Saturday, July 24, 2010

What Size Light Bulb For Ikea Lamp

Grandmothers Council 13 scientists from different tribes in the world.

"Humanity is on the fence that the disharmony: fear and love. Fear is the root of anger, jealousy and disharmony, while peace and balance come from love. Our hearts are made in spread fear or from love, "say the grandmother of humanity." "We were obsessed with doing things instead of taking us, not them. Always in a hurry, always striving, always wanting to please someone, always wanting to be strong. Afford means to be ourselves "

" You become a human being when learning to flow "

" Be Human, honors people and be free of Heart! "

1.Respetar and care for Mother Earth to live without breaking the balance of the planet. Feeling of oneness with the earth and the cosmos: Father Sky, Mother Earth with the force
2.Connect purest human love is unconditional. "Love one another" - System based on reciprocity and trust
3.Honrar the world of the spirits of the ancestors. Remembering the past with love. Heal yourself to heal our ancestors and not to repeat the same mistakes over generations
4.Volver our inner spirit and the spirit of all things to find the truth within us. Have the courage to look within yourself and outside
5.Trabajar self anger on others without spilling 6.Escuchar
silence, the answer is always just coming
7.Liberarse of addiction and social judgments choosing to be a productive person
8.Respetar the elderly, family, children, all living beings
9.Cuidarse during pregnancy because the stress and discomfort affects the baby
10.EnseƱar children to revere life and be good people
11.Respetar our body and our sexuality as sacred and source of life
12.Tomar aware that the only person who can give us everything we need in a relationship
13.Aceptarnos ourselves to ourselves and others just as we
14.Creer in the healing powers of plants 15.Integrar
traditional medicine and indigenous also to heal the soul and the body not only
16.Acabar with the dissatisfaction of a life empty and meaningless
17 . Remember that unhealthy competition destroys the individual, as well as violence and greed 18.Perdonar to preserve health and live in peace. Accept and forgive the past to live the present and future
19.Obtener improve physical, mental, emotional and spiritual change and live in peace and harmony
pictures and more information: /


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