Sunday, June 27, 2010

Minnetonka Boot Black How To Wear


Los invito a asistir at a meeting on privatization of San Marcos
Venue: School of Biological Sciences.
UNMSM Time: Thursday July 22 at 5 pm. Sincerely

Luis Arbaiza
biologist with a major in genetics


First we must remember that talk about the best university in Peru, or perhaps the least worst, as determined by the International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC), Unesco

and the National Assembly of Governors (ANR).

How is college without money (this year were removed for good three quarters of the money he received in a country which claims to be more and more rich), violence, lack of laboratories and facilities, structural problems, violent groups, fascists and a serious political and administrative corruption can be the best?
The answer is the students.
The casting more rigorous in the country and many countries around give or gave the best students.
Well, all of San Marcos are good students, but that's enough.

Some, many authorities now in San Marcos, wish to privatize it. This article
refute the arguments for privatizing

Some argue that if private outside San Marcos would be no order, no labor disputes, political zero, good bathrooms, etc control. There would be chaos and violence.

suggest sacrificing the poor students to achieve this end and have a more tidy and organized university. San Marcos would then be a place where the poor would be a tiny minority (if they exist) as in the private universities (Cayetano, San Martín, Catholic), which is rare and difficult to be poor. For private universities is exercised over terrible discrimination to young people: if you are poor, do not enter or if you go, study will be much harder for you, if you're broke.

These people are worried about San Marcos but not by their estudiantes.Olvidan, or do not know, that a university is not an end but a means. The end are the students and the environment are the facilities, infrastructure, staff, authorities, libraries and baths.
San Marcos is a machine with an end, the goal is to produce knowledge (no money) and second professional. Everything should be built for it. The building serves students not students at the building. Just as a hospital is for patients and not for medical or building.
To get a better university must be better managers.
Others think that Mark should be privatized because there is no money, the state gives less and less, there is no where to raise the salaries of teachers, who San Marcos should be making money. Then the money must come from students and poor students are not where them out. Conclusion privatize for young people with more money coming. This reasoning is like a father to his children ask for money to raise them. Or as a parent who thought their children should make money and raise him.
Universities are not businesses, are not kiosks whose mission is to make money, profits. Its purpose is to produce knowledge and professional.
For more money, students and government authorities should require, stop it and there are state taxes paid.
Others say that Mark should be privatized to make it better academically, but San Marcos is now the best academically and all universities and universities in the ranking of Peruvian private universities are generally the worst. And the best national, as elsewhere in the world.
In most private universities, the intellectual level is extremely low, students are seen as people who gouge and not educating, teachers are required to lower the level of classes to "keep the client" (as I said an authority on San Martin where he founded a chair, refusing to do so and to agree to a student who had not attended any kind of laboratory mean not hire me again.) The entrance exams do not test anything, comes either, if that many students go disapproved, becomes "bell" bone in the middle with more paper passes, and are all frowned upon and ensure students enrolled in the next cycle and help your business thrive.

Others think that Mark should be privatized so that terrorist groups do not arise as a path or MRTA in the 80s, this argument is fallacious because terrorist groups do not arise by the mere existence of public universities, if so, will emerge in public universities as
Cambridge, Oxford, Berkeley, UCLA, the Sorbonne in Paris. Complutense de Madrid, Salamanca, UANL and much more.

The way to avoid the emergence of these heinous doctrines such as trail or MRTA is the welfare state. A society in which the economy serves the human beings (all) and not human beings on the economy. Terrorist groups live "sharpen the contradictions", reduce the disappears. Another essential ingredient of doctrines how are you is religious fanaticism, dogmatism and irrational. The sound education anti-dogmatic and anti-conservative is the best antidote. SAN MARCOS

All graduate already privatized. It is impossible to be poor and do a Masters in San Marcos for their high costs, like salary with a Peruvian family living average.
The pre-San Marco academy costs about 600 soles a month. So in the PRE are also excluded the poor.

