Saturday, July 24, 2010

What Size Light Bulb For Ikea Lamp

Grandmothers Council 13 scientists from different tribes in the world.

"Humanity is on the fence that the disharmony: fear and love. Fear is the root of anger, jealousy and disharmony, while peace and balance come from love. Our hearts are made in spread fear or from love, "say the grandmother of humanity." "We were obsessed with doing things instead of taking us, not them. Always in a hurry, always striving, always wanting to please someone, always wanting to be strong. Afford means to be ourselves "

" You become a human being when learning to flow "

" Be Human, honors people and be free of Heart! "

1.Respetar and care for Mother Earth to live without breaking the balance of the planet. Feeling of oneness with the earth and the cosmos: Father Sky, Mother Earth with the force
2.Connect purest human love is unconditional. "Love one another" - System based on reciprocity and trust
3.Honrar the world of the spirits of the ancestors. Remembering the past with love. Heal yourself to heal our ancestors and not to repeat the same mistakes over generations
4.Volver our inner spirit and the spirit of all things to find the truth within us. Have the courage to look within yourself and outside
5.Trabajar self anger on others without spilling 6.Escuchar
silence, the answer is always just coming
7.Liberarse of addiction and social judgments choosing to be a productive person
8.Respetar the elderly, family, children, all living beings
9.Cuidarse during pregnancy because the stress and discomfort affects the baby
10.Enseñar children to revere life and be good people
11.Respetar our body and our sexuality as sacred and source of life
12.Tomar aware that the only person who can give us everything we need in a relationship
13.Aceptarnos ourselves to ourselves and others just as we
14.Creer in the healing powers of plants 15.Integrar
traditional medicine and indigenous also to heal the soul and the body not only
16.Acabar with the dissatisfaction of a life empty and meaningless
17 . Remember that unhealthy competition destroys the individual, as well as violence and greed 18.Perdonar to preserve health and live in peace. Accept and forgive the past to live the present and future
19.Obtener improve physical, mental, emotional and spiritual change and live in peace and harmony
pictures and more information: /

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Raven Riley Kate Playground Full Gallery

Rise of the TEACHERS

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Bionicle 8741 Building Instructions


Luis E. Arbaugh Geneticist Biologist



definitions should be based on the essentials and not what is, in general, not particular and in the cause and not the effects, so that will define homosexuality as a specific physiological state, which can respond, sexually and emotionally toward the same anatomical sex. (Savic 2008, Ishai 2006) (Savic 2001), sexual orientation is not a social construction.
Man, woman, homosexual or heterosexual, male and female are biological, not cultural products.

homosexuality and heterosexuality are not mutually exclusive, necessarily.
The physiological condition of homosexuality is a state technically objective and measurable, directly or indirectly. (Savic 2008) (Savic 2001) (Ishai 2006)
The origin of this physiological state before adulthood results from a combination of genetic and environmental factors, remains to be clarified the weight of each of these factors and their role and mechanisms of action.
But this physiological state in the adult is incapable of being removed or altered.
Homosexuality is natural given that commonly occur throughout the animal kingdom.

Homosexuality is normal (biologically speaking) and non-pathological, since this physiological condition, does not affect health or homeostasis of the subject. If a gay gene, this would stop the genetic diversity (such as Red or take saguineo group RH-) as a gene is considered pathological only if it is at a frequency less than 0.001% and normal if it is beyond that frequency. Since homosexuality is around 4% in the phenotype, we can assume that the genotype frequency is the square root of this percentage (about 2%), which leaves it well within normal.

