Sunday, September 5, 2010

Is Mandatory Overtime Legal In The Philippines

like it or not YOUR LIFE IS CONTROLLED, media ... think for IT ... WAKE UP! How to Awaken Your Consciousness

I like it or not We are controlled either by the Drugs, Alcohol, Cigarette, by Sex Sex without Love (TV, movies, commercials) lead us to consume this and thousands of unnecessary things our life, to feel "free" masters of our own life, lies are to keep CHECKED! WAKE UP ONCE AND FOR ALL! PLEASE! Feminism, sexism, all this created a reason for doing something that we should not or can Separated dehumanizes As a species, but we are love we are UNLIMITED, creators of our "destiny" "life" WE ARE CO-CREATORS TOGETHER WITH GOD-GODDESS, Father-Mother.

I have read and researched, the truth at first I did not want to give importance or do not believe the misconception that our beloved world and our lives are controlled by a group of people who really do not know what makes . But the day came when I had to assume it is true, the lies are getting bigger the hole is too deep, or The Matrix is \u200b\u200bcomparable to what is really happening and what is worse spent entire lives without knowing, feeling, yes, but we ignore. And as time came, it is my duty as a human being or being of light on to share with you ... because they should know now what they do with this information is of his own free will. Namasté.

I think a key point is the information supplied by this friend of the Rockefellers, members of the famous Club Bilderberg, Aaaron Russo, in addition to being frightening is 100% consistent. What I ask you as a form of change we are beginning to live, is not to insult these people, you have to break that and show with love, with unconditional love everything, absolutely everything is possible. EXPECTED ARRIVAL TIME THE EVOLUTION REVOLUTION ... NO MORE. AMEN, AMEN, AMEN to everything and everyone.

The original text can then see: -before-the-11-s-49858307.html

Aaron Russo was a film producer and director who died recently, was very involved in politics since highly critical positions and for election as Governor of Nevada in the United UU. In an interview recorded by the contraperiodista (U.S. highlights) Alex Jones, told the following story shocking sums up the Bilderberg Club Satanic plot, the invisible world government elites and so they said Mafia X is unknown dome control through different agencies like the CIA, all global cartels drugs and arms across the world.

Rockefeller In the same talk he confessed that behind the agendas of the feminist movement and the "pruning" of the world population "base of UN policy, global warming and renewables were promoted by the Rockefeller Foundation and the CIA. The Rockefeller are virtual owners of Exxon, but now put the header to his straw men Bilderberg as Raymond and Tillerson, but are renewable programs of the Rockefeller Foundation .... with the UN-IPCC, global warming proponents are also officers and their bankers. False threats of disinformation media have television, newspapers and others are mentira.Por Incredibly, the Exxon and Bush himself were also behind the hype of the much-touted global warming, Bush and Gore are also Freemasons and Illuminati Bilderberg Club members.

"A lawyer who knew me called me and said:

- Would you like one of the Rockefellers?

"Sure," I answered, "I love it.

We became friends and began revealing a lot of things. Then one night, over dinner in a super luxury hotel, he said,

"You will see an event, Aaron, and from that event we go to Afghanistan so we can make pipes from the Caspian Sea. Let's go to Iraq to take oil and establish a base in the Middle East and then go to Venezuela to oust Chavez.

former FBI agents or intelligence services in the UK, like Ted Gunderson and David Shayler, confirm and report that 11-S was an inside job: an inside job. How do you explain that if Al Qaeda is a powerful global network has made no more attacks in the U.S., even during or after the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq?.

