the usefulness of consciousness, qualia-complex behavior. And we would say that:

Living beings are mere puppets of pleasure. All of human history has occurred just as it had happened only by the pursuit of pleasure and displeasure aversion to men, a puppet humanity always under the old reward and punishment mechanism sensorial, embodied by the early evolution in sentient beings ... to make them multiply. (THECNETOS p. 22.)

But this brings us to the next problem
Complex systems must be able to have evolved from simpler systems. Through mutations. Its elements must always have been useful. The evolution is not expected.
In living things associated with nice things are useful for self propagation of the living. (Eating, drinking, sex etc.).
This evolution has linked the qualia of pleasure and useful behaviors. Thus living beings are like puppets of pleasure
From what consciousness and qualia conclude that pre-existed in leisure living disaggregated coupled with a mutation that linkages.
These elements must exist with another utility in living separately.
assume that all appeared at the same time and in association constitute an example of intelligent design or irreducible complexity.
I do not think that the lack of explanation is cause to believe god or something, you believe something when there is no explanation when needed.

HYPOTHETICAL QUALIA natural selection of the following paragraph
I entirely philosopher collaboration Stergios Korfiatis:

In a past state, Vivian beings who felt such things in relation to various life events. Those who felt such pleasure to be bitten by snakes or physically damaged left no seed. Those who took pleasure
with those helpful behaviors and eventually survived were related utility and pleasure and displeasure with detrimental.

This explains the origin of the usefulness of the qualia of pleasure. But not its presence.
In this illustration and pre-existing awareness and qualia but even useless. And that was if they were not useful, and if so, where were they?

Certainly there is a relationship between tangible and intangible entities, we can experience we decided to move the arm (qualia) and move it.
We can taste the coffee and feel the taste, alongside a series of neurochemical reactions will tour our brain and nerves.
immaterial whether these entities have been created by evolution or have been used by the mechanism of the body materials? (As the beaver uses wood floating in the river) What would that existed in their environment. Outside the living body
How we move the arm because of our will?
all know the phenomenon of collapse of wave function of Schrödinger
In a totipotency states to one state passes through what is known as others interpret as consciousness. Could be at this point that consciousness and / or willingness to choose a behavior or another and link mind and body, something like what Descartes called the pineal gland. Although the most interesting problem is not the place, but how.


the qualia the pleasure was soon separated from the useful behaviors. 2 .-
qualia is a time of independent existence of living beings.
3.-The relationship explains how useful pleasure of consciousness is not its appearance. 4 .-
Consciousness and qualia of pleasure have been useful in life independently. 5.-
since qualia and consciousness are only quality material: duration, it may be time to try to form or rather they belong to a category of time is only one case. Here we must pause to consider whether the qualia of the time (the experience) or the physical time that occurs independent of us (the clocks that measure.) 6 .-
the qualia could exist outside the bodies of living beings. 7 .-
can not tell which is qualia and consciousness in material terms. Evolutionary theory should include intangible terms to explain subjective consciousness and life, which already exceeds the current science and philosophy, it may be instead a meta-philosophy of scientific ontology. FIN

Of the molecules of my body numb, as dead as the other molecules in the world, appeared I do not know how-something capable of living over time. But not like a watch that measures only, without feeling what it measures, but as a consciousness that lives his future. (Pp Thecnetos 5)


ARBAIZA, L. THECNETOS, Los Últimos Días Del Universo. In
Andre Philosophical Dictionary, Presses Universitaires de France November 2001 646 pages
entrevista 2005 Search
Damasio, Antonio Rational Choice Do Not Exite RESEARCH, January 2005
Daniel Dennett La conciencia explicada, Paidós, Barcelona 1995, p.465-466.
Daniel Dennett, The Mind, Fantasies and Reflections on self and soul. Basic Books. New York. Pp 265 -268. 1981 Editorial Oceano. Atlas of universal filosofia. Barcelona.
C. Chris King Fractal and Chaotic Dynamics in Nervous Systems Mathematics Department, University of Auckland. 1991 Progress in Neurobiology 36 279-308
Liebovitch L.S., Sullivan J.M., (1987), Fractal analysis of a voltage-dependent potassium channel from cultured mouse hippocampal neurons, Biophys. J. 52, 979-988.
PANKSEPP, J., Affective consciousness: Core emotional feelings in animals and
humans Consciousness and Cognition, Mar 2005
RAMACHANDRAN , V.S Phantom in the Brain, Human Nature and the Architecture of the Mind Fourth Estate, London.1998
Robert Shapley and Michael Hawken Neural mechanisms for color perception in the primary visual cortex Current Opinion in Neurobiology Volume 12, Issue 4, 1 August 2002, Pages 426-432
Routedgle. And Kejan Paul. Content and consciousness. Londres 1993. was ed. Sartre.Jea.Paul
Being and Nothingness. Phenomenological ontology test. Editorial Buenos Aires 1979 edition Losada.quinta
SCHULTZ, WOLFRAM, ET AL A Neural substrate of Prediction and Reward, SCIENCE vol 273 14 March 1997

