Saturday, March 5, 2011

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The definition of life is a philosophical and epistemological problem unresolved.
The concept of life, no consensus definition and sufficient. We know that life is indeed a type of physico-chemical phenomenon, a type of matter doing a particular thing, identify what is that thing is why this essay.
Living things can not be beings with a will or autonomous movement, as many living things do not and vice versa. Neither evolution or metabolism would define life as being concepts that depend on the concept of life, not yet. Life as anti-entropy defines a means or instrument of life more than herself.
Other definitions are descriptive and not explanatory.
Is there a real difference between living and inert or wrong is just a prejudice in our minds?
Thesis: Life physicochemical processes are self-propagating
substances or, life is all that makes a substance to reproduce.
on planet earth seems to have only two substances that trigger self-propagating process. Nucleic acids and prions.
The first living creature was not a cell, but most likely a molecule, RNA, are capable of self-replicating and enzyme may be reproduced and catalyze chemical reactions to do so. We would be only somewhat improved chemical complexes of this initial model and we are different from that first be quantitatively and not qualitatively.
nucleic acids, are the cause, the consequence of life, life is an effect and not a cause, an effect of the existence of matter.
Apparently this reproductive process called life is only a means, not an end, the end is the same as multiplication. Life would be playing the playback.
would be a single category of life, not like now where there are several, would be a sufficient definition, none of them is now, life would be viruses and prions.
living beings that we would be longer matter, as is the music. In a fundamental sense there is nothing in life that distinguishes it from the inert, would be a particular type occur in the inert.
Why is there life and not simply inert beings? Living things must be objects more likely than inert.

Keywords: Life, physicochemical epistemology, anti-entropy, nucleic acids, RNA, definition.


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