Sunday, May 6, 2007

Is Jim White A Rangers Fan

The Ark and the Virgin

- It brings you a wing girl. Is not that so? "That's what the captain told the boy Santiago, overlooking the stern of the boat, with a blank stare.
The aim was to dispel the tension that had developed after the captain strongly scolded the boy, to find out asleep at the computer, waiting for the signal of the international center.

"No Captain, this time is wrong, melancholy may arise for many reasons that a woman herself to save the last sentence, and less Mariana, which is the only woman in the boat, and that despite my "chivalry" is not shown even a little kinder -

"Then what's wrong, boy? Since we left the port of Zurich, you are only looking wistfully over the stern, sleeping, or trying to "throw you" to Mariana. The expression of the boy, the last part of the sentence had fallen like a bomb.

The boy answered more commitment to engage in a conversation

"Sorry captain, but sometimes our work is exhausting-

- Exhausting?. Hogwash child. Get busy .- The visible change in attitude was not surprised at all to Andrew. Captain Santiago

walked away mumbling, could not understand the whining and irresponsible boy, before such an important mission. However, after all, had not lived the great submergence, he told himself. As much as he was the son of Dr. Madow, did not have to know the importance of their mission.

"I'll talk to him, after dinner, she thought as she headed to the control room.

After a few hours, all the yacht crew search and rescue Asimov, sat at the table in front a stew of bacilli.
really was not a very large table. Dr. Madow, scientific commander, his face unchanging and always very distant from his son Andrew, Mariana and Dr. Donald assistants and five sailors. "If

boy," said Captain James, the satisfied and Andrew. If this mass of bacteria that eat now, you seemed appetizing, You should have tried the stew of pork with herb ash, or chicken broth .- Upon noticing a series of argument prying eyes - now by the look that I throw, you who think I'm a barbarian, but at that time was the most common and the truth was very tasty.
It seemed that the captain had read the boy's mind, which, almost immediately, his father asked permission to retire, with only a gesture. The doctor under his head slightly, giving a tacit approval. The captain, Andrew stopped again with a change in the tone of his voice.

-boy, before you go, like, that is if your father allows it, you hear something, "The young man looked again into his father, which again made the gesture before, but this time with a sign hand asking to sit down.

Without looking at anyone the captain continued - "I was one of caution and great commitment, your father has to rescue the international association, and that order is maintained, in secrecy each of our actions "- Dr. Madow launched an angry look that is not answered .-

-" This time we're not going to take pictures of any museum legendary, no boy, this time there is Louvre or the Prado, this time the mission is more difficult and risky. I need all of Asimov's crew know where to go and the importance of this mission .-

The boy was tempted to stop talking to the captain of his dreams of greatness, as he remembered the first to accompany his father. At that time diving by a pyramidal structure of glass and entered a submerged palace, never remember the name of the place, except when I mentioned as now "the Louvre." However, the boy's curiosity was aroused What more important to rescue the art treasures of mankind?.

- Boy-seeking the face of Andrew, the captain questioned "Do you know what it was Norway? - The boy laughed at a challenge almost as simple, answering in an almost robotic-

- 59.54 degrees north and 10.45 east at borders with the ancient kingdoms of Sweden, Russia and Finland .-

"I see you've memorized well what your father taught you. Well, let me tell you something. Norway was more than a cosmic boar, killed in an imaginary kingdom of warriors, or Valhalla, dwarf and realms of ice. In recent years before the sinking, was a constitutional monarchy, with the lowest global corruption index. That kingdom knew that his world would disappear one day and they ....-
I prefer to say, my son, the objective of the mission-.Interrumpió Dr. Madow taking an attitude of resignation to the inevitable.
"Whatever doctor, in order that the child is aware and follow this work, however small it may be, knowing that everyone depends on everyone and we can not have more than negligence -

" Son, do not you think it unusual in this journey you have joined Mariana? -
The girl smiled at Andrew knew it was the center of attention. The question made sense because Mariana despite their educational level was not a regular part of rescue missions Asimov.

"Your mission in this ship is to be" carrier "resurgence" Andrew made a motion with his head, revealing his discomfort, as if he was bothered by the "inaccessibility" of Mariana. Now I knew that she really was the real reason for the new mission. Dr. Madow

ongoing - As the captain had begun to say, the Kingdom of Norway knew in advance what we know as the "great depression" -
"And because they were not prepared-ask intrigued and I did not imagine that humanity in ancient times could have known the sinking

-O yes, yes, they did. Read this header "Dr. Madow sack an ancient newspaper clipping, from a leather folder he kept in a portfolio, which carried it everywhere, as if afraid that one day I had to explain what is now explained

" Read it aloud high-
January 12, 2006

plan to build a "Noah's Ark" for the case of a global catastrophe
The Norwegian government plans to build a "Noah's Ark "2 million seeds from all the plants of the world, to save the planet's future in case of nuclear war, asteroid impact or the destruction of Earth by the effects of climate change, said Thursday the British newspaper The Guardian.

- Our mission is to rescue those seeds and return to the world's plant species have disappeared in recent centuries? But what has that to do with Mariana? -

"All .....- sure the doctor said. - What this note does not say is that at that time, some genetic research, were banned and therefore would have been "unethical" to announce what they actually did-

- And what did they do? -

"That alleged Ark, not only contains seeds, also fertilized cell contains thousands of different species of animals and insects that inhabited the land before the mass extinction and the collapse. Donald said "This (the teacher's aide). That whole evening was not off his lips. But he said with a sad voice, almost hollow. Continued the explanation however that no one wanted to take.