Homosexuality has other more complex dimensions, the result of the interaction of physiological status with other human aspects.
For example, the wearer's mind reacted in different ways to the physiological state, negative positive, and society, giving a dimension of homosexuality also affective and social. But the physiological state
homosexual is the cause first and most essential and universal feature to be homosexual.
This physiological state should not be confused with mechanical sexual response. HOMOSEXUAL


must be distinguished from homosexual physiological condition that is specific mechanics of sexual response that is specific and universal (S.-h. Hu, 2008) (Savic 2008) (Ishai 2006) (Savic 2001) (RC Pillard 1998)

Homosexual Condition Specific Physiological
brain structure is allows a homosexual love or fall in love with a person of the same sex.
It is located in the neocortex, stretch zones.

is specific
Mechanical Sexual Response is the brain-genital structure that allows a subject to achieve orgasm by stimulating heterosexual, homosexual or mechanical. It is located in the more primitive brain, not elastic

is nonspecific
The physiological condition homosexual involves a package of various physiological phenomena.

1 .- PHEROMONES. has shown a response to 4,16-androstadien gay-3-one derivative of testosterone (AND) candidate compound to male pheromone.
The answer can be seen in dysmorphic sexual nucleus in the anterior hypothalamus. And in the medial preoptic area / anterior hypothalamus, involved in sexual response.
(Savic 2005, 2008)

2 .- IN LOVE
response is similar to the heterosexual love-romantic, differing only in the anatomical sex of the object of affection.

The biochemistry of love is different for men and women, homosexuals have a physiological state of love typical of their anatomical sex, so that gay couples have a different physiological dynamics of heterosexual couples

two differences in particular: a.
- In the love of partner Testosterone decreases in men and women increases, reducing libido in men and women increases. In male homosexual couples falling testosterone and libido is mutual, as the increase in mutual lesbian couples. Taking this a different dynamic gay and lesbian couples.
b. - Because men have a template more related to the visual and women mental, based partners training and retention to those terms.


is a type of discriminatory behavior directed against homosexuality. Both homosexual persons as impersonal expressions of homosexuality.
origin and may have multiple causes. But generally not in fear, but by abuse from a social advantage.
That led to the disappearance and repression of homosexuality. Or the segregation of homosexuals second role in society.
Like any discriminatory conduct should or produces social gain at the expense of the discriminator discriminated

aggression or contempt is to homosexuality from gay people.
The autohomofobia is expressed for example in the way that disqualifies a homophobic homosexual to another auto-calling with the same words with which disparaging disparagingly called discrimination of homosexuals, for example marica maricon, etc., Is another case of psychological mechanism of identification with the aggressor. And reveals the contempt felt for mime as if homosexuals.
This is also shows remarkable self-denigrating and self-punitive of drag queens
Sometimes this self-destructive behavior is covered up with the alleged intention of giving a new meaning to the words but the meaning of words is given by which gives the community and its use. (Wittgenstein 1987), and they play in this derogatory, moreover, if the intention is to neutralize these words (which ah never achieved in the history of languages \u200b\u200bunintentionally) why not use that already exist value neutral?

is a cultural construction, typical of every society, learned and completely independent of sexual preference (homosexual or heterosexual) TRANSGENDER

Homosexual with feminine gender role

Homosexual with gender role
male anatomical sex
is the condition anatomically male or female, mainly resulting from the activity or inactivity of the SRY gene located on chromosome Y. There are only two sexes
anatomical intersex forms can not be considered diseases or other sex but fantasies of both sexes.
It was found that XY women (usually women are XX) have the SRY gene of Y chromosome mutated and inactive. XX men (usually XY) have a working SRY gene inserted somewhere in their genome.

time series of activities aimed to reduce, neutralize or counter the homo phobic. In social terms is a war and confrontation.

