Friday, May 30, 2008

Wart Like Bump On My Stomach

Daemon Maxwell

remember writing in a medieval character gets to see the phrase, "the devil enters the man through the woman." It is clear that sexual pleasure is one of many pleasures that leads to states of consciousness, often altered that are easily confused with, divine ecstasy (in Middle Eastern cultures and in Hinduism) or designed to address personal "demons." But my encounter with "those" (because they can not say if they or them) has been more than an altered state of mind, has crossed the imaginary, or that terror is sometimes manifieciesta in the howling wind or hitting a branch on the cold window. No. My meetings are daily.
beings are cold, pale, and eyes without pupils. The cold chills your spine emanating and makes you turn on the lonely nights to a look that you know is there in the void. But when he approaches you feel an intense heat, burning, as if capable of acting on each molecule by selecting the hot taking them to severe cold and cold molecules in a heat that burns anything in these gaps between the skin.
terror invaded me from the first time I felt, on awakening in the middle of the night and see it as dark shadows against the bed watching, unchanging, motionless, expectant.
was afraid of being possessed, but may already have been. Maybe know your name provide an exorcism.
-Maxwell, Maxwell, Maxwell "I repeated a thousand times but more than ward off the creature, seemed to call. Each time was more frequently found. Always silent. With slow movements. Cold in the neck. Gradually
terror was diluted. Maybe I understood the metaphor and learned to live with my demons. But really were / are mine? Do not take someone else's demons? Or is that perhaps my silence is so much like him that has felt comfortable with me?. Gradually
this being a longer instill fear and a cold body does not instill a warm body heat. Gradually, that look black, hollow, empty, let me see the fear. I feel a perverse pleasure, to feel their silent cry. Never let you go.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Beetel Phones Service Centre In Navi Mumbai

"Little Allen monologue style"

I've been thinking, and re-reading sentences from Woody Allen to read I account the difference between a philosopher and a comedian is that the philosopher was never takes into account and writing topics that touch them seriously if maybe I would feel very bad.
So nice to present this "Small Monologue Allen style"

that I've always wondered why the people who most love is when you least a real relationship?

Maybe it's because the relationships have more to do with money, fun or some acostón in a "cave" which only creates conflict when you love a woman who went to dive with someone else ..

feelings have never built realities. Unfortunately only when feelings are yours if not, you feel a character in the Godfather or Humphrey Bogart. Thinking about emotional intelligence but vote me focus my emotions just got

If what counts is the inner reality fuck So that external reality exists?

sounds like the God we all wish we did not have much confidence to reveal its
"divine plan." Or I see him as a schizophrenic zealous in the Old Testament that has taken endorphins to write the New Testament.

always talk more than you unless you have the TV songs, can not go a day without you hear the word love But how many times you see it, or what you really feel? Is that why God is love ?

What if Matthew 7:15 Matthew 7:15 says "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves" Where the hell they get these clothes of a wolf? "Lambs among wolves "I think the sky is made of