Tuesday, June 8, 2010

How To Beat The Game Of Poptropica



When there are difficulties in defining a category (for example, that is a bear) are only two possible things: either the category does not exist or exists but nobody has yet sound in words. For
I think it bears passing second.
A category must be universal and essential. And so it must be so the bears. Being

bear is related to many physical and behavioral traits, etc but all are related to a cause that gives rise to that collection of traits. Being
bear is identified with the ideal of what being a man in a biological sense. Be Bear is not a cultural accident of an era but a universal and transcultural vision of being a man.
The emergence of culture in the 70s do not like many believe a rejection of cultural stereotypes of what being gay (basically being a man playing a woman) but a return to the conception of themselves as men in the biological sense , not cultural. Innate and not learned.
What we consider beautiful in the sexes is conditioned by two ingredients, a cultural (different and accidental) and other biological (innate and essential).
So women are considered universally beautiful if they are younger, if you have wide hips and reproduction traits associated developed. These are desirable traits for an evolutionary logic-breeding of the species. Younger women are more fertile so.
evolutionary logic is same-reproductive when applied to men as an ideal biological gives the type bear. So we can say that being a bear is to be an ideal man (no eye in the cultural sense)
This can only cause broken down into 3 implications. 1 .- First
testosterone and its effect on the male anatomy gives much of many features considered beautiful on the bears. Muscles, masculinized appearance, body hair, strength. 2.-
overweight is considered in the nature of evidence of benefit in access to resources. And is the source of that experience as beautiful. 3 .- Finally
age is a determining feature in feminine beauty, is not in the male to not be so related to reproductive capacity.

These three elements with a common origin give explanation to the image of the bear. And you can contrast with the stereotyped and alienated from gay identity is female anatomical criteria: young men, whether male secondary sex characteristics, and slender.

But the approach, let us say it sounds weird, neo-Darwinian than it is to be bear as:
Fat, hairy, hairless, male, leathers, assets, liabilities, modern, versatile, young guys, informal, bald black, white, cholos, Eastern, Latino, European, American, Asian, etc, etc. And do not
would be: thin, ladies, crossdressers, hairdressers, fashions.

Apart from this being a bear does not mean anything else. Neither self-acceptance, and visibility or sexual orientation. Being
bear is just a state of body. Luis Arbaiza


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