unfairly can reserve a percentage of vacancies for these privileged students. For those who are normal examination (ultra hard) is now more difficult to fight for fewer vacancies because many are reserved for the wealthy students of PRE.
So join San Marcos is easier if you have money. Pre-san
frames should not exist or your students should take the same exam as everyone else.
The very poor do not exist in San Marcos, dry the poor will soon be a minority in San Marcos, as if the poor were a minority in Peru! San Marcos
the country should play in the role played by the cerebral cortex in the human body, dreaming the universe unravel the nature, understand the man, create and explore the beauty and art. Anyone with enough brains, but not enough pockets, you should have the opportunity to make a difference in the story of his life and the country. All born in Peru should be entitled to be happy. And education is one of the most beautiful forms of happiness. As in my generation that thousands of poor students did San Marcos and change our lives.

But it will not. San Marcos is condemned to be blind and unconscious body, and perhaps vestigial if those who can not decide to privatize rather disappear or shrink as much as possible. It will be like those sad universities ultra clean bathrooms and equipment where there is no intellectual gatherings or philosophical discussion, no art, no real science. A place to study only the children of the owners of this, that they alone are the masters of the future and the country. Or where careerists achieve a better social status. The San Marcos
we love is disappearing and instead stay on a superficial and ignorant impostor.

Here is a short list of intellectuals who were from poor backgrounds:

Einstein (son of a mattress)

Newton (son of peasants)






Miguel Angel

Aesop (slave)

Bose (quantum physics)


Epictetus (slave)

And what?

Did someone let him be tomorrow?

Luis Arbaiza
Biologist with a major in genetics

inquire about this text, "Please put some copy and distribute it. If you greet
Internet, forward it to those who want more

Friday, June 11, 2010

Big Older Women Girdles

BIRTHDAY WITHOUT POOR Pythagorean rotation a dark, year after year, leaves me somewhere in the world ... Ambiguous

arduous lso students knew what the Pythagorean
the stars and men become cyclically.
not know if I'll in a second cycle,
but a dark rotation
Pythagorean yra year I left a place in the world ... Borges.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

How To Beat The Game Of Poptropica



When there are difficulties in defining a category (for example, that is a bear) are only two possible things: either the category does not exist or exists but nobody has yet sound in words. For
I think it bears passing second.
A category must be universal and essential. And so it must be so the bears. Being

bear is related to many physical and behavioral traits, etc but all are related to a cause that gives rise to that collection of traits. Being
bear is identified with the ideal of what being a man in a biological sense. Be Bear is not a cultural accident of an era but a universal and transcultural vision of being a man.
The emergence of culture in the 70s do not like many believe a rejection of cultural stereotypes of what being gay (basically being a man playing a woman) but a return to the conception of themselves as men in the biological sense , not cultural. Innate and not learned.
What we consider beautiful in the sexes is conditioned by two ingredients, a cultural (different and accidental) and other biological (innate and essential).
So women are considered universally beautiful if they are younger, if you have wide hips and reproduction traits associated developed. These are desirable traits for an evolutionary logic-breeding of the species. Younger women are more fertile so.
evolutionary logic is same-reproductive when applied to men as an ideal biological gives the type bear. So we can say that being a bear is to be an ideal man (no eye in the cultural sense)
This can only cause broken down into 3 implications. 1 .- First
testosterone and its effect on the male anatomy gives much of many features considered beautiful on the bears. Muscles, masculinized appearance, body hair, strength. 2.-
overweight is considered in the nature of evidence of benefit in access to resources. And is the source of that experience as beautiful. 3 .- Finally
age is a determining feature in feminine beauty, is not in the male to not be so related to reproductive capacity.

These three elements with a common origin give explanation to the image of the bear. And you can contrast with the stereotyped and alienated from gay identity is female anatomical criteria: young men, whether male secondary sex characteristics, and slender.

But the approach, let us say it sounds weird, neo-Darwinian than it is to be bear as:
Fat, hairy, hairless, male, leathers, assets, liabilities, modern, versatile, young guys, informal, bald black, white, cholos, Eastern, Latino, European, American, Asian, etc, etc. And do not
would be: thin, ladies, crossdressers, hairdressers, fashions.