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

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The difference between passion and love

Buddha says we must learn to control Desire. . .

" Love is not love, love is an emotion.
Love is a very deep understanding that somehow someone completes you.
Someone becomes a full circle. The presence of others enhances your presence. Love gives you the freedom to be yourself, it is not possessiveness

then let them have two articles very beautiful and interesting I found on the web:

Passion is called short / with the breeze off / love is the premise that we must learn / because even if heat / passion is not love. .. " Throughout history relates directly to the passion of love, but hastily, without stopping to analyze what is suffering, passion and true love is the opposite. When a man is in love is totally happy and happiness is a unique mood is feeling full, joyful, joyful and creative. Just the great tragedies of this life happen when passion dominates the instinct the human being. How many times have we heard that the crime was passion?, or a spasmodic reaction quite the opposite is true love, that when true love of someone understands and forgives. Passion is pure arrogance, humility, love is all and only what is projected in this humble life, anything that is related to pride leads to fruition. The two lovers are constantly looking for because they need each other at any time, any place, they become partners unparalleled all hours, and consequently to share the simple things of everyday life, the important things and also because , intimate relationships, where there yes, passion plays, but that can only last for a while, what prevails is love to be able to withstand the 23 hours after sex. Then one should interpret the love needs passion, but passion is properly understood, not fundamentalist passion if you're not for me, not you for one . "If you have a love / let it fly / if he returns to the nest / yours com / if you return / never was

Source: C3% B3n /

been found that passion lasts more than 18 months, and life everyday is replaced by love and marriage.
How long is the magic of love? "A recent study found that passion, all a tumult of emotions, usually lasts 12 to 18 months. When the couple becomes accustomed to the routine of marriage, the fire begins to decrease and is replaced by feelings of love, unity and serenity with a loved one, "says U.S. anthropologist Helen Fisher in his book Why We Love.

What is the passion

More than an emotion, passion is a strong motivation that drives us and guides us to meet the biological need to reproduce. Passion is insistent and difficult to disappear, and when we add emotions matched the illusion. Passion is mixed with the sexual impulse, but it is very different from this. Many people confuse passion with the desire for sexual release, but the passion and desire for sexual satisfaction are in different areas of the brain.

What is love

As the relationship grows longer, the passion starts to change over time is gradually subsiding and becoming a deep love. It will dissolve those strong emotions, the ecstasy, excessive desire, obsession, intense energy. Couples no longer spend all their time looking and caressing. But passion is transformed into feelings of safety and comfort, a feeling of calm, a successful and happy marriage with the couple, whose life is closely intertwined with yours.

"The years are able to cool the fire and hearts and do not burn, but they love each other in a different, more warm and confident. What remains is a loving family and a very deep friendship, a sense of connection for that long coexistence, "says the anthropologist.

Why the passion is extinguished?

If passion in the relationship to be eternal, would spend years devoted in the obsessive worship of the other, we could not concentrate on anything else that was not our partner, and would be detrimental to daily activities. Die of exhaustion, because the intense passion consumes enormous time and energy. Therefore, our brain calm the storm of romantic passion and gives us peace of mind, until we fall in love with another person and form a new link.

In fact, the many infidelities and divorces in the world is the result of our drive to fall in love again and again. But in our brain develop impulses of love calm and confident, in order to motivate us to remain emotionally attached to the couple long enough to raise a child together during their childhood.

