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Thursday, May 20, 2010

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The scourge of ETA

Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba took over the Ministry of Interior on April 11, 2006, replacing the position with Jose Antonio Alonso. Despite being in full truce with the terrorist group ETA, Rubalcaba was not willing to pay any price for it and on 3 October got to give her first major blow to the band, with the arrest of his number one, Mikel Antza, and 19 other activists . Antza was considered ETA's political leader, a position he held since 1993.

harassment of security forces (during the months leading to the appointment of Rubalcaba there were other arrests, mostly in France, the most prominent Zigor the Merodio, alleged head of the financial apparatus of the band), led to the truce at the end of the year . An ending that came as a result of the attacks at the airport Barajas, 30 December, which killed two people. The Prime Minister, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, was forced to end the peace process.

In June 2007, ETA official makes his return to arms and a few months later, on December 1, the terrorists killed two policemen, Raúl Centeno and Fernando Trapero. year 2008, the second term (first from the boot) as interior minister Rubalcaba, harassment of ETA increases in a exponential. On May 20, the Guardia Civil and the French Gendarmerie arrested in Bordeaux four members of the leadership of the organization, including his new number one, Francisco Javier López Peña, alias Thierry .

In mid September, organizations like Amnesty Gestoras Pro and Askatasuna are considered terrorists for their links with ETA . The band's response was swift, as the following weekend, three car bomb attacks against the headquarters of the Basque autonomous police Ondarroa, the new headquarters of the Caja Vital Vitoria and the Military Board of Santoña Virgen del Puerto (Cantabria), killing the latter attack the artillery brigade, Luis Conde de la Cruz.

But from the Ministry and security forces continued the fight and at the end of the year we get two major blows to the band in just a few days: the leadership of ETA strike twice in just three weeks . On November 17, police detain Mikel Garikoitz Aspiazu, alias Txeroki , and on December 8 do the same with Aitzol Iriondo. In the latter also fall arrest two who were to accompany ETA: Eneko Zarrabeitia and Aitor Artetxe. Moreover, this same day they are arrested three ETA members in Irun and a few days later, four more. The balance of the end of 2008 was almost unbeatable in the fight against terrorism.

The next major blow to the band reach the end of August 2009, when a new joint operation of the French and English police led to the arrest in southern France three activists band, including Aitzol Etxaburu, one of the most sought . In addition, thirteen hideouts were located with plenty of explosive material about previous ETA attacks.

In 2010, 16 March, the murderous terrorist group, for the first time ever, a policeman, when chasing a command of ETA who had committed a car theft near Paris. The latest blow to ETA (so far), occurs on May 20, the day when French police came to decapitate the leadership of the band , in an operation that resulted in the arrest of military commander considered the band, Mike Carrera Sarobe, alias Ata ; of his "number two", Arkaitz Agirregabiria, and two other suspected ETA members.

With the arrest of Ata, considered one of the hard men of the band falls the sixth head of ETA in the last two years (ironically the day coincides with the arrest of Thierry in 2008). As we have said since then security forces have arrested the successive commanders of the band: Mike Garikoitz Aspiazu (November 2008), Aitzol Iriondo (December 2008), Jurdan Martitegi (April 2009), Ibon Gogeascoetxea ( March 2010) and Mike Carrera Sarobe (May 2010) .

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

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The judge sentenced

Baltasar Garzon has been provisionally suspended from his duties as judge of the Audiencia Nacional by the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ), after the Supreme Court judge, Luciano Varela, agreed to open Garzón trial after admitting to hear a lawsuit filed by organizations and English Falange Clean Hands for alleged trespass by the decision to assert jurisdiction to investigate crimes of the Franco regime. A decision ends a controversy that has lasted almost two years since Garzon decided to get involved in the investigation mentioned.