Donald Rumsfeld, (pictured, left.) Is pulled down the bars in the thymus of avian flu and sales of Tamiflu, a photocopy of the macroestafa AIDS, to which have not yet had enough and want to steal more. Dick Cheney (pictured, center), meanwhile, was put in a lot of scams, corruption and connections with the Enron scandal, according to the complaint Ronald Stich, former federal agent in U.S. aviation. The Bush family, his father's CIA director, grandfather and great grandfather (Samuel Prescot and Bush) are according to unnamed sources, Masons, estafadadores and speculators who are dedicated to winning and profiting fortunes building wars. Were enriched in the first and second world war and trading with the Nazis and Hitler selling American steel during the Second Guerra.Esta mob are not people, devoid of human empathy, are degenerate capitalists and ill never have too much accumulation of money , greed and power are ruthless billionaires, but never have enough and are capable of anything or any foul play.

The first two operations which my lawyer friend told me about the CIA carried out the Nick told me. What Chavez did not work. Nick Rockefeller then added sarcastically:

- You'll see rates going to cave, looking and looking people will never find

Nick said laughing. "Nick laughed at the fact that we have the War on Terror, and there is no real enemy. Then added, "With this war on terror can never win, because it is an eternal war, so you can always keep taking away more and more freedoms to the people.

(Remember, Misinformation Official media sold us the donkey that bin Laden had a superbunker with the latest technologies in the mountains of Tora Bora, Afghanistan, and Adande hidden in a cave. Caves that were bombed to beast, but strangely did not find absolutely no suspected member of Al Qaeda. Mountains and caves bombed at random and only seized 16 Kalashnikovs, who were individuals or criminals in the area. The Gerra of Afghanistan was also an excuse to control the heroin market, as the Taliban wanted to eradicate the heroine of her country, so that proved that good-Americans "were really bad.)
I was puzzled. I said,

- How are you going to do to convince the people that this war is real? Nick

then looked at me in silence, confianzudo and smiling, as if speaking of a child's play. He took a sip

a bottle of Grange 1951, the world's most expensive wine. Then he said:

- For the media, Aaron. The media can convince everyone that something false is real. You just have to keep talking about these things and say them over and over and over again and eventually people will believe them.

Aaron Russo tells him so in the interview with Alex Jones:

- You know, they created the Federal Reserve in 1913 through lies. Created as of 11 / S. ... that was another big lie. Through 11 / S are waging a war against terror and suddenly arrives on Iraq that was another lie ... and now will go to Iran .. So basically it: a thing is leading to another and then another one.

(Then Aaron Russo continues with the narration of the conversation)

I then asked him stunned:

- Why are you doing this?, What is the point of all this?. You have all the money in the world, you have all the power of the world ... You injuring people ... that's not good.

And he said, cynical and relaxed:

- Why do you people care about Aaron?. Take care of yourself and pamper your family.

then asked:

- But what is the ultimate goal in this matter?.

And he said:

"The ultimate goal is to place an RFID (Radio Frequency identification) throughout the world. And having all the money on those chips and all your personal data and if someone wants to protest about what we do or want to violate our rules, then you just turn off your chip and go.

Nick Rockefeller Aaron Russo confessed to the feminist movement is another farce mounted by them. Its fanatical leader, Gloria Steinem, was a covert CIA agent. The purpose of these lobby groups Social Shaping, is to divide the society, raise funds, to pay taxes on women and controlled and sitting in front of people, all with the apology of the demagogue of equality of women, a method also used the theme gey, C02 and ecology, and that apparently will work like a charm.

At another point in the conversation Nick Aaron Russo asked that he believed the Rockefeller family had so generously helped the feminist movement.

-equal rights for women, "said Russo. Nick

exploded into laughter, then added:

"fuck, I think we're going to waste millions of dollars for something as stupid as equality? ... We did that for two reasons. First, for women, who were previously sitting in their homes as we collect taxes to men. And second, allowing feminism to flourish, we have full access and greater control over children, since both parents would be well in their workplaces rather than at the traditional home educating their children ...

Shortly after this talk, Aaron Russo outraged and seriously influenced by this talk with Nick Rockefeller presented the world with a documentary about the sinister plans of the Bilderberg Group entitled America: From Freedom to Fascism.

In August 2007, the great fighter Aaron Russo died of cancer due course.

Movie America Freedom to Fascism:


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