Saturday, October 16, 2010

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The Celestine Prophecy is a movie based on the novel by James Redfield, also entitled The Celestine Prophecy, and directed by Armand Mastroianni. Synopsis

The chance or fate directed John to the rainforests of Peru. There, researchers have discovered some ancient writings that announce the arrival of a new era for the man who changed the perception of everything that surrounds and will provide new insight into the future. These disclosures are supposedly a threat and a danger to those who know them as antagonists.

Summary Following is a summary of the nine steps described by Redfield in his book "The Celestine Prophecy."

1. A critical mass: Becoming aware of coincidences in our lives

Feeling restless? You're not alone: \u200b\u200bEveryone is starting to find more meaning in your life. Pay attention to these "coincidences" - that seem to be events to happen. They are actually synchronistic events, and following them, you will enter your path of spiritual truth.

2. A new way of seeing the world

our culture within its historical context. The first half of the last millennium was wasted under the thumb of the church, in the second half only care about material welfare. Now, at the end of the twentieth century, it no longer matters to us. We are ready to discover the main purpose of life.

3. A universe of dynamic energy
connect with the energy that surrounds things. With practice, you learn to see auras around living things and learn to project your own energy to deliver power.

4. The struggle for power: competition for energy

human unconscious energy competition is the basis of all conflict. Dominating or manipulating others, gives us extra energy we need. Sure, it feels good, but both sides are damaged in the conflict.

5. Connecting with divine energy within you

The key to overcoming the conflict in the world is the mystical experience, which is attainable for anyone. To nurture the mystical and build your energy, let yourself be filled with a feeling of love.

6. Clearing the Way: Discovering your path in life

childhood traumas block our ability to experience the mystical. Humans, because of their burdens, desmbocan one of four "control dramas": The Bully steal energy from other threats. The Interrogators steal it by judging and questioning. The reserved attract attention (and energy) flirting. And Victims make us feel guilty and responsible for them. Notice the family dynamics that created your control drama and concentrate on the main question is how to make your life a life of a higher level than it had been your parents.

7. Knowing your personal mission: Flow

Once you've cleared your trauma, you can build energy through contemplation and meditation, concentrating on the basic question of your life, and starting to pay attention to intuition, dreams, coincidences synchronous to take to the direction of your own evolution and transformation.

8. Ethics Interpersonal: Encouraging others

can not make these developments only, so start practicing the new "Interpersonal Ethic" by encouraging those who cross your path. Talk to people who spontaneously make eye contact with you. Avoid mutual dependencies. Pay attention to the dramas of other people's control. When in groups, speak when the spirit - instead of the ego - you motivated.

9. Evolve to higher states

The purpose is to evolve beyond this plane. Less people and more forests will help us to maintain our energy and accelerate our evolution. The technology will most work for us. As we value spirituality more and more, eventually replace the market economy and our need for gainful employment. We can connect with the energy of God in a way such that eventually we become beings of light, to walk straight to heaven. "

Source: / 2009/05/las-nueve-revelaciones-la-pelicula.html

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