The October 16, 2008, Garzón competent and justifies declaring its intention to investigate the disappearances recorded during the Civil War and the early years of the dictatorship of Franco , and direct the opening of 19 mass graves scattered in throughout the country. The decision to establish its jurisdiction was, from the beginning, opposed by the Office of the High Court. On 28 November, the Plenary of the Criminal Chamber of the Audiencia Nacional, Garzón declared incompetent in this case by fourteen votes to three.

then the Supreme Court declared admissible a complaint against Judge Garzon for trespass to assert jurisdiction in the investigation of the crimes mentioned presented sa c popular accusation by the right-wing organizations and English Falange Clean Hands, the latter allegedly directly involved in the crimes will be studied.

On 7 April 2010, the Supreme Court considers it necessary to continue the proceedings for the crime of trespass against Garzon in a car that uses their own judge. On April 24, Garzon filed before the Supreme Court to challenge an appeal against the examining magistrate, Luciano Varela, accusing him of having "direct interest in the proceedings and bias in the same" and having made "a work closer an advisory or legal advice ", by granting the plaintiffs a period to correct a defect in his series of indictments, a fact which he defined as" atypical and extra-giving opportunities "to one of the parties. On 3 May, the DPP Supreme Court presented a letter of rejection to the disqualification of Luciano Varela by Garzón, expressing that the request is "absolutely unfeasible for lack of substantiation and justification" .

Throughout this process, has served on the first page of the national and international news, there have been demonstrations of support to Garzon. On 24 April, thousands of people participated in rallies and demonstrations across Spain to denounce the "impunity" of the Franco regime and support the judge Baltasar Garzón . The most heavily attended event took place in Madrid, where organizers acknowledged that attendance topped up "by far" his most optimistic expectations. Other cities that showed support for the judge were: Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSevilla, Zaragoza, Murcia, Valladolid, Leon, Las Palmas, Santander, Valencia and Gijón.

After days of waiting, and as we mentioned earlier, the full extraordinary CGPJ decided on May 14, unanimously, to provisionally suspend Baltasar Garzon functions . This decision was made public just two days after the judge agreed Varela open trial for the investigation of the crimes of the Franco regime. reactions were swift, and many organizations such as Human Rights Watch, the National Association for the Recovery of Historical Memory and the State Federation of Forum for Memory, the Council regretted the decision . They also showed their support to various partners Garzon of the National Court, as Jose Ricardo de Prada, Clara Bayarri, Santiago Pedraz, Fernando Andreu, Vicente González Mota, Daniel Campo, Noah and Mary Anne Dolores Delgado.

The news passed our borders and media as the New York Times , The Guardian or Le Figaro criticized the suspension. The Times headlined its editorial as An injustice in Spain, noting that "Garzón should be allowed to return to work sooner." For its part, The Guardian described the separation of the judiciary as a "political persecution" and the French Diaro Garzon termed "superjuez."

Garzón's future is not clear, and that the suspension would run until the Supreme Court, in which Garzon has opened two other cases against him, decides on the guilt or innocence of the judge . At the same time, the President of the CGPJ, Carlos Divar, has called an emergency meeting of the Standing Committee to study the request of a committee of special services by Garzon to move to the International Criminal Court Hague as adviser to the Office.

Monday, May 17, 2010

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Zapatero has a plan Vicente

The Prime Minister, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, took a surprising twist to his economic policy last week with the announcement of new measures taken by his cabinet to tackle the crisis. In them, he sacrifices much of its fundamental principles in defense of maintaining social benefits. The drastic reduction of the deficit which required the European Union has forced the government to lower public wages unprecedented in the history of Spain, to the elimination of check- baby to cut by 6,000 million in state investment and 600 million euros in development aid, to freeze Most pensions in 2011 and reduced spending on the implementation of the Law Unit .

