Sunday, March 6, 2011

Does Neilmed Have Zinc In It?

Not good sanctify Juan Pablo II (The Devil's Advocate)

The disappearance of the figure of the "devil's advocate" in the canonization process. The Vatican bureaucracy has taken an increasingly critical element to events and actions in case they are charged to the same obedience obedience. Religion as a fundamental aspect of people who have decided to follow it, should be a source of hope, strength and internal growth in reverence to a god, not limitation in obedience irrational and even less when creating role models to imitate, such as the figures of saints.

The figure of the devil's advocate as "questioning" of the sanctity of the "new saints" should be fundamental. But has ceased to be, but we all know is different, the leadership and bureaucracy to the parish church and the people forming a church. Like many facts of everyday life the establishment of a "processed" or "law" does not solve the compliance or need and less convinced of the rightness of his background.

could make a thorough analysis of each of the decisions that have led to the altar many questionable figures of recent times. But why do it? It really is a debate that generates fertility. Not in all cases, even creates barren land in the vast majority, as radical and makes ideas contrary to the most radicalization are accepted excuse or chase.

But in the case of Karol Wojtyla, is my view point to be discussed at least in the people of the church but "the leadership" has already presented as a fait accompli.

The reasons are many and only set out the most obvious.

is the historical predecessor, administrative and ideological current state of things both in the Catholic religion, "official" as in many Western countries influenced by the same religion. Even Wojtyla's successor whoever he authorizes the title of "holiness" is not an accolade given to other himself, being a minister Ratzinger critical in this administration?

There is a lack of administrative crisis of vocations, credibility, support theological belief masses and even questioning the moral authority of the priesthood that extends to the papacy, because of the actions that began and reached its climax in the reign John Paul II.

I do not have the resources that would have a devil's advocate, but there are many questions to answer to the impending canonization of John Paul II, will try to explain briefly some of them.

1) Is not considered a sin of omission, which in their eyes is to develop a network pedophile?. "And even the support of dioceses such as Chicago or Los Angeles. O the founder of the association of "the Legionaries of Christ"?. How many of the times I came to Mexico came to settle financial matters with Maciel?

2) Is it not the responsibility of the figure of the successor of Peter to "order in the churches" that have been linked to money laundering, drug trafficking and other scandals. In the mouth of his own bishops?.

3) is different from tolerance to acceptance, nobody calls the Catholic Church "accepted" behaviors, which are not raised under the microscope of history and theological serious analysis. But does that is different from persecution?. Some ideas and behaviors were openly persecuted and treated with a kind of zero tolerance, with a very thin border to eradicate by force. As the new ideas of the church itself (Hans Kung), left-wing ideas (liberation theology), as well as Communists, homosexuals.

4) The behavior in the pontificate of John Paul II Do not mean a reversal of the Second Vatican Council? Where they argued that the church and its domes are imbued with the reality that involved living in these times. Was not it a mass pontificate without ideas, that will bring growth of the church in faith and hope?

5) Did not Pope John Paul II policy support end of the Cold War or even logistical and economic development in the fall of socialist states, which later evolved into a tit for tat and growth of mafias?.

6) Is not he a blind eye can do more than lukewarm critical to wildlife actions like the war in Serbia, etc attacks against Muslim countries.?

I do not think that Pope John Paul II is a model of holiness. His behavior sponsored persecution and intolerance. Too much "media" asked to build an image of "good father" but better a stern father to protect their children to a "soft" to allow the violation of their children. John Paul II was not a holy man was a statesman, perhaps charismatic but nothing more.

I think more than ever, humanity needs the smile of God, but I also believe that the church should never have removed the "devil's advocate."

Saturday, March 5, 2011

How To Congratulate Friend New Baby


The definition of life is a philosophical and epistemological problem unresolved.
The concept of life, no consensus definition and sufficient. We know that life is indeed a type of physico-chemical phenomenon, a type of matter doing a particular thing, identify what is that thing is why this essay.
Living things can not be beings with a will or autonomous movement, as many living things do not and vice versa. Neither evolution or metabolism would define life as being concepts that depend on the concept of life, not yet. Life as anti-entropy defines a means or instrument of life more than herself.
Other definitions are descriptive and not explanatory.
Is there a real difference between living and inert or wrong is just a prejudice in our minds?
Thesis: Life physicochemical processes are self-propagating
substances or, life is all that makes a substance to reproduce.
on planet earth seems to have only two substances that trigger self-propagating process. Nucleic acids and prions.
The first living creature was not a cell, but most likely a molecule, RNA, are capable of self-replicating and enzyme may be reproduced and catalyze chemical reactions to do so. We would be only somewhat improved chemical complexes of this initial model and we are different from that first be quantitatively and not qualitatively.
nucleic acids, are the cause, the consequence of life, life is an effect and not a cause, an effect of the existence of matter.
Apparently this reproductive process called life is only a means, not an end, the end is the same as multiplication. Life would be playing the playback.
would be a single category of life, not like now where there are several, would be a sufficient definition, none of them is now, life would be viruses and prions.
living beings that we would be longer matter, as is the music. In a fundamental sense there is nothing in life that distinguishes it from the inert, would be a particular type occur in the inert.
Why is there life and not simply inert beings? Living things must be objects more likely than inert.

Keywords: Life, physicochemical epistemology, anti-entropy, nucleic acids, RNA, definition.

Afrin Is Burning My Throat


Biologist with a major in genetics


For quantum physics, there is an influence of the observer or sensor in the world microscopic, photons behave as a wave or particle depending on the observer.
In the double-slit experiment of Thomas Young, single photons are fired at a distant screen, partially blocked halfway by a wall containing two slits.
If not checked by which slit a photon passes, it seems to interfere with itself, it behaves like a wave, traveling through both slits:
But if slots are controlled carefully, the interference disappears, and each photon travels through a single slot, as a particle.
This poses two problems: 1 .-
photons can choose how to behave on the basis of measurements?
2.-If any conceivable source was reporting secretly to the photon, must send a message that was traveling faster than the speed of light, something physically inconceivable from the perspective of the theory of relativity. 3.-
since the photons are traveling in the slot and have already traveled a stretch, this change would seem to affect her past that startup Travel (past) and was in a state of wave or particle
Physicist John Wheeler pointed out that a photon could somehow know in advance the type of observation that would be "subject" and change their behavior to wave or particle accordingly. (journey into the future).
To test this possibility, Wheeler then thought of an experiment in which the decision of the mode of observation of photons was taken only after they have already been cast.

Scientific Laboratory and Molecular Quantum Proton (the French CNRS and the Ecole Normal Superieure de Cachan), have been able to carry out the experiment
What was apparent in this experiment is that the photon appears as a wave when it was decided to observe wave behavior and behaves like a particle when has decided to observe a corpuscular behavior.
The trial delayed as much as possible the choice of the photon live experience, hoping that is within the measuring device, in this case an interferometer with a length of 50 meters. Once inside the device, the researchers randomly selected as they would be made, but apparently the photon behaved as if she already knew.

The last change, to adapt to this set.

problems arise 1.-Why do we think the decision to become a wave or particle is prior to the measure?
As Hawking says: Scientists must accept theories that are consistent with experiments, not with our preconceived notions. BIBLIOGRAPHY

Stephen Hawking. Leonard Mlodinow The Grand Design. Critical. 2010 Barcelona