Apart from this being a bear does not mean anything else. Neither self-acceptance, and visibility or sexual orientation. Being
bear is just a state of body. Luis Arbaiza

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Ap Biology Population Genetics


Luis Arbaiza


A sperm and an egg are genetically identical, but epigenetically different.
This difference is called imprinting. Having a maternal and a paternal imprinting.
The union of two gametes, one maternal and one paternal imprinting allows normal development of the embryo.
The imprinting means that certain genes, involved in this process, are turned off or pinned by a typical pattern and standard, depending if in the sperm or the egg mature.
genes that are turned in a gamete are off in the other gamete. And this makes
functionally different. In general, the genes expressed in the parental imprinting elevate fetal development while it limits the maternal.
(Paolini 2004)

The union of gametes with the same imprinting, leads to different epigenetic defects and embryonic development unviable.
The immaturity of this process cam epigenetic defects.

But what causes et epigenetic difference?
still can not completely answer this question.

The motivation for this research literature is to develop a hypothesis about the cause of imprinting and perhaps find experiences that support this hypothesis experimentally. JUSTIFICATION

genetic imprinting is a prerequisite for normal development of embryos
As this takes place in the germ line, the error must carry errors that prevent the successful development of embryos.
Especially in ICSI procedures such as those that "jump" steps of epigenetic processes in the male gamete.
This could explain why it has been shown greater percentage of epigenetic diseases in children conceived with ICSI
and nurse found that defects in the methylation of the H19 gene and MEST in oligozospermicos (CJ Marques 2008) This might also explain the increased occurrence of Silver-Russell syndrome in children with hypo-methylation of the H19 gene ART born. (CJ Marques 2008)

addition, a low methylation of the binding site could lead to inactivation of the paternal IGF2 gene and linked to low embryo quality and low weight, often associated with ART (artificial reproduction thecnologuies). (CJ Marques 2008)

3 .-
For delimitation of the problem to develop a hypothesis about the cause of imprinting must travel several areas still poorly investigated this phenomenon, which can be grouped investigations that respond to certain questions, none with a complete and sufficient answer:
3.1 What are these?
3.2 When you change?
3.3 Who the changes? 3.4
how the changes?
3.5 What is the uncaused cause of imprinting? Is it genetic or epigenetic?
3.6 What is the relationship with the Sry gene which is obviously the only difference between male and female genome, and uh be the starting point of this differentiation? MATERIALS AND METHODS

literature was analyzed in subjects related to try to answer the research questions to what was agreed virtual libraries and software for data management and virtual communication with researchers in the area. RESULTS

A genome imprinting, about 156 potential new genes, and imprinting status-gene can be predicted by its sequence (Luedi, PP et al. (2007). The classic mechanism of genetic imprinting is a gene methylation but is not the only and does not necessarily mean inactivation.
Here is a list of some genes known as imprinting involved in the human.

State Chromosome location GEN sperm into the egg state active role 1 NOEY2

active (tumor suppressor)
active IGF2 Independent control of others, the change carries many more
7p12 genes (GRB10) in growth factor receptor protein PEG10 10
7 q21 active inactivated may be a new gene imprinting

MEST isoforms 1 and 2, 8 KCNK9
(active in the brain causes cancer, bipolar and epilepcia)
DLGAP2 8p23 (possible bladder tumor suppressor)
associated protein-2 (Dlgap2). WAS
Excluded as the gene responsible for EPMR.
inactive H19 noncoding RNA active role in cancer

a member of the AP2 transcription factor family

Transcription factor E2F1 may uan

different from control of others
His other genes change more
11 p57, Kip2 CDKN1C active
14 q, 15 q11-q13
active SNRPN (small nuclear ribonucleoprotein, polypeptide N) 15 q11-q13
IPW functions not
polypeptide RNA. Predominantly in brain

15 Causes UBE3A Angelman syndrome. on the mother's chromosome 19q13.4
Possible active XIST
inactive X
Idica that methylation is removed in spermatogenesis Xist (is in mice)


inactive PEG3



During the development of primordial germ cells imprinting pattern is deleted. Likely to enter the gonad. SPERMATOGENESIS

Completes in the haploid phase (meiosis) in man before meiosis occurs as soon as when spermatogonia proliferate, according to some authors is intrinsic and cell-Autonomous. Oogenesis

ocytes The imprinting occurs around the time of the first division meiotic, methylation occurs in women in the postnatal development when ooccitos are diplotene prophase I, the maternal imprinting continuously established in the maturation of oocytes.