During his detailed statement, Zapatero did not find a single clear parliamentary ally. The reactions were swift. At the same hearing, the Popular Party leader Mariano Rajoy, said the ads with a tough speech in which he made clear he would not support the most unpopular measures, particularly the freezing of pensions. For its part, the unions prepared protest actions and seem willing to go out for the first time since the ZP is president . UGT has called a general strike in the public sector for June 2 in protest against the reduction of 5% of salary for civil servants. This action has added CCOO, UGT continue to support. Leaders of trade unions, Candido Mendez and Ignacio Fernández Toxo, and have come together to form a calendar of events. The first will be this May 20, convened by CC.OO.

other political parties, CiU only seems willing to support steps taken by the Government. The spokesman for the Catalan parliament, Josep Antoni Duran i Lleida, appealed to the coherence of the members of Congress to lower their wages. Were much more critical from the United Left, PNV, BNG or ERC. The harshest words came from the leader of IU, Cayo Lara, who said the government has crossed the "red line" and branded the measures "unbecoming a socialist government."

Meanwhile, organizations like the Family Forum and the English Federation of Large Families (Fefnir), also have demonstrated against government measures, especially the abolition of baby check, as they claim shows that Zapatero sees children as "a luxury tax." The NGO, Oxfam Intermón-joined the lament generated by the government's decision, believing that those most affected are the poorest, who in turn, are those who have done least to aggravate the global economic crisis.

However, not all positions facing this new package. The European Union and the International Monetary Front (IMF) have shown their support for the decision English Government, and which has long sought measures to eliminate the deficit . EU Vice President, Joaquin Almunia, described them as "logical" and "strictly necessary to stop the pressure exerted on the English debt market."

From the financial and corporate sector have also congratulated the Government for this decision-making. The Bank of Spain, Banco Santander and BBVA alike say that although the measures did not like society, are necessary and positive to get out of recession . Finally, the president of the Confederation English Employers (CEOE), Gerardo Diaz Ferran, was pleased that the Government has listened to their proposals, but regretted the time lost by the team of Zapatero.

Only time will tell if this new plan shock settles in a positive way or not. For the moment, has placed up to tough decisions taken by other European governments, such as Greece, Portugal, France, Ireland and the UK. Germany is waiting to finalize the last details of his plan. The only country that stands still is Italy, although the European Union has already asked to move tab.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

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national coach, Vicente del Bosque, yesterday announced the list of 30 shortlisted to join the national team to try the assault on the world championship next June in South Africa. A list without undue surprises (Riera and Pablo Hernández is not the lack of minutes for their clubs) which will be reduced to 23 men before 1 June. The shortlisted are:


Iker Casillas (Real Madrid): 102 caps. English captain and undisputed starter in goal, both his club and in the selection. This year is being discussed, perhaps by the fact that, despite receiving fewer goals, also has been reduced the number of procedures performed per game (in this paragraph, this year is the 13 th of the League, where in recent years always was one of the top three positions). The fans dreams of seeing Iker lifting the championship trophy on 11 July.

Pepe Reina (Liverpool): 19 caps. 4 times winner of the Barclays Golden Glove (Zamora Trophy in England) and substitute luxury boxes in the selection. In the area noted for his mastery of aerial and connection with your partner Torres to launch deadly counterattacks. Outside it, is considered one of the heavyweights in the dressing room of La Roja. Only the presence of Casillas him from ownership.

Diego Lopez (Villarreal): 1 x international. Takes two years to attend any meetings of the Forest as the third goalkeeper, so it is best placed to accompany Casillas and Reina in the final list. This year has not featured as much as the past, but has gone from less to more (like your computer). Formed through the ranks at Madrid under the shadow of Casillas, has some unusual reflections for a man of his height.

Victor Valdes (FC Barcelona): Surprisingly, the best team goalkeeper in the world, twice winner of the Champions League, has not even debuted yet the selection. There are many reasons to argue its detractors: his character, his confidence in the game with his feet, a bad relationship with Queen ... Its proponents take refuge in their numbers and the obvious improvement that Victor has starred in recent years. It would be an injustice to stay without World Cup, but football sometimes do not understand justice.

David de Gea (Atletico Madrid): The future of the national goal. In a campaign so complicated for his club, has emerged as one of the saviors of the mattress set. Sitting on the bench to another promise as Sergio Asenjo and be in the shortlist and is a tribute to his season. Compared with the Dutch Van der Sar for his height, his good reflexes and mastery of the game with his feet. It seems clear one of the discards.


