Saturday, April 2, 2011

Neutering Boston Terriers

Difference between Religion and Spirituality

* Religion is not only one, but hundreds. * Spirituality is one. * Religion is for those who want to follow the ritual and formality. * Spirituality is for those who want to achieve spiritual ascent without dogmas. * Religion is for sleeping. * The Spirituality is for those awake. * Religion is for those who need someone else telling them what to do, they want to be guided. * Spirituality is for those who lend ear to your inner voice. * Religion is a set of dogmatic rules and unquestionable that has followed without protest. * Spirituality invites you to reason everything, question everything and decide your actions, accept the consequences. * Religion threats and intimidation. * Spirituality gives you peace of mind. * Religion speaks of sin and guilt. * Spirituality tells you that you passed, do not get pricked by what has already happened. Rather get up and learn from error. * Religion represses it all makes you fake. * Spirituality is above all, makes you true. * Religion is inculcated from childhood you like soup you do not want to take. * Spirituality is the food that you yourself are looking for, I am satisfied and happy to the senses. * Religion is not God. * Spirituality is the ALL and therefore is God. * Religion invents. * discover spirituality. * Religion does not ask or question. * Spirituality questions everything. * Religion is human, an organization with rules. * Spirituality is divinity, without rules. * Religion is cause for division. * Spirituality is the cause of union. * Religion wants you to believe. * The spirituality you have to find you. * Religion follows the precepts of a holy book. * Spirituality seeks the sacred in all the books. * Religion feeds on fear. * Spirituality is powered by the trust. * Religion makes you live in thought. * Spirituality makes you live in consciousness. * Religion is concerned with doing. * Spirituality is concerned with the SER. * Religion is logical. * Spirituality is dialectical * Religion feed you ego. * Spirituality makes you transcend logic. * Religion makes you renounce the world. * Spirituality in God makes you live, do not give him * Religion is worship. * Spirituality is meditation. * Religion is to remain part of the psychology of the masses. * The Spirituality is individuality. * Religion dreams of glory and paradise. * Spirituality makes you live here and now. * Religion lives in the past and the future. * spirituality lives in the present, the here and now. * Religion is a closure in your memory. * Spirituality is freedom in consciousness. * The religion believes in eternal life. * Spirituality makes you aware of it. * Religion gives you (promise) to after death. * Spirituality gives you the light to find God within you, in this life, at present, in the here and now. Cesar Morey -;


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