Sunday, June 27, 2010

Minnetonka Boot Black How To Wear


Los invito a asistir at a meeting on privatization of San Marcos
Venue: School of Biological Sciences.
UNMSM Time: Thursday July 22 at 5 pm. Sincerely

Luis Arbaiza
biologist with a major in genetics


First we must remember that talk about the best university in Peru, or perhaps the least worst, as determined by the International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC), Unesco

and the National Assembly of Governors (ANR).

How is college without money (this year were removed for good three quarters of the money he received in a country which claims to be more and more rich), violence, lack of laboratories and facilities, structural problems, violent groups, fascists and a serious political and administrative corruption can be the best?
The answer is the students.
The casting more rigorous in the country and many countries around give or gave the best students.
Well, all of San Marcos are good students, but that's enough.

Some, many authorities now in San Marcos, wish to privatize it. This article
refute the arguments for privatizing

Some argue that if private outside San Marcos would be no order, no labor disputes, political zero, good bathrooms, etc control. There would be chaos and violence.

suggest sacrificing the poor students to achieve this end and have a more tidy and organized university. San Marcos would then be a place where the poor would be a tiny minority (if they exist) as in the private universities (Cayetano, San Martín, Catholic), which is rare and difficult to be poor. For private universities is exercised over terrible discrimination to young people: if you are poor, do not enter or if you go, study will be much harder for you, if you're broke.

These people are worried about San Marcos but not by their estudiantes.Olvidan, or do not know, that a university is not an end but a means. The end are the students and the environment are the facilities, infrastructure, staff, authorities, libraries and baths.
San Marcos is a machine with an end, the goal is to produce knowledge (no money) and second professional. Everything should be built for it. The building serves students not students at the building. Just as a hospital is for patients and not for medical or building.
To get a better university must be better managers.
Others think that Mark should be privatized because there is no money, the state gives less and less, there is no where to raise the salaries of teachers, who San Marcos should be making money. Then the money must come from students and poor students are not where them out. Conclusion privatize for young people with more money coming. This reasoning is like a father to his children ask for money to raise them. Or as a parent who thought their children should make money and raise him.
Universities are not businesses, are not kiosks whose mission is to make money, profits. Its purpose is to produce knowledge and professional.
For more money, students and government authorities should require, stop it and there are state taxes paid.
Others say that Mark should be privatized to make it better academically, but San Marcos is now the best academically and all universities and universities in the ranking of Peruvian private universities are generally the worst. And the best national, as elsewhere in the world.
In most private universities, the intellectual level is extremely low, students are seen as people who gouge and not educating, teachers are required to lower the level of classes to "keep the client" (as I said an authority on San Martin where he founded a chair, refusing to do so and to agree to a student who had not attended any kind of laboratory mean not hire me again.) The entrance exams do not test anything, comes either, if that many students go disapproved, becomes "bell" bone in the middle with more paper passes, and are all frowned upon and ensure students enrolled in the next cycle and help your business thrive.

Others think that Mark should be privatized so that terrorist groups do not arise as a path or MRTA in the 80s, this argument is fallacious because terrorist groups do not arise by the mere existence of public universities, if so, will emerge in public universities as
Cambridge, Oxford, Berkeley, UCLA, the Sorbonne in Paris. Complutense de Madrid, Salamanca, UANL and much more.

The way to avoid the emergence of these heinous doctrines such as trail or MRTA is the welfare state. A society in which the economy serves the human beings (all) and not human beings on the economy. Terrorist groups live "sharpen the contradictions", reduce the disappears. Another essential ingredient of doctrines how are you is religious fanaticism, dogmatism and irrational. The sound education anti-dogmatic and anti-conservative is the best antidote. SAN MARCOS

All graduate already privatized. It is impossible to be poor and do a Masters in San Marcos for their high costs, like salary with a Peruvian family living average.
The pre-San Marco academy costs about 600 soles a month. So in the PRE are also excluded the poor.

unfairly can reserve a percentage of vacancies for these privileged students. For those who are normal examination (ultra hard) is now more difficult to fight for fewer vacancies because many are reserved for the wealthy students of PRE.
So join San Marcos is easier if you have money. Pre-san
frames should not exist or your students should take the same exam as everyone else.
The very poor do not exist in San Marcos, dry the poor will soon be a minority in San Marcos, as if the poor were a minority in Peru! San Marcos
the country should play in the role played by the cerebral cortex in the human body, dreaming the universe unravel the nature, understand the man, create and explore the beauty and art. Anyone with enough brains, but not enough pockets, you should have the opportunity to make a difference in the story of his life and the country. All born in Peru should be entitled to be happy. And education is one of the most beautiful forms of happiness. As in my generation that thousands of poor students did San Marcos and change our lives.

But it will not. San Marcos is condemned to be blind and unconscious body, and perhaps vestigial if those who can not decide to privatize rather disappear or shrink as much as possible. It will be like those sad universities ultra clean bathrooms and equipment where there is no intellectual gatherings or philosophical discussion, no art, no real science. A place to study only the children of the owners of this, that they alone are the masters of the future and the country. Or where careerists achieve a better social status. The San Marcos
we love is disappearing and instead stay on a superficial and ignorant impostor.

Here is a short list of intellectuals who were from poor backgrounds:

Einstein (son of a mattress)

Newton (son of peasants)






Miguel Angel

Aesop (slave)

Bose (quantum physics)


Epictetus (slave)

And what?

Did someone let him be tomorrow?

Luis Arbaiza
Biologist with a major in genetics

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