GENETICS OF HOMOSEXUALITY estimated between 40% -60% penetrance (participation in determining a hereditary character) in the physiological state homosexual, the rest may be due to environmental causes, not genetic or biological. (Murphy 2005, Bailey 1999;) (Dawood K, 2000.) (RC Pillard, 1981) (RC Pillard. 1982)

has not been re-link the region Xq28 (, Hamer DH. 2005). (DH Hamer ,, 1993) (Hu S, 1995) (Mustanski 2005)

Possible gay genes chromosomes: chromosome 7, 8, and 10

The possible existence of one or more genes gays leads to genetic paradox if these genes predispose to homosexuality, then reduce the multiplication of that in later generations, given that on average gay (human or animal) have fewer children than heterosexuals. The frequency of these genes and the trait predisposing, would decline over time and should be on the same frequency of mutant genes (0, 001% maximum) (Miller EM. 2000)
But it was found that the frequency is much human high (16%) plus remains in the animal kingdom with examples of up to 60%.
this paradox is resolved when considering that this gene carriers would increase the fertility of women. (Camperio. 2004)
There is evidence that fertility increased in female relatives of gay men. (Camperio 2008) (King M, 2005) (F MacIntyre 1993) ALIGNMENT

The alienated person decides to be in some way, and then create, pretend or convince, that is, of course, essentially.
The reasons for the alignment are in search of a social gain. Usually someone who does not need to take pride in the individual, looking for value belongs to group that believes it even more or it should be (race, gender, group, nation, social class etc).

exists in the mythical idea of \u200b\u200bmutual necessity and complementarity of male and female, that man needs to be a woman and this man. So being a man is like women and be women like men. Therefore
who likes men (homosexuals) will be a woman.
This misconception also implies a wrong result, that gender is synonymous with sexual orientation and gender plus = sex. Being gay means you have to be effeminate.
These ideas are wrong, first, a woman is not like men, because there are women who like women.
Second, being gay is not synonymous with being transgender because there are no homosexuals transgender, not female (or male gender cisgeneros)
Many people qualify Herrade criticism or rejection of effeminacy (trans-generofóbia) as homophobia, which reveals that identify homosexuality with the feminine gender, sexual orientation, gender = bone wrongly. It would in any case of trans-gender-phobia.


Two causes of effeminate gay men. All of environmental origin and not genetic or congenital: 1 .-

brain structure. Just as in the retina reflects the world outside observer. In the brain being formed brain structures that reflect the social world. (Wexler 2006)
to the age of 21 individuals can modify or expand their structures brain adapts to new concepts or realities. This explains the difficulty of older people to adapt to other companies to migrate, or understand new ways of thinking. Which would require the construction of new brain structures, something difficult after age 21, in most people. Young people are better able to accomplish it.

One of these social structures and the individual is reflected in his brain and inner ends as necessary and unchangeable, is the image that complements the masculine the feminine, assigned to each part of the pair mutually complementary and necessary for ways of speaking, acting, interacting, etc.

This explains that the gay effeminacy observed in the surrounding society that those men are with women, and how they want to be with men, therefore women should be as they can. They can not adopt the model anatomically change cultural feminine. Adding to that seen in society as it determines a model for gays, who like to be a gay, and adopted that way of being. Moreover, each company offers different models of how to be a gay or should be women, so it shows that gays in the 80s were like the women of the 80s. Or the gay or African Yorkers have different models of how to be gay to obey and imitate, so that cultural diversity is a diversity in imitation or alignment.

Therefore effeminacy is a kind of conservative, not a revolutionary position. Homosexuals are gay or transgender, pretending to be heterosexual.

should add that there is nothing wrong with the genre or as transgender, and if its possible cause (alignment).
I will make a parallel to the line of black in a racist society.

black racism imposes a certain social role, a dancer for example, some auto-black racist, actually accept this imposition and engaged to be good dancers, cutting its further potential. Others reject that imposition
are limiting and be anything they want.
here is not bad to be a dancer, the bad is not free to choose to be. Also
effeminacy in gay men is not bad in itself, but its cause, if this is the lineup.
should be clear that this statement is an opinion of value (better, worse) or moral (bad, good) but rather an assessment of development (more developed less developed).
The emergence of social referents on homosexuality allows new generations to develop an identity cisgericas. 2 .-