But methylation may be at different times for different genes (Paolini 2004)

has been found not due to the influence of somatic cells of the genital ridge or gonad environment in primary cells. (Paolini 2004)

0 Zygote

exaggerates the imprinting DIFERENCAI
demethylated paternal methylation shortly after fertilization, the mother undergoes de novo methylation
4 hours
In mouse paternal pronucleus is demethylated within 4 hours after fertilization

4 hours
A global demethylation occurs in the morula at 4 h of fertilization .

5 days
In the blastocyst restores methylation in the inner cell mass but not in the trophectoderm. In the blastocyst reestablesce methylation in the inner cell mass but not in the trophectoderm. (Kierszenbaum AL. 2002)

MASH2 regulates the development of spongiotrophoblast
Igf2 has been found in labyrinthine trophoblast expresses
ASCL2 spongiotrophoblast and labyrinthine in 3-4 weeks

as PGCs Primordial germ cells have migrated paternal and maternal imprinting The Primordial germ cells inherit a biallelic imprinting father and mother, and delete your imprinting to start a de novo during gametogenesis. (Kierszenbaum AL. 2002)
primordial germ cells expressing these genes: Blimp1, Oct3 / 4, Fragilis, Stella, c-Kit, MVH, DAZL and Gcna1 (Deshira Saiti 2000)

H19 and Igf2 are expressed in endoderm and mesoderm (Andrea L. Webber January 1998)

6 weeks Embrionic
germ cells have no imprinting or is deregulated, and gonad are primordial cells
40 are intended to be gonad Exra-induced tissue embryonic cells is hypothesized that somatization stifle
Blimp1 program (or Prdm1), a repressor that foundation helps tarscripcion (Yasuhide Ohinata 2005)

at birth and within months is completed Parental imprinting
esperamatogenesis puberty started. The paternalisacion is an ongoing process in-Dividing mitotically and meiotically spermatogonial stem cell-derived progeny Dividing spermatocyte (Kierszenbaum AL. 2002)
Dnmt3L and Dnmt3b interact with Dnmt2a and Dnmt3b and is required for proper spermatogenesis. (Kierszenbaum AL. 2002)

MATURITY The imprinting is already mature in the stem cell line in germinal (CJ Marques 2008)

Spermatogonia are immature germ cells do mitosis
Some differ to primary spermatocytes.
After the first meiosis spermatocytes become secondary

These are meiosis 2 and form 2 spermatids

Spermatogonia (diploid) are in speramtozoides already methylated H19


to imprint genes are usually methylated in its promoter, making them inactive. (Methylation is the addition of a methyl group on a Carbon nucleotide)
methylation silencing is not always
Methylation chromatin structure changes
A pattern of methylation is the result of: 1 .-
de novo methylation maintenance

2 .- 3 .- demethylation
(Paolini 2004)

promoters imprinting genes are rich in CpG islands

The enzymes that make this methylation are 3 DNA methyltransferases, DNMT 1

Dnmt3a Dnmt3b

For example DNMT 1 catalyzes the transfer of a methyl group (CH3) from S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) to carbon 5 of cytosine resulting in a 5-methylcytosine.
These islands are susceptible to bind to proteins (eg MECP2 "methyl CpG-binding protein 2)

Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b are de novo methylation Dnmt1
when divided by a new DNA methylation in the daughter strand

The demethylation occurs in the absence of Dnmt1 with continuous cycle of DNA replication (passive demethylation) but also active (no DNA replication .) The nature of the demethylases is still unknown. Dnmt3L


novo methylation of Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b appear to be the giving patterns of methylation in the early embryo
DNMT1 is what keeps this pattern of mother cell to daughter (two copies)