Sergio Ramos (Real Madrid): 57 caps. The Camas has returned this year to its best version, especially when he played center. Comes in full how the World Cup. Del Bosque has two options to rank, on the right wing or as a side of Pique in central defense. As a side, sometimes you lose your momentum and yellow charge unnecessarily. In the center of the rear is more serene.

Gerard Piqué (FC Barcelona): 14 caps. After a hesitant start to the season, has become one of the best center (if not the best) of today. His last exhibition was given in the second leg Champions League semi-final against Inter, with the best of his team. Is strong, is strong, it dominates the air in both areas, has a neat ball and output quality is not free. Should be the leader of the rear, both at the club as the selection, during the next decade.

Carles Puyol (FC Barcelona): 81 caps. The claw made football player. Again from the ashes in 2008, when it seemed to have entered a clear line of descent. Pique has found his perfect complement. Still giving exhibitions of strength and pride, for example in the game against Real Madrid match at the Nou Camp where he was responsible for drying the entire Madrid attack. Maybe this is his last tournament selection.

Joan Capdevila (Villarreal): 42 caps. Owner of the left side of the selection. Many believe it is the team's weakest position, but Capdevila has always offered a good performance. Noted for its invaluable work and for your chance to score. Like Puyol, may also be his last major tournament before the shirt of Spain.

Álvaro Arbeloa (Real Madrid): 13 caps. The joker in the defense, both in Madrid and in the selection. He can play both sides and even central. In principle part as a substitute, but his great season in the white set can give you an option to ownership, especially on the left flank. Stands out as a lock back, but this year has shown that it is developed very well in offensive tasks.

Albiol Raul (Real Madrid): 22 caps. The future theoretical Piqué companion in the center of defense. This year has featured in Madrid, common plant eater, but in recent games he is looking at something short of steam. Noted for its ability to advance to the front and not complicate your life more than necessary. The versatility of Ramos and Arbeloa can take a toll when entering the starting lineup.

Carlos Marchena (Valencia): 56 caps. One of the pillars of the locker room. Still living on the income left his magnificent performance in the Euro, since its own merits and should have left his post in the national team. In the selection noted for playing with a calm that on many occasions, has failed in his club. In theory, it is another player that will end in South Africa as it passes through the selection.

César Azpilicueta (Osasuna): The surprise on the defensive line coach. We all expected to Iraola or Monroe, but not Azpilicueta. The last two seasons of the Pamplona side have not gone unnoticed nor to Del Bosque, or for the big European clubs (we talk that Manchester City has already hired). It is a tirelessly side, always present in defense and attack, not without a good quality, mid-distance shot. However, another candidate seems clear to be discarded.


Xavi Hernandez (FC Barcelona): 84 caps. The brain of the selection and leader of it for the last two years. UEFA awarded him the best player of the last Euro to represent perfectly the virtues of the team. Is in a state of grace and should be the driver to take us to the championship. Since Luis Aragones ahead of him a few meters, has become a todocampista able to defend, organize, make the final pass and even score. Spain options go through your legs and especially his mind.

Xabi Alonso (Real Madrid): 66 caps. Tolosa midfielder has returned this year to our league and has become the indisputable conductor of Real Madrid. With Del Bosque seems to have earned a spot in the starting lineup, although the amount and quality players in midfield put the poster did not allow a permanent fixture of practically anyone. Its best feature is the long pass, which may be necessary to break the opponents defense systems, focusing on the game of touch handcuff selection. Furthermore, Spain is common to see him reach top positions.

Andrés Iniesta (FC Barcelona): 40 caps. One of the headaches Vicente. There has been continued this year because of injuries. It is essential for the team, as was demonstrated during his absence at the last Confederations Cup. Brings to the team the imbalance needed to break the defenses. Hopefully I can get in a position to South Africa.