Mirror neurons make us feel empathy for those who look like us, as well as help them learn behaviors by imitating others (Rizzolatti, 2004) (Dinstein 2008)
allow the child to imitate adults and learn a range of useful behaviors. In the adult help individuals to fit into new environments, that explains why a person can change the way they act, (Dinstein 2008) talk and feel depending on current mode, feel or talk about those around him. The lower the security level or the individual's mental development, it is more conformist and imitator of others. That explains why many gays just get their effeminacy effeminate to be surrounded by friends in their quest to fit in with them.
feel what others feel to the extent that they seem. That's why people feel compassion acceptance or fellowship for which you appear.
That explains the tolerance that exists in underdeveloped societies to effeminate gay men or transgender. Because they are closer to the heterosexual model that they have, as a necessary complement male female. And how shocking and unacceptable that they find the combination male with male.
social rejection towards gays cisgeneros (not effeminate or masculine) and cisgeneros couples is higher than towards homosexuals, being far more radical and even be antagonistic to the concepts of gay stereotypes and corresponding pairs of men and women. The love affair with male male attentive to male-female dichotomy and myths of their need and harmony. But this rejection
more to cisgenero, is cloaked by respect, tolerance and fear that exists toward the male chauvinist society. So the strategy towards couples cisgeneros homophobia is invisibility, while anti-gay strategy is transgender violence, like the one against women.


1 .- The fight against homophobia is intended to defend the homosexual, not transgender. Given that transgender is an isolated phenomenon, independent of the homosexual, does not concern the anti-homophobic.
The debate over female or the masculine and positive or negative role of gender roles in society is a heterosexual and not homosexual problem. 2 .-

to homosexual discrimination is more aggressive and intense in Peruvian society to transgender discrimination. Examples of this is that it is more acceptable and conservative backward societies and even effeminate homosexuals and transsexuals transgenders, homosexuals cisgeneros. The aggression against effeminate homosexuals (transgender) is not a feminine hate themselves (that is valued when present in women) but to his homosexuality, his effeminacy is a sign or indicator.

3 .- The effeminacy is in most cases, alignment, al aceptar la invitación de ser socialmente lo que la sociedad quiere que sean los homosexuales.

4.- Es un error la asociación entre homosexualidad y tras generalidad, y al identificar los problemas de los homosexuales con el de transgeneros.


La causa de la homofobía es la competencia social entre los sujetos, los seres humanos usan cualquier excusa y oportunidad para disminuir las posibilidades de los demás y aumentar las propias.
Así que la discriminación en general es un mecanismo que busca la conveniencia y ventaja del discriminador. Reduciendo la del discriminado
La homofóbia no busca segregar el cuerpo de los homosexuales, que en nada are different from heterosexuals, but its social value.


The emancipation of discriminated groups are three stages. STAGE

The subject discriminated against is not considered as part of humanity, such as machismo did not consider women human beings. or citizens.
The racism is not considered human slaves or who have soul.
And homophobia is not considered a homosexual as existing or normal human being. SECOND STAGE

There is a social acceptance but as an inferior being. The machismo is acceptable for women but with a second-class role, they are ordered be less rational or more emotional etc.
In the black racism is accepted as part of society if it is engaged in lower activities, sports, arts etc. Homosexuality
A offers a lower social role, being the "crazy", frivolous, funny, dedicated to certain tasks and transgender etc. STAGE

Here the subject before accepting discrimination as well. Not assigned any particular social role or value. At this stage the gays do not have to be in any particular way and can be whatever you want.

In these stages there are two responsibilities, one of the company offering the roles and another in the discrimination that accepts or rebels to them.

In Peru we are in transit from the first to the second stage.
A grades features the LGBT movement, gay model proposed to be accepted as inferior citizens. That explains why they focus on transgender (effeminate gay as a synonym) or in people with HIV (gay as handicapped physically), and the general discourse in their ranks queer (gay as rare), which comes in many levels ideological fanaticism or irrational devotion. Their struggle is against transgenerofóbia more than against homophobia. Luis E. Arbaugh

Geneticist Biologist

National University of San Marcos


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