3.5 What is

Presumably because imprinting genes are numerous (perhaps hundreds), and not all are modified simultaneously, there is a cascade of reactions that leads this change gradually until fully matured.
bibliographic information realizes certain stages of this cascade could not envision the total trigger of this phenomenon. Although it is reasonable to lift the absence or presence of sry gene, single gene that differentiates male and female genomes, and ultimately determine gametogenesis and oogenesis.


cause consequence
KCNQ1OT1 The expression of the gene on chromosome 11p15.5, is essential for the imprinting of certain regions. The mechanism may be a gene is active in a ovarian or spermatic say this cascade occurs in other imprinting genes.
studying their transcricion factors could be achieved by knowing what the root cause of imprinting

IG-DMR The ergenic germline-derived differentially methylated region (IG-DMR) is candidatopara control region of chromosome 12
is a cluster that contains:
paternally Expressed protein-coding genes Dlk1 and DIO3 and several non-coding RNAs, including maternal expression of Gtl2 and C / D snoRNAs.
A retrotransposon-like gene (Rtl1) is Expressed from the paternal chromosome and has an antisense transcript from the maternal chromosome Expressed containing two microRNAs with full Complementarity to Rtl1

Deletion of IG-DMR of the maternal chromosome causes loss of imprinting on all cluster genes
The deletion leaves intact paternal imprinting

19q13.4 Some women do not have a piece of chromosome: 19q13.4 and its imprinting pattern in their eggs is paternal

IMPRINTING Experiments conducted with other aims at finding the causes of imprinting can provide experimental evidence on some aspects This
Their analysis may lead to you hypotheses and / or indirectly sustain
In 2004, Japanese researchers obtained mice female offspring of two mothers.

The zygote genome did so with a mature and an immature (Tomohiro Kono 2004) The oocyte was not developed a mouse mutant with a deletion of 13-kilobase
The undeveloped is (ng)
and development (fg)
But in the ng was not altered
H19 and Igf2 H19 To block ng was used in a mouse with a deletion in the gene
The embryos were born to 17.5 days
was confirmed that these embryos do not spend the day 17.5
The 2 were born growth retardation had a poorly developed liver Igf2 and H19
As Dlk1 and Gtl2 are printed on spermatogenesis.

From this we can conclude that the maternal methylation occurs in oocyte maturation and the Occitan immature sperm is homologous to epigenetically speaking.
And, on the other hand the imporntin of H19 and Igf2 genes is independent and find their cause in the region of 13-kilobase

IMPRINTING Modification

Some substances such as synthetic estrogen, diethylstilbestrol (DES) can turn DNA methylation pattern. (John A. McLachlan, 2001)
The expression of imprinted genes and fetal development is influenced by the addition of fetal calf serum culture medium (Paolini 2004)
is not known how this medium affects the imprinting Perhaps
removes methyl groups, leading to incomplete or delete the pattern of imprinting. (Paolini 2004)

ICSI ICSI Children weigh less (Paolini 2004)

First female sperm stem cells turned into sperm that impregnated
(Nayernia K 2006)
marrow cells were transformed into male germ cells were expressing germ cell markers (Nayernia K. 2007)
born mouse had defects and will use special chemicals and vitamins

A idatiformes molas locus 19q13.4. Examined the methylation the daughters and the mola
The mutation is inherited from the grandfather or maternal grandfather so we conclude that the error is not due to an erased imprinting marks if not quite the re-establishment of native brands in oogenesis or in post-cigotic maintenance (El-O Maarri 2003)

CONCLUSION This analysis has been able to generate hypotheses

HYPOTHESIS Two mutually independent mechanisms that initiate the cascade of events leading to the pattern of paternal or maternal imprinting .
1 .- A gene in 19q13.4 is responsible for feminizaría a significant number of genes to print
And another alter H19 and Igf2

DISCUSSION There are apparently two mechanisms locomotive upon which the imprinting of these mechanisms must be related to the presence or absence of SRY but that relationship is still nebulous.
is known that some methylating enzyme is responsible for imprinting genes, these genes also are rich in CpG islands but because in a gamete are methylated and not in another, still the same question arises how this enzyme known to methylate genes and which are not? And as you know when methylated if a sperm or an egg. Some of these enzymes also signal a different or activates these enzymes