- As you know now, species of plants and animals do not exceed 50, the entire planet. This is because when you deploy massively genetic advances of those years, without warrant a global genetic research, outside commercial laboratories, no one realized until too late was not enough to discover the sequence of forming the genetic code of species, but differences in nanometer-degree angle of a genetic base molecule, causing the rapid change and subsequent gradual sterility in both sexes. What caused the long run the mass extinction of species -

- Yes, but what Mariana has to do all that? -

"She will serve as a living incubator of many of these cells .- He said the captain in a strict while left the room.

The desktop was not done at all, were Andrew Marian and Donald taking a bluish liquid slowly while commenting.

"If Andrew, do not blame you for having attempted to Mariana, is very beautiful,"

Mariana fortified with Donald comment, thanks and do not know what to say, however, maintains the look on Donald's face.

"But why you? - Ask Andrew directly to Mariana Why not a machine? -

"I could be, progesterone and human estrogen must be present and active to impersonate the womb of the species are to recover and at the same time should not have started distributing endorphins that are only produced by the brain from the first sex. As they block the possibility of development of the fetus-

- Meaning? - Question Andrés unfamiliar with technical terminology, but when his father explains slowly.

"It must be a human female reproductive-age virgin Donald replied, visibly annoyed, and drunk-As if to throw a sacrifice to a dragon or a volcano. No? - Mariana

almost forgetting that Andrew was present, replied in French in sweet tone, the drunk guy. Andrew knew French and German because of the many pressures of their father, they obviously ignored

- Donald, and you I said that's not a question of feelings, this is more important than you or myself. Please stop this attitude and even more when the child is present .-
- The boy!, The boy! Could kill the jerk for the way you look, perhaps because in her eyes I recognize luxurious beast!

Andrew, could barely contain the rage that was heard, as was referred to, but must continue the charade. The show was not speaking French.

- Mariana're right, this is all crap, but you're right, I hide-

"Yes boy, she is a virgin and will continue to reach the" ark " in the ancient kingdom of Norway and save many species - spoke in language that "everyone" could "understand."

"Humanity sacrifices required to pay some very high child Do not you think? - Donald said finally, standing and swaying vilentantamente the table to the door, same swept to go on deck. Well

Mariana Andres Sigh .- Now you know the mission of Asimo. Not that you're a good lad utter almost ironic "It's just that I can not match the head tilting continued .-" The truth is, not if you got scolded the captain was asleep waiting for the message, or because it was making me jokes in morning. I said nothing

believe me-"Do not worry - I answer Andrés -
But one thing is sown in his concern that night. Of who should care for "the virgin" but Donald was asked. Should I tell the captain? .

The days passed and the weather became more extreme, the cold was high.
The melting of the poles, which had caused the great collapse, did not stop in the northern latitudes, the cold was not enough bearable.
The search had been extended.

The maps, he looked only marked the place as a mountain from which as expected only a small tip would be gushing water.

The Asimov had the best technology. As I said the same crew, was coy many works in the Prado Museum and Luvre. But the location "the ark" is difficult because the water generated by sub-levels before mountain formations, made the bottom is unknown. However, after three weeks arrived at the place marked.

Captain Santiago, took the five men, to explore the place. Leaving just the science crew. Meanwhile

Dr. Madow, to study some books Andrew on the incubation process in humans and the chemical process to break the immune defense of the species barrier. However

Andrés could not concentrate. Alerts rang in his head.
- The crew is trying to enter the chamber, the ark and my father is here with me.
- should go looking for Donald and Maria do not you father? -
- Santiago not let them rest, they both expect tough days-
- But you do not understand
father - I do not understand that? -

At that time Captain James arrived with a huge smile on his face.

"We managed to get the camera, is a bunker full of passages Cryogenic boxes with seeds and fertilized cell-

Andrés Then jump on the desktop where studying the texts that his father asked. Finding an excuse ran into the room saying Mariana - I notice Mariana and Donald Her rapid footsteps echoed throughout the Asimov. But then, neither the doctor, the captain or his men heard more but a terrified scream.

All fell quickly to the cabin Mariana. Professor Madow be inclined to pick up Andrew who had fainted on the floor. The feet and legs of the sailors and the captain placed himself, with a view to the opposite side from where Andrew lay, did not allow Dr. Madow see what others saw. Raising Andrew in his arms stood up.

Mariana and Donald saw two nooses hanging naked, with a role in the rope of the boy, saying

"We did it for love" Epilogue

After a year and must explain the partial failure of the first mission . Asimov's crew returned to the scene, this time, they brought two girls. A call Eva and another Mary. Entered the chamber and fertilized.
The first fertilization should be of the same animals with human metabolism.
The women delivered the first group of rats and pigs in the New World.
Humanity was saved.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Travesti Professionals

Without memory moves
constant pain that is virtually silent on
real inconsistency disappears and does not impact

The rate of deaths
nonsense tired of loving dry function
heavy load of joy and smiles
bloody fight

You've gone pretext
love the vacuum to exist is faced
hesitate to follow me
crying and walking, never strong fall.

understand my shortcomings
exhausting in ornate outside backs Shadowland

all silent.