The separation of the couple

When the couple's relationship has become stable, comfortable and safe, and when the euphoria of the passion has waned, most marriages are accustomed to a lasting relationship that lacks the enjoyment of passion, some couples come to therapy to try to renew the passion between them, others look for an extramarital affair and many are divorced. As Fisher says, "many times the passion and love are not concentrated in one person, can feel a great love for your partner for a long time, and uncontrollable passion by someone who knew recently. "

There is also a form of" double love ", in which partners are still together but also partner with other people. As the couple no longer meets your needs with passion, but do not want to move this relationship durable, they are sincere and come to agreement of having a simultaneous affair with someone else. So try to enjoy the affection and passion partner with another person. However, the "double love" is utopian, because the human being is by nature jealous and does not share his love with pleasure. Couples who practice the "double love" go long suffered from their own feelings of possessiveness.

eternal love and passion

There are some long relationships where the passion turns to be intense at times of novelty or adventure vacations or other situations into everyday life. But there are couples who have been married 20 years and stay in love forever. They not only love but also the passion keep them together for years in a lasting union. Are partners, share their privacy and also well-known balance autonomy with close ... how lucky they are!


Monday, September 6, 2010

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Sunday, September 5, 2010

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Much of this information also appears in the film Esoteric Agenda.

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like it or not YOUR LIFE IS CONTROLLED, media ... think for IT ... WAKE UP! How to Awaken Your Consciousness

I like it or not We are controlled either by the Drugs, Alcohol, Cigarette, by Sex Sex without Love (TV, movies, commercials) lead us to consume this and thousands of unnecessary things our life, to feel "free" masters of our own life, lies are to keep CHECKED! WAKE UP ONCE AND FOR ALL! PLEASE! Feminism, sexism, all this created a reason for doing something that we should not or can Separated dehumanizes As a species, but we are love we are UNLIMITED, creators of our "destiny" "life" WE ARE CO-CREATORS TOGETHER WITH GOD-GODDESS, Father-Mother.

I have read and researched, the truth at first I did not want to give importance or do not believe the misconception that our beloved world and our lives are controlled by a group of people who really do not know what makes . But the day came when I had to assume it is true, the lies are getting bigger the hole is too deep, or The Matrix is \u200b\u200bcomparable to what is really happening and what is worse spent entire lives without knowing, feeling, yes, but we ignore. And as time came, it is my duty as a human being or being of light on to share with you ... because they should know now what they do with this information is of his own free will. Namasté.

I think a key point is the information supplied by this friend of the Rockefellers, members of the famous Club Bilderberg, Aaaron Russo, in addition to being frightening is 100% consistent. What I ask you as a form of change we are beginning to live, is not to insult these people, you have to break that and show with love, with unconditional love everything, absolutely everything is possible. EXPECTED ARRIVAL TIME THE EVOLUTION REVOLUTION ... NO MORE. AMEN, AMEN, AMEN to everything and everyone.

The original text can then see: -before-the-11-s-49858307.html

Aaron Russo was a film producer and director who died recently, was very involved in politics since highly critical positions and for election as Governor of Nevada in the United UU. In an interview recorded by the contraperiodista (U.S. highlights) Alex Jones, told the following story shocking sums up the Bilderberg Club Satanic plot, the invisible world government elites and so they said Mafia X is unknown dome control through different agencies like the CIA, all global cartels drugs and arms across the world.

Rockefeller In the same talk he confessed that behind the agendas of the feminist movement and the "pruning" of the world population "base of UN policy, global warming and renewables were promoted by the Rockefeller Foundation and the CIA. The Rockefeller are virtual owners of Exxon, but now put the header to his straw men Bilderberg as Raymond and Tillerson, but are renewable programs of the Rockefeller Foundation .... with the UN-IPCC, global warming proponents are also officers and their bankers. False threats of disinformation media have television, newspapers and others are mentira.Por Incredibly, the Exxon and Bush himself were also behind the hype of the much-touted global warming, Bush and Gore are also Freemasons and Illuminati Bilderberg Club members.

"A lawyer who knew me called me and said:

- Would you like one of the Rockefellers?

"Sure," I answered, "I love it.

We became friends and began revealing a lot of things. Then one night, over dinner in a super luxury hotel, he said,

"You will see an event, Aaron, and from that event we go to Afghanistan so we can make pipes from the Caspian Sea. Let's go to Iraq to take oil and establish a base in the Middle East and then go to Venezuela to oust Chavez.

former FBI agents or intelligence services in the UK, like Ted Gunderson and David Shayler, confirm and report that 11-S was an inside job: an inside job. How do you explain that if Al Qaeda is a powerful global network has made no more attacks in the U.S., even during or after the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq?.