The mechanism may be a gene is active in a ovarian or spermatic say this produces cascade to other imprinting genes.
abortions should study what ICSI and art to see how they are epigenetically by altering these techniques the normal maturation of imprinting in the gametes. There is already evidence of increased disease epigenetic ARTs cup
Deletion of IG-DMR of the maternal chromosome causes loss of imprinting on all cluster genes that marks it as a locomotive gene imprinting.
The deletion leaves intact the parental imprinting
Some women do not have a piece of chromosome: 19q13.4
This healthy gene feminizaría eggs.
sperm could feminize H19 and Igf2, apparently, are printed by a mechanism independent of this. If
achieved the correct expression of IGF2 and ha19 a large number of other genes is well placed (maternal bone becomes father)
The experiment of mice with two mothers can deduce the following:

"We conclude that an immature oocyte and sperm except for 2 genes (IGF2 and H19)
-one was nullified (h19) to get the sperm
-hence a sperm is like an immature oocyte except for 2 genes
"If add the egg maturation factors and vanishes IGF2 could turn sperm into eggs.

weigh less ivf Apparently, that talks about winning the bony maternal genes that paternal genes are incomplete

If there is a mutation that makes the maternal genome paternal
1 .- A simple element determines parenthood
2.-genome that healthy gene feminizaría sperm. 3 .- partenisación
genome requires no activation or suppression of this gene or factor.
The normal state is paternal
may first have to delete and then print
We hypothesize that the factor of follicular development as well as IGF2 gene silencing can change the parental imprinting of the sperm mother

Arie Look
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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Rom Pokemon Silver Cheats


IS LIFE Luis Arbaiza
Biologist with a major in Genetics

Thesis:. Life are the physicochemical processes of self-multiplication of certain substances.

PROBLEM DEFINITION The definition of the problem that we will not be noted even that is exactly what I try, because it would imply that we know that is life, before defining it or whether we can define it. So we limit ourselves for now to note that mode will not try to corner the phenomenon, before trapping, if anything we can, with a simple and effective concept.

We refer to the time period of a human body or any organization either. So do not try the opposite of death. Not all beings "non-living" are dead, does not apply the concept of death to stones or stars. We can say that death is the relatively brief in the matter, which is just after the vital functions of an organism. We do not mean
conscious existence which has some organisms, including humans we have.
We do not mean every living thing (organism) or individuals but the general idea of \u200b\u200blife.


Just as we realize that science can not study what science is. The first consideration that must be noted is that what is or is not life, this should be from outside of biology. For what science is, it depends on the definition of life. Define concerning the epistemology is the branch of philosophy that studies the science. 2.-

current lack of definition of life.
Today, despite the immense development of biology has not solved the most fundamental definition of this science, at the time and although surprisingly, the concept of life.
Many wonder if there will be life on other planets. Asking this question presupposes that there is a universal definition for life, allowing us to recognize it if anything is found elsewhere in the cosmos. But we have such a definition or criteria. Whatever we find, as there is no comparing the qualities of what was observed with a concept that lets us know if it is alive or not. 2.2


1-Some say that life involves metabolism and evolution, but the definition of these concepts presupposes life, which is what we are putting into doubt metabolism are chemical reaction of living beings, but even not defined they are living beings. Same with the evolution of change of genetic structure of populations, to be alive, we must honestly dismiss outright such definitions. 2 .- The life is defined as the molecular structure capable of establishing a material homeostatic energy transfer, when stimulated by the environment under favorable conditions.
"According to this definition, life is not a process but a substance, a special formation of matter, an artifact. Several dead bodies meet this definition: Bubbles, drops, a body of water, rock etc.-The Virus and cancer cells would not be living. Human beings would not be a living being.
3 .- In biology, it is considered alive what has the characteristics:
Organization, formed by cells.
Reproduction: able to reproduce.
Development: able to grow and become more complex. Adaptation: the ability to evolve. Energy: energy used to maintain homeostasis.
"The virus would not be no life.
-sterile animals and people would not be living
-One hand or one neuron would not be a
-living animals such as crocodiles, turtles, cockroaches and flies would not be living
-less bacteria.
-Man would not be a living
4 .- Physiology: A living organism is one composed of organic matter (C, H, O, N, S, P), capable of carrying out functions such as eating, metabolize, excrete, breathe, move, grow, reproduce and respond to external stimuli.
is descriptive, not explanatory. My definition is shorter. And it is deducted from all these phenomena. Addition explains that it is those characteristics of life and not others
Anaerobic bacteria would not be living beings.
viruses either. 5 .- Metabolic
: A living system is an object with a definite boundary that continuously exchanges substances with the surrounding environment unaltered.
seeds, spores, would not be living,
A lake would be a living being.
A planet would be a living being.
No such boundary between an organism and its environment, otherwise the exchange would be impossible

