Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How To Give Your Penis A Makeover

The War against God

How small is my world. No doubt one day was higher. The enlarged believe everything. If you do not believe more in yourself, everything is more simple but more lonely. 2.18 The verse of Genesis already said.

What will become of everything we learned now?. It is curious that cite the Bible, after all what happened.

What helps me say, if I'm not talking to anyone?.

To recap, to maintain sanity.

many people branded as fanatics. Gradually things changed. Maybe I myself have become a fanatic. But all these deaths? , Is all this destruction?, "All this may be just the pain of my sick mind?. Strange

microwaves, televisions, cell phones will always hate.

Now I'm sitting at a campfire in the ruins of what was an apartment building. Bricks and pieces of drywall I cover from the cold, come back and needles.

me to do the Guard, others sleep, I can not miss the feeling of my body.

few hours ago we faced the attack of "the saints of the Lord." Pathy and lost at Ponky. I ripped the guts and then prayed for their souls. Still do not know if I believe the feeling is confusion or a burning indignation.
When I met did not think we had something in common. It's amazing that we now have to shoot a gun for the right to smoke a cigarette, he also had to do it. But is that not only is the right to a cigarette is the right to feel anger, lust let flow. Or the right to decide thousands of other things.

I see them sleeping and would like to be told When did this start?.

guess since I started, the light low in the valley of Megiddo. Who told the "heavenly host" who were the righteous?, I guess nobody fell thousands and are still falling.

Now we call the armies of the beast, what beast if you just want the right to exist?.

I see a winged angel with a flaming sword closer.

I sounded the alarm.

shoot him in the lead!


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