David Silva (Valencia): 33 caps. A gem that has yet to explode worldwide. South Africa has the ideal setting to do so. The game selection is going wonderfully well and the fact of being surrounded by so many figures can give you the freedom to do even more damage. Worthy successor to Juan Carlos Valeron, tons of quality concentrates its limited 170 cm.

Cesc Fabregas (Arsenal): 48 caps. Another player to reach the finals in cotton. He was doing his best season at Arsenal until he injured a month and a half. He went to England as a child and there he learned to adapt his skill as an organizer and become a todocampista. It covers many meters of the field and is present in both defense and attack. In the Championship was the twelfth player Luis and, if lesions are allowed to, it appears that is destined to repeat that role in the World Cup.

Sergio Busquets (FC Barcelona): 11 caps. The big bet Vicente del Bosque in the midfield. Salamanca coach went for it, even where it was not a permanent fixture in his club. Now, Yaya Toure has sat and not unreasonable even holds in the World Cup. The coach is very confident about their chances. Noted for its placement, good ball and ability to force mistakes. Teatrero fame might harm, so you must tread carefully in the future.

Marcos Senna (Villarreal): 28 caps. Key in the victory during the Euro has lost weight in the era Del Bosque. It even seemed that he could lose World Cup, but the second half of the year has been very good and has entered on the list. In principle, its role in the World Cup will be different from a couple of years and partly as a deputy to cover absences from class if necessary. Whatever happens, Senna is a safe in case the coach has to use.

Juan Mata (Valencia): 7 caps. Another of the lads who had joined the group in recent years eurocampeones. The Spaniard is a dagger in the band and has a goal. It is also understood to sew with peers Silva and Villa, so its presence in South Africa seems to be assured. Will be a revolting case is complicated a game.

Jesus Navas (Sevilla): 3 caps. The Seville has managed to overcome their personal problems and is perfectly integrated in the environment of selection. Adaptation to spend long periods away from home is the only question that arouses his call for the World Cup because soccer is on merit. In a game of touch as the selection, Navas puts the sparkle and the overwhelming need to open up defenses.

Pedro Rodriguez (FC Barcelona): it is Don Pedro Pedrito. Appears to play a position in the list Navas, although it would be unfair for either keeping them away. Has done a year impressive, being a key player in Barca's title. It is also a fetish, and who has scored in all six competitions he has played this year with his club. He's smart and intuitive and has an amazing facility in the definition of the plays. Are you worth to be called or have to wait?

Santi Cazorla (Villarreal): 24 caps. He was a fixture in the Championship and remained so for the first year of Del Bosque. However, this season lost his place by the influx of young people and, above all, by an injury that set him apart from the pitch for three months. He has returned for the final leg of League and, curiously, his return and have improved Senna winning streak coincided with Villarreal. Anyway, it is difficult to repeat call a great appointment.

Javi Martínez (Athletic): As with De Gea or Azpilicueta, Harvey's presence at the screening is a reward for his excellent season and a warning to fans that these guys are over. The Navarre imposes its 1.90 in midfield, has strength, quality and a deadly shot. The major will soon be fighting over him.


David Villa (Valencia) 55 caps. The Guaje wants to become the leading scorer in the history of selection and it is headed. Sum 36 goals and is just eight of Raul, so the record is a matter of time. He was top scorer at Euro, but has a thorn stuck and could not play the final because of his injury in the semis. Go to the World Cup with a ravenous hunger.

Fernando Torres (Liverpool): 72 caps. Another who has spent the year in cotton and just go a World Cup. The debate around it was closed at the same time that had lunch with Lahm and scored the winning goal in the last European Championship. This year, despite injuries, his numbers are spectacular (18 goals in 22 games). Although the game selection is not the best for its features (speed and power), Torres has been able to adapt and give the team better.

Dani Guiza (Fenerbahce): 21 caps. One of the most passionate debates around open Güiza. Their numbers in Turkey two years have been mixed, but the selection is always answered. It seems that Del Bosque will remain in the list, though he was about to leave the team for indiscipline. Possibly more opportunistic striker you have the selection, ball playing, safety hazard.