Donald Rumsfeld, (pictured, left.) Is pulled down the bars in the thymus of avian flu and sales of Tamiflu, a photocopy of the macroestafa AIDS, to which have not yet had enough and want to steal more. Dick Cheney (pictured, center), meanwhile, was put in a lot of scams, corruption and connections with the Enron scandal, according to the complaint Ronald Stich, former federal agent in U.S. aviation. The Bush family, his father's CIA director, grandfather and great grandfather (Samuel Prescot and Bush) are according to unnamed sources, Masons, estafadadores and speculators who are dedicated to winning and profiting fortunes building wars. Were enriched in the first and second world war and trading with the Nazis and Hitler selling American steel during the Second Guerra.Esta mob are not people, devoid of human empathy, are degenerate capitalists and ill never have too much accumulation of money , greed and power are ruthless billionaires, but never have enough and are capable of anything or any foul play.

The first two operations which my lawyer friend told me about the CIA carried out the Nick told me. What Chavez did not work. Nick Rockefeller then added sarcastically:

- You'll see rates going to cave, looking and looking people will never find

Nick said laughing. "Nick laughed at the fact that we have the War on Terror, and there is no real enemy. Then added, "With this war on terror can never win, because it is an eternal war, so you can always keep taking away more and more freedoms to the people.

(Remember, Misinformation Official media sold us the donkey that bin Laden had a superbunker with the latest technologies in the mountains of Tora Bora, Afghanistan, and Adande hidden in a cave. Caves that were bombed to beast, but strangely did not find absolutely no suspected member of Al Qaeda. Mountains and caves bombed at random and only seized 16 Kalashnikovs, who were individuals or criminals in the area. The Gerra of Afghanistan was also an excuse to control the heroin market, as the Taliban wanted to eradicate the heroine of her country, so that proved that good-Americans "were really bad.)
I was puzzled. I said,

- How are you going to do to convince the people that this war is real? Nick

then looked at me in silence, confianzudo and smiling, as if speaking of a child's play. He took a sip

a bottle of Grange 1951, the world's most expensive wine. Then he said:

- For the media, Aaron. The media can convince everyone that something false is real. You just have to keep talking about these things and say them over and over and over again and eventually people will believe them.

Aaron Russo tells him so in the interview with Alex Jones:

- You know, they created the Federal Reserve in 1913 through lies. Created as of 11 / S. ... that was another big lie. Through 11 / S are waging a war against terror and suddenly arrives on Iraq that was another lie ... and now will go to Iran .. So basically it: a thing is leading to another and then another one.

(Then Aaron Russo continues with the narration of the conversation)

I then asked him stunned:

- Why are you doing this?, What is the point of all this?. You have all the money in the world, you have all the power of the world ... You injuring people ... that's not good.

And he said, cynical and relaxed:

- Why do you people care about Aaron?. Take care of yourself and pamper your family.

then asked:

- But what is the ultimate goal in this matter?.

And he said:

"The ultimate goal is to place an RFID (Radio Frequency identification) throughout the world. And having all the money on those chips and all your personal data and if someone wants to protest about what we do or want to violate our rules, then you just turn off your chip and go.

Nick Rockefeller Aaron Russo confessed to the feminist movement is another farce mounted by them. Its fanatical leader, Gloria Steinem, was a covert CIA agent. The purpose of these lobby groups Social Shaping, is to divide the society, raise funds, to pay taxes on women and controlled and sitting in front of people, all with the apology of the demagogue of equality of women, a method also used the theme gey, C02 and ecology, and that apparently will work like a charm.

At another point in the conversation Nick Aaron Russo asked that he believed the Rockefeller family had so generously helped the feminist movement.

-equal rights for women, "said Russo. Nick

exploded into laughter, then added:

"fuck, I think we're going to waste millions of dollars for something as stupid as equality? ... We did that for two reasons. First, for women, who were previously sitting in their homes as we collect taxes to men. And second, allowing feminism to flourish, we have full access and greater control over children, since both parents would be well in their workplaces rather than at the traditional home educating their children ...

Shortly after this talk, Aaron Russo outraged and seriously influenced by this talk with Nick Rockefeller presented the world with a documentary about the sinister plans of the Bilderberg Group entitled America: From Freedom to Fascism.

In August 2007, the great fighter Aaron Russo died of cancer due course.

Movie America Freedom to Fascism:

Friday, August 27, 2010

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printed version, Boulebar of Culture 257 Jr Quilca stant 9, Cost: 13 soles 10 WITH THE AUTHOR.