6 .- Biochemistry: All living organisms contain reproducible hereditary information coded in nucleic acids which control cell metabolism through molecules (proteins) called enzymes that catalyze or inhibit the various biological reactions.
is descriptive, not explanatory, if the DNA will use other chemicals to reproduce, and would not meet this definition. The last sentence
biological responses, need prior definition of life, or that the same definition of life is accepted. My definition of life is not biological, but physical chemistry. Ignores biology. This definition would only serve for life on planet earth.

7 .- Genetics:
Life is any system capable of evolution by natural selection.
REBUTTAL: Again, natural selection is a concept that requires a prior definition of life.

8 .- Thermodynamics:
Living systems are localized regions where there is a continuous increase in order without external intervention.
REBUTTAL: If we put water in a refrigerator, ice cubes would become living beings, it would increase its order,
External intervention is unavoidable, the living are open thermodynamic systems
The laws of thermodynamics are met in closed thermodynamic systems

3 .- Is there life?
Perhaps the explanation for the failure of all the painstaking and ancient attempts to define life is simply that this does not exist.
We may be born with brains trained to distinguish ourselves from other natural phenomena arbitrarily. Auque aya no essential difference between this and other natural phenomena. On racism and people will spontaneously differentiate races that do not actually exist as natural phenomena that only exist in a whimsical collection.
We think that life exists and it does not exist. Not all propositions are true and the proposition: the life there could be false.
And this, biology has developed and grown almost to consume all their issues without a good definition of life. Thing I could agree with the position of Whitgestein that explanations have to end at some point. Perhaps the explanation is what life is beyond that point. I will try to see if the explanation is inside or outside the area where we think.
The existence of life or no life forces us to think about the definitions and how they should be this and the following discussion motivates


We must solve the problem if there is a definition of "natural" artificial life, capricious or necessary.
Life is certainly a type of physico-chemical phenomenon, not one other than this to "emergent properties." There is a qualitative leap in the evolution of matter. But only one type of matter by a particular thing.

There is an essence to every thing that distinguishes it. Life would be in something that is in it and nothing else besides no living thing should not have it. 5 .-

The concept of life would have two meanings. A.
naive concept of life-

people identify life before biology unravel its overwhelming detail, in fact animals can distinguish living beings from inert. Here the concept of life is superficial and Aristotle's serious, I live is something that is not driven by something out of it but within it. Something will. In this concept would be naive beings, a robot, a complicated machine.
you would not live, viruses, plants. Sponges etc.
This concept has only limited value to the human superficial experience. B.
scientific concept of life
Life are the physicochemical processes of self-multiplication of certain substances. O

Life is all what makes a substance to reproduce.

first thing to clarify in this proposed definition is that life is a process and not substance. If this happens on another planet, it is life.
This is not life on another planet AD If this occurs, in it is life. One bottle containing DNA is not a living being.

second thing to note is that on planet earth seems to have only two substances that trigger self-propagating process. Nucleic acids
1 .- 2 .- prions