Fernando Llorente (Athletic): 5 caps. The lion plays with Negredo a position in the list, but inclusion in the group of Jesus Navas and Peter temporadón would leave no room for both. Llorente's presence seems necessary if you need a tank to hang balloons at the last minute, although Athletic striker is much more than that. Has sufficient quality to earn a spot in the selection, although it may be later.

Álvaro Negredo (Sevilla): 4 caps. Real Madrid went to fight for a spot on the list, but his season at Sevilla has not been brilliant, it seems that in the end achieved its purpose. A whirlwind of force that must contribute to the team airpower. Should be called, will be the front room, so its presence in South Africa will, in principle, testimonial.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

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Men Girls Judges take the billboard

The film premieres this weekend are full of sensuality that draws a number of actresses who usually occupy positions of privilege in the usual rankings of the world's sexiest women. Thus, Elena Anaya, Jennifer Lopez, Leonor Watling Natasha Yarovenko or match on Friday when movie premiere in our country . However, the film does not forget other genres and fans of all types of movies have a reserved seat to enjoy the various developments.

One of the most anticipated releases is always controversial new film by Julio Medem: Room in Rome. Received with applause at the prestigious Festival de Málaga, recounts the meeting in a hotel between Russia (Natasha Yarovenko) and English (Elena Anaya). A hotel room in the center of Rome is the internal scenario in which two young women who have just to know, they go together in a physical adventure that will touch the soul . Everything happens in one night and early morning hours of a day of early summer 2008, before Rome set to each of them to where they belong, in the afternoon Alba will fly to Spain, and Natasha Russia. For twelve hours, these two women reveal their lives, hiding and protecting yourself first by fear of the attraction of no return, after allowing himself to the unknown landscape accompany each other, inhabited by their commitment and sincere love for their partners, in the case de Alba, a woman who has two children, and Natasha, his professor of Renaissance which will married next week. As in previous works of Medem, sex is an important part in the film's central plot .

The romantic comedy lovers have two choices: Plan B and Date Night. Plan B is the new Jennifer Lopez film tells the story of a woman who, tired of not finding the man of her dreams, decides to have a child attending a clinic for artificial insemination, where she meets the man of her dreams. Moreover, Date Night is the story of a married couple (Phil and Claire) that, after learning that two of his best friends are separating after a life similar to yours, they begin to fear what awaits them: an unremarkable scenario consequent indifference and separation. In an attempt to escape the autopilot in your weekly output, and hoping to give their lives a greater incentive, Phil decides to alter the usual plan and surprise Claire on a night that ends up turning into a crazy adventure .

For fans of classic American blockbuster thriller, the movie this week is A model citizen. The plot revolves around a man (Gerard Butler) who, having lost everything, is capable of anything for revenge, as his wife and daughter were brutally murdered ten years ago. Now, the criminals are on the street because the assistant district attorney (Jamie Foxx), who has agreed with them. After discovery, the man who lost his family begins to commit a series of murders that no one seems able to halt .

The fantasy genre fans have this week two very different proposals: one English and one Japanese. Magic Journey to Africa how, after his encounter with a child hospitalized Bushman, Jana, a girl of 10 years, will start a fantastic journey in search of children in Africa their land. Accompanied by his winged horse, meet Mel, her new best friend, and together we will live true adventure with animals, plants and fantastic creatures. With the help of her Fairy Magic (Leonor Watling), Jana cross the boundaries of imagination, learn to overcome the obstacles encountered in its path and fantastic creatures of the African savannah. In Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind , we are transported to distant future, a thousand years after a catastrophic war that caused a post-apocalyptic world . The Earth is covered by a forest full of mushrooms and giant insects and humans have been reduced to a few isolated people trying to survive barely on the edge of a forest is contaminated with toxic gases and giant mutant insects covering much of the Earth. Nausicaa is the princess of the Valley of the Wind, a tiny kingdom surrounded by powerful and hostile kingdoms, seeking to find a meaning to the forest is contaminated and is reluctant to see the insects as enemies. The crisis erupts when the neighboring kingdom of Tolmekia, invade the village and tries to revive a deadly "God of War" to triumph over his enemies and against contaminated forest.