THECNETOS is a fictionalized essay in which the gene is carried to its logical conclusion. It is also a dark novel in which the universe is dying, humanity and time. Occurs in two distinct eras that shaped the final.
In the first, a remote humanity try to survive the entropic limit travel outside the universe but. . . Is there anything outside the universe? An android discovers
indirectly that something is missing: awareness, trying to build one, but. . . What is consciousness?
An absolute man is pure reason and decided to end life, lacking this sense, because only the absurd result of a blind chemical process of self-multiplication.
an inert molecule, the molecule germ yy is paradoxically the only true star of life.
The Universe is populated only by men, but women may be reproduced without through epigenetics.
Two of the men succumb to the old atavistic disease.
The second period occurs at the very end of the expanding universe trillions and trillions of years later, there, an artifact preserved human life, but life for him is very different to what we consider life.

study the biology and the philosophy of a sort more human and more evolved than us: Homo sapiesn thecnesies in the remote scenario never raised before the hard science fiction, the same end of the universe. Thecnetos
and studies which can only mean ...

Printed copies are available from the Culture Boulebar Jr 257 Quilca stant 9 or author S/13.00, 10 with author, free version

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

50th Birthday Invitations Wording Ideas


Auditorium of the Faculty of Physical Sciences of San Marcos University Peruvian Association
Wednesday August 25 - 7pm
Topic: Men: God and Creation natural evolution? Atheist
: Luis Arbaugh - Biologist Geneticist
Alfonso Nuñez - Evangelist Christian

have to prove that everything needs because, before pointing to God as the cause, and we must seek a cause to it. If it is said that he has no cause, why that's all I need?
note that there is a universe. The universe is possible. Proof of this is that it is. (It would be absurd that the universe is impossible and yet it were).
Then we have that the universe is possible. It is not absurd or inconsistent that I had.
Now imagine that the universe had not (the question that there is a universe and not only alludes to believe may not be any), good if there was anything, it would be unusual for having been able to have a universe that no exist.
imagine anything I think instead of the universe is impossible

Anthropic Principle The Anthropic Principle argument is a case of confusion between causes and consequences.
The existence of the universe allow the existence of man, as the rain makes everything wet, is not it rained so everything was wet.
not reverse the causal order we think that man is causing the universe to be like. THE MAN IS A RESULT OF THE UNIVERSE. And anyway, what's wonderful about the man that his existence is proof of a divine will?
If we see an oxide formed on a metal bar old should not think that iron was its raison d'être to produce the oxide
The oxide was simply contingently.

nonsense stems from SUPPOSE THE EXISTENCE OF GOD:
1.-God is not love
Neither the horrors of the camps can be compared to the horrors of hell, God's work. Therefore God is not good.
2.-GOD IS NOT FAIR. Neither
baddest man deserves an infinite torment. There is an infinite disproportion between guilt and punishment
If God already knows the destiny of every man, man has no options, it is not free nor responsible for sin.

definition of evolution to the modern theory of evolution, this is a change in the genetic information of organisms from generation to generation. Natural selection is only one of many mechanisms of falsification

According to theists believe God at irregular intervals to different forms of life. They have a common origin. According to evolution
all descended from a common origin. Falsification
Genetic tests have shown to have a single common origin

The first being on earth was an RNA, despite its simplicity and is able to duplicate it (play) and also catalyze chemical reactions (metabolism) and proved in 1980 the Nobel Prize Thomas R. Cech
We can say that organisms are only somewhat improved chemical complexes of this initial model of life. We are different then the primary RNA quantitatively and not qualitatively.
But is it possible that this molecule appear at random? Could get displayed biological molecules spontaneously in the laboratory?
The answer came from an experiment in 1995. The RNAs were created at random.
That took a complex structure and function of ligaza.
laboratory was unable to repeat the random appearance of a living being, capable of reproducing, encoding information and have metabolism.


Humans have a few less of chromosomes, the evolution leads us to believe that this was due to a merger between 2 chromosomes apes.
was confirmed in 2005 on chromosome 2 is homologous to a pair ape. Besides being found an extra pair of telomeres in.

Theory parlance is just a guess
In science the world is a model that makes accurate predictions. The evolution is. EVOLUTION AS A FACT

has been found genetically engineered organisms change over time. As has been observed evolution as a fact.
For example in our time a bacterium Flavobacterium developed a new enzyme that efficiently digest nylon, a material that did not exist before the modern age.
Moreover, thousands of pathogenic bacteria to antibiotics were adapted and developed resistance.