In the present state of life is basically what makes the DNA to replicate.
first living
But apparently in the early stages of evolution was what made RNA. The first being on earth was an RNA (nucleic acid) which is a polymer of nucleotides single-stranded (not double as DNA). The first living creature was not a cell but a molecule. Its chemical composition is relatively simple, and can synthesize laboratory (to life). Are capable of self replicating and enzyme. You may reproduce and catalyze chemical reactions to do so.
We fruits from a patient and almost eternal process of selection among multiple modes of copy that chance was created.
agencies are present only some sophisticated chemical complexes of this initial model. And we differ from the `first be quantitatively, not qualitatively.
replicative capacity of self have also tested 1980spor enzyme Nobel Prize Thomas R.
Cech Cech, Thomas R. "RNA as an Enzyme," Scientific American, November, 1986.
agencies are present only chemical complexes somewhat improved this initial model. Random
could you create the enzymatic properties of RNAs?
In 1995, they created RNase at random.
That took a complex structure and function of ligase
(Eric H. Eckland, Jack W. Szostak and David P. Bartel, "Structurally Complex and Highly Active RNA Ligases Derived from Random RNA Sequences," p 364-370 v 269, Science , 21 July 1995)
Eric H. Eckland, Jack W. Szostak and David P Bartel, "STRUCTURALLY COMPLEX AND HIGHLY ACTIVE DERIVED FROM RANDOM RNA ligases RNA SEQUENCES," p 364-370 v 269 Science, 21 July 1995
cause or effect? Dna
causes. Life
consequence, life is an effect and not a cause

Apparently this reproductive process called life is only a means, not an end, the end is the same as multiplication.

1.-There would be a single category of life, not like now where there are several.
2 .- There would be a sufficient definition, it is now no
3.-life viruses and prions would.
4.-Life would be a process, not a substance, we would be living longer than matter, as is the music. DNA is the instrument that touches us. But many instruments can play life. In fact, the life of an organism can be viewed as a symphony orchestra, and genes as the instruments, each gene is responsible for playing a part of the music, and at one point. This metaphor is similar to that found in the book Fedon of Plato, which says that life is music and the body his instrument.
We can also think of life as a factory in an industrial process, leading to thousands of workers (in man will be 25.000) to toil in sync on a task, this task would be to build another factory, burning the old leaving clear instructions new workers in turn makes another factory for the same purpose.
5.-The process of life is subject to an inert substance. All whole life is composed of inert elements. Indistinguishable from other elements inert, there is nothing peculiar in the process that takes place. Life is a chapter of physical chemistry. And a new level of reality.
6 .- Since life is all that makes the DNA to replicate, so what is the abiotic biotic.
And really not an end, because there is no will, the DNA is multiplied, as is inevitable in its chemical makeup, the laws of physics, leading to the multiplication inevitable, as they inevitably turn the moon around the earth .
7 .- In a fundamental sense there is nothing in life that distinguishes it from the inert and life as something different there. It is a particular type occur in the inert. And we see difference only one innate. No There are new processes in life that distinguish the chemical or physical world. In this profound sense only in this life does not exist. If man is extinguished, there would be no living things. only the mind of man distinguishes living from nonliving, in reality the two grades are physicochemical processes without distinction between them, if the human mind disappears and leaves to make that distinction no longer have the category of being alive.


1.-Agencies that do not play, or are Sterile would not be living.
If you would, if Life is the physicochemical processes of self-multiplication of certain substances. Admittedly
that not all these processes are successful. And that process leads to accidents in which the end sought by this means is not always achieved.
also is not the same life. That the individual organism, life is something that happens in the individual organism and outside the well.

The meaning of life is just life, and sense of survival is only the very survival

The human body is the instrument of DNA to make a copy of itself in the next generation

The vacuum meaning of life is life. It is perhaps more honest and simply admit that it makes no sense.

An inert molecule is, paradoxically, the final and only star of life

life in the ultimate sense is like a river, one that plunges through the ages, an unbroken lineage of nucleic acids. That river rose without pause through the landscapes of time and as the water, took its shape as the shape of the land was flowing. Life, which is itself devoid of form, then takes the container that contains
change of life was constant, it seems they want to exhaust all possible ways of being, have no evidence of deep, one being. Neither

spice neither the individual nor the gene are the protagonists of evolution if it is not breeding, propagating modes or processes are the players and competitors in evolution.