For children of the house, the most appropriate choice would Little Nicholas , popular French comic strip that has been transferred to film. Nicholas lives happily and does not want things to change. But one day he hears a conversation between his parents which meant that his mother is "waiting" . She starts to imagine such terror that the worst thing is going to fall on a little brother that will capture all the care of their parents, to the extent that fear was abandoned in a forest as Tom Thumb.

Finally, true to the Hispano-American Film can enjoy the last summer Boyita, film that had a good review in the San Sebastian festival of the year past. The Boyita is a mobile home with the magical ability to float. A domestic amphibian species, a refuge for Jorgelina , a girl who is about to reach adolescence. Going on holiday to the countryside with his father, he meets Mario, a child who raises doubts Jorgelina not know how to cope.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

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Barcelona and Real Madrid solvent, a different way, their commitments this weekend and weekdays dispute their penultimate match of the day with the goal of continuing to make history in this league where the champion will add 98 or 99 points. If the previous day was the club who was playing in a complex field as El Madrigal, this will turn the tables and Real Madrid who will be seeking victory in a stadium this season is virtually impregnable the Ono Stadium.

But before this match, Barca will look to win today at home to Tenerife tomorrow to put pressure on Madrid. In principle, Barca face an affordable rival, whose coach looks to rest his three best players (Nino, Alfaro and Ayoze), thinking about the game against Almeria . The objective seems Oltra maintain a clean sheet as many minutes as possible and take to the field to their stars in the second half to take advantage of accumulated fatigue in the players Catalans. We'll see how it comes to technical Tenerife bet, although it seems very risky to rotate in this time of season when Tenerife points need to be saved, both the Nou Camp as Almeria.

For its part, will continue to rely on Guardiola canteranos to accompany Peter and Bojan Messi in attack, to the detriment of the stars from within: Henry, Ibrahimovic. Xavi will start, despite the injury and did not drag him from making a great game against Villarreal, including goal-kick. The only casualty sensitive for Santpedor (apart from Iniesta) remains the French Abidal to be replaced by Maxwell. The objective of Barca is the same as Villarreal sentenced to leave the game early and save face the harsh forces of the weekend engagement at the Sanchez Pizjuan .

Tomorrow will be the match of Real Madrid in Mallorca, where this year have won Barcelona and Seville. In addition, Manzano are playing the fourth place in the league, giving access to the preview of the Champions League. E l Pellegrini team play knowing the result of Barca, this being a double-edged sword, because in case of loss or tie Barca, motivation will be multiplied, but if they do not fail Guardiola, Real pressure to also increase exponentially . For this game, the Chilean coach Marcelo is low (which was the fifth yellow card on Sunday), plus the injured Van der Vaart and Raul. Eleven will be almost the same beat Osasuna, with input from Marcelo Garay and displacement to the right side of Ramos and, therefore, Arbeloa at left. The other question is presented in midfield, Guti enter by Barn, provided that the physical state of Torrejón permits.

Balearic On the whole everything is illusion. Despite economic problems (today has been known to Aduriz was about to return to Bilbao Mallorca because you can not afford the cost of his move), the team is doing a spectacular season, especially at home, which adds 14 wins, 1 draw and 2 defeats. Gregorio Manzano has no low-sensitive and will have its gala team to continue dreaming of playing Champions League next year .

The die is cast. It seems that presents a favorable time to Barcelona, \u200b\u200bespecially if waiver Oltra start aligning their three best men. At Madrid it seems that only a miracle Tenerife is expected to continue their own struggle against the best team in the world. Perhaps the story (and Tenerife) will return to Chamartin This year one of the two leagues that chichacherros taken away from the early 90 . This is football and anything is possible.