Saturday, October 9, 2010

Bottomless Female Movies

Think America 2010 - Saturday 16 in October ALL AMERICA!

If you want peace, harmony, less stress for you and the world, well join the next Saturday 16 October at 17:00 hrs. in your local time and perform an evening of meditation, because WE ARE ALL ONE! Namaste!


• In over 100 cities across the continent.

• Thousands of people.

• At the same time.

• Meditating for peace.

• On October 16, 2010.

Latin America

Meditate Meditate meditation will be more competition in the history of the Americas. On 16 October, more than 100 cities across the continent, thousands of people meditate for world peace simultaneously.

The event organized by the International Foundation for Art of Living, is free and open to the public.

Some of the participating cities for 2010 are: Asunción, Bogotá, Caracas, Georgetown (Guyana), La Paz, Lima, Mexico City, Montevideo, Montreal, New York, Panama, Paramaribo (Surinam), Quito, Rio de Janeiro , San Jose, Costa Rica, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Santo Domingo, San Pablo, Santiago de Chile. Think America

Edition 2009

The October 12, 2009, thousands of people gathered in over 35 cities in America to simultaneously meditate for peace. It was the first event of its kind carried place in the Americas.

contribute to the welfare of society, eliminating the violence and stress Through breathing practices and meditation.

The Art of Living, with its millions of volunteers around the world, organized the largest mass meditation of history: 2.5 million people meditated together in Bangalore, India in 2006.

Think America is the second edition of the event of meditation in the continent's largest peace. And for 2011 posed a new challenge, a worldwide mass meditation.

Meditation and its benefits

When the mind is quieted, all voltages and the accumulated stress disappear. In this state we can focus more easily at the moment.

True happiness is found in the present, in those moments when we stop lamenting the past and worrying about the future.
The practice of meditation provides instant serenity

• the body and mind

• a clearer mind and alert

• development of intuition

• control negative emotions

• greater dynamism and energy during daily activity

• solution to health problems and illnesses

Meditating for Peace

All the world's problems, from the military to the domestic conflicts are caused by violence. Through meditation you can eliminate the cause of violence.

Any action that takes place without peace of mind only leads to repentance. Peace does not mean passivity. You must use all methods to stop the violence. Meditation transforms

aggression and violence in feelings of compassion, love and solidarity. In times of war and disease in the world, is vital to meditate. When we meditate, they cancel the negative vibrations, creating a harmonious environment around us.

The individual contribution is not negligible when the world is in trouble. Everyone has a role to play. Anyone who is breathing, talking, walking and thinking, influences on this planet. We all have the ability to radiate peace, good thoughts, good wishes and thus have an impact on the planet. The state of peace achieved in meditation definitely helps. "

Excerpt from a talk by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

Founder of Art of Living Foundation.

"Think America is a proposal for the Art of Living to reduce violence and build a stress-free society, where peace is spreading"


Santiago / Cerro San Cristobal, Place the palms / Garden Mapulemu
Paul and Raul / raul.sanchez.s @

The serene / School Surf the Serena / Avenida del Mar 1001
Luiz Felipe /

Cobquecura / Plaza de Armas
Jaqueline Donoso / jaque.donoso.leyton @

Calama / Avenida La Paz N º 678-B / ** 16 OCTOBER AT 16:30
Paula Quinchel /

Other countries:


Several experiments have been conducted regarding the effects of meditation here are some of the best known:

The first statistical analysis of the effect of meditation on communities was published in 1987, several groups of people made meditation programs in 3 different cities: Washington DC (USA), Manila (Philippines) and Delhi (India) and, on average, violent crime fell by 11%.

In 1993 another experiment was conducted in Washington DC, where for 2 months a group of about 4,000 participants conducted programs Meditation (Transcendental and TM-Sidhi). A review committee of 27 people consisting of sociologists, criminologists, police and government officials, obtained weekly data to monitor the process and what was discovered was wonderfully surprising: As the number of meditators was increasing, was reduced rate of homicides, rapes and assaults. The maximum reduction of crime was 23.3% in the last week when there were more participants.


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