ARBAIZA, L. THECNETOS, Last Days Of The Universe.

Cech, Thomas R. "AS AN ENZYME RNA," Scientific American, November 1986 Michel Chapuisat

Laurent Keller et "les fourmis Sonta-ELLES ENCORE EN FROID AVEC DARWIN ?" - La Recherche



Desmond Adrian and Moore, James. DARWIN´S SACRED CAUSE, RACE, SLAVERY AND HE QUEST FOR HUMAN ORIGINS. Penguin Books 2009 First edition.

Eckland Eric H., Szostak Jack W. and Bartel David P, "STRUCTURALLY COMPLEX AND HIGHLY ACTIVE RNA LIGASES DERIVED FROM RANDOM RNA SEQUENCES," p 364-370 v 269, Science, 21 July 1995

Why Did not Howard Jonathan C MENDEL'S LAWS DISCOVER DARWIN? Journal of Biology. 2009, 8 (2): 15.

Jablonka, Eva. Darwinism is also changing. Research in April 2009 No. 396 pp 46-50.

Kinoshita, S., Kageyama, S., Iba, K., Yamada, Y. and Okada, H. (1975). "Utilization of a cyclic dimer and linear oligomers of e-aminocaproic acid by Achromobacter guttatus. Agricultural & Biological Chemistry 39 (6): 1219-23. ISSN 0002-1369 ..
Langan, Andre. WHAT DO NOT KNOW OF LON lévolution. 296 Research in March 1997. pp 118-124.

lening Albert Bioquímica Molecular Basis of Las Estructura y Función Celular, segunda edición. Ediciones Omega, Barcelona.

Niles Eldrege DARWIN: DISCOVERING THE TREE OF LIFE. Norton and Company. New York. London. First edition 2005

Ohno S (April 1984). "Birth of a unique enzyme from an alternative reading frame of the preexisted, internally repetitious coding sequence". Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 81 (8): 2421–5. doi:10.1073/pnas.81.8.2421..
Okamura K, Feuk L, Marquès-Bonet T, Navarro A, Scherer SW (December 2006). "Frequent appearance of novel protein-coding sequences by frameshift translation". Genomics 88 (6): 690–7. doi:10.1016/j.ygeno.2006.06.009. PMID 16890400.

Sharp, Paul M. IN SERCH OF MOLECULAR DARWINISM. NATURE Vol 385 9 January 1997.

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Saturday, July 24, 2010

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Grandmothers Council 13 scientists from different tribes in the world.

"Humanity is on the fence that the disharmony: fear and love. Fear is the root of anger, jealousy and disharmony, while peace and balance come from love. Our hearts are made in spread fear or from love, "say the grandmother of humanity." "We were obsessed with doing things instead of taking us, not them. Always in a hurry, always striving, always wanting to please someone, always wanting to be strong. Afford means to be ourselves "

" You become a human being when learning to flow "

" Be Human, honors people and be free of Heart! "

1.Respetar and care for Mother Earth to live without breaking the balance of the planet. Feeling of oneness with the earth and the cosmos: Father Sky, Mother Earth with the force
2.Connect purest human love is unconditional. "Love one another" - System based on reciprocity and trust
3.Honrar the world of the spirits of the ancestors. Remembering the past with love. Heal yourself to heal our ancestors and not to repeat the same mistakes over generations
4.Volver our inner spirit and the spirit of all things to find the truth within us. Have the courage to look within yourself and outside
5.Trabajar self anger on others without spilling 6.Escuchar
silence, the answer is always just coming
7.Liberarse of addiction and social judgments choosing to be a productive person
8.Respetar the elderly, family, children, all living beings
9.Cuidarse during pregnancy because the stress and discomfort affects the baby
10.Enseñar children to revere life and be good people
11.Respetar our body and our sexuality as sacred and source of life
12.Tomar aware that the only person who can give us everything we need in a relationship
13.Aceptarnos ourselves to ourselves and others just as we
14.Creer in the healing powers of plants 15.Integrar
traditional medicine and indigenous also to heal the soul and the body not only
16.Acabar with the dissatisfaction of a life empty and meaningless
17 . Remember that unhealthy competition destroys the individual, as well as violence and greed 18.Perdonar to preserve health and live in peace. Accept and forgive the past to live the present and future
19.Obtener improve physical, mental, emotional and spiritual change and live in peace and harmony